高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the different types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.base on the table has been given.we can know the percentage of single old person is 6.and the a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/26 10:07:38

高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the different types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.base on the table has been given.we can know the percentage of single old person is 6.and the a
The table shows a list of the different types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.base on the table has been given.we can know the percentage of single old person is 6.and the aged couple is 4 comorise about 50thousands couple who is poor.the single and couple of no children is parting as 19 percent and 7 percent.The largest one is the mumber of sole parent,which is 21 percent.It has alomst 5 times of lowest one which is the number of old couple,The couple with children of Australia in 1999 is 12percent.its the third large number of the total.moreover the avenge level of household is 11%,equal around two million people,so my conclusion is the single people who has on child and sole parent is more likely to be poverty than others.......(please mark out any mistake for me including grammer,spelling,words useing..etc.thx :) ma QQ:624269444

高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the different types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.base on the table has been given.we can know the percentage of single old person is 6.and the a
The table shows a list of the families living in poverty in Australia in 1999. Based on the table we have been given. We know the percentage of single elderly person is 60, and aged couples are 40, comprosing about 50,000 couples who are poor. The singles and couples without children is 19 percent and 7 percent.The highest is the number of sole parents,which are 21 percent.It has almost 5 times of lowest one - the old couples. Couples with children in Australia is 12percent in 1999. It's the third large number in that year. Moreover the average level of poverty is 11%,which equals to around two million people. In conclusion, singles who has only one child or sole parents are more likely to be in poverty than others.
我现在在加拿大留学,改改你的文章应该没问题.语法错误我都给你改过来了,但是有些部分的意思没看明白,按照文章的大概,勉强猜出来了.我抽出这么多时间来帮你,给我加点分咯~ 呵呵

高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the different types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.base on the table has been given.we can know the percentage of single old person is 6.and the a 想考雅思 请大家帮我推荐一下比较好的词汇 听力 写作 口语 方面的书? 给位高手给我一张英语的成绩单,里面包括:雅思口语,雅思听力,雅思阅读,雅思写作,不要雅思的样板成绩 英语高手们帮我分析一下我的四级成绩听力 144阅读 146综合 40写作 93 可以帮我发一个十天突破雅思写作吗我的QQ是39008620 哪位英语高手来帮我总结一下介词的用法?越快越好 各位高手来帮我求一下阴影部分的面积!单位是厘米. 请高手帮我分析一下我的英语四级成绩 我的总分是:498,其中听力:160 阅读:184综合:63 写作:91. 请问雅思剑6 test 4阅读是不是相比其他的test难?大家有没有相同的感觉? 我雅思写作能考多少之前没接触过雅思写作,网上看了看各个分数段的例文,也看不出什么门道,这里高手多,我就来打算写一篇,各位前辈来看看吧.我随便看到个题目,说是学生用电脑做作业好不 求雅思六听力test1答案 谢谢您好.请问可不可以给我发一下雅思六听力test 1的答案. 谢谢了 我已经买了十天突破系列,请问新东方出的雅思口语9分雅思写作9分的教材怎么样,请推荐一下雅思口语和写作的书,刘洪波的雅思口语真经也有了. 写作高手们.帮帮忙.品味生活,感悟成长高手们.我过几天要演讲.《品味生活,感悟成长》为题,那位高手帮我写一下吖.很急的.最好是原创. 六级高手帮我分析一下六级成绩和提高策略?您的成绩总分:408听力:106阅读:170综合:44写作:88 麻烦英语高手给我的四级分数点评一下!成绩总分:508 听力:181 阅读:189 综合:54 写作:84麻烦高手帮我从各方面点评一下,谢谢! 高手帮我做一下复变函数的题 英语翻译麻烦英语高手来帮我翻译一下,这句话,“美容美发用品公司”最好翻译的比较准确,精确 雅思作文修改想请雅思写作高手们帮我修改下文章啊.300多字,知道会很打扰大家,但还是很希望热心的朋友能从大致上给我宝贵的意见.细节的我自己慢慢改.非常感谢了.Happiness is considered very im