怎么用MATLAB求解如Dy = y+1/y 的微分方程初值为y(0)=y0,请给一种这种非线性微分方程的普遍解法,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/10 14:21:23

怎么用MATLAB求解如Dy = y+1/y 的微分方程初值为y(0)=y0,请给一种这种非线性微分方程的普遍解法,
怎么用MATLAB求解如Dy = y+1/y 的微分方程

怎么用MATLAB求解如Dy = y+1/y 的微分方程初值为y(0)=y0,请给一种这种非线性微分方程的普遍解法,
>> syms x y0
>> y=dsolve('Dy=y+1/y','y(0)=y0','x')
y =
>> help dsolve
DSOLVE Symbolic solution of ordinary differential equations.
DSOLVE('eqn1','eqn2',...) accepts symbolic equations representing
ordinary differential equations and initial conditions.Several
equations or initial conditions may be grouped together,separated
by commas,in a single input argument.
By default,the independent variable is 't'.The independent variable
may be changed from 't' to some other symbolic variable by including
that variable as the last input argument.
The letter 'D' denotes differentiation with respect to the independent
variable,i.e.usually d/dt.A "D" followed by a digit denotes
repeated differentiation; e.g.,D2 is d^2/dt^2.Any characters
immediately following these differentiation operators are taken to be
the dependent variables; e.g.,D3y denotes the third derivative
of y(t).Note that the names of symbolic variables should not contain
the letter "D".
Initial conditions are specified by equations like 'y(a)=b' or
'Dy(a) = b' where y is one of the dependent variables and a and b are
constants.If the number of initial conditions given is less than the
number of dependent variables,the resulting solutions will obtain
arbitrary constants,C1,C2,etc.
Three different types of output are possible.For one equation and one
output,the resulting solution is returned,with multiple solutions to
a nonlinear equation in a symbolic vector.For several equations and
an equal number of outputs,the results are sorted in lexicographic
order and assigned to the outputs.For several equations and a single
output,a structure containing the solutions is returned.
If no closed-form (explicit) solution is found,an implicit solution is
attempted.When an implicit solution is returned,a warning is given.
If neither an explicit nor implicit solution can be computed,then a
warning is given and the empty sym is returned.In some cases involving
nonlinear equations,the output will be an equivalent lower order
differential equation or an integral.
dsolve('Dx = -a*x') returns
ans = C1*exp(-a*t)
x = dsolve('Dx = -a*x','x(0) = 1','s') returns
x = exp(-a*s)
y = dsolve('(Dy)^2 + y^2 = 1','y(0) = 0') returns
y =
[ sin(t)]
[ -sin(t)]
S = dsolve('Df = f + g','Dg = -f + g','f(0) = 1','g(0) = 2')
returns a structure S with fields
S.f = exp(t)*cos(t)+2*exp(t)*sin(t)
S.g = -exp(t)*sin(t)+2*exp(t)*cos(t)
dsolve('Dy = y^2*(1-y^2)') returns
Warning:Explicit solution could not be found; implicit solution returned.
ans =
dsolve('Df = f + sin(t)','f(pi/2) = 0')
dsolve('D2y = -a^2*y','y(0) = 1,Dy(pi/a) = 0')
S = dsolve('Dx = y','Dy = -x','x(0)=0','y(0)=1')
S = dsolve('Du=v,Dv=w,Dw=-u','u(0)=0,v(0)=0,w(0)=1')
w = dsolve('D3w = -w','w(0)=1,Dw(0)=0,D2w(0)=0')
y = dsolve('D2y = sin(y)'); pretty(y)
See also solve,subs.
Reference page in Help browser
doc dsolve


怎么用MATLAB求解如Dy = y+1/y 的微分方程初值为y(0)=y0,请给一种这种非线性微分方程的普遍解法, 如何用matlab求解dy/dt=1+y^2方程的解 微分方程求解:型如dx=y+z;dy=x-z;dz=dx+3dy的微分方程用matlab能求解吗? 用MATLAB求解微分方程dy/dx-2y/(x+1)=(x+1)^5/2 微分方程d^2y/dt^2-dy/dt+y=1,y0=0,y1=0.怎么用matlab求解啊 Dy=4*y(x-5)用matlab怎么解 我想用matlab中的ode45 求解常微分方程(Dy)^2-3*Dy+2y=1,y(0)=1,Dy(0)=0.我想用matlab中的ode45 求解常微分方程(Dy)^2-3*Dy+2y=1,y(0)=1,Dy(0)=0.y是关于t的函数求解t=0.5时的y值 .这是我编写的M文件function ydot=DyDt(t,y dy/dx=√(2*(y^3/3+0.9711-y)) 如何用matlab求解出不定积分用desolve求解的话会出现以下几个问题1.>> dsolve('Dy=(2*(y^3+1-y+0.9711))^0.5')Warning:Explicit solution could not be found; implicit solution returned.> In dsolve at 310an 请问怎么用matlab求解既有微分方程又有一般方程的混合方程组啊dy(1)=a1*t+b1*y(1); y(2)=a2+b2*(t-y(1)); dy(3)=-a3*y(2)*(y(3)-t)/y(1) 请注意第二个方程没有微分,其中ab都是常数,想得到y(1)-t,y(2)-t,y(3)-t的图形 用matlab求解常微分这个程序怎么编的啊?我想编一个matlab程序,使用ode45求解:dy/dx=(y^2+5)*(x+6).x范围是0到5,y0=0.5 请帮忙用Matlab求解微分方程dy/dt=[k^(t-1)*y-d]y并且怎样用图像表示呢?谢谢啊! 用matlab求y=f(x),y''=y^2的数值解,待解方程为:y=f(x),y''=y^2,即y的二阶导等于y的平方边界条件:y(0)=1,y'(100)=0用matlab函数ode45求解function dy=test(x,y)dy=zeros(2,1);dy(1)=y(2);dy(2)=[y(1)]^1;end[X,Y]=ode45('test',[0 100 matlab求解数值积分,知F(x,y),求Fx(x)=∫F(x,y)dy,用什么样的调用格式,x保留符号,积分限已知您好:如求Fx(X)=∫x^(1.333^y)dy,积分限为上1,下0.另外还有在数值积分中是不是积分限不能是正负无穷,当积 y'+y-y^(2/3)=0; x=0:0.1:1 怎么用matlab求解? matlab 求导数后求解如y=exp(x),求解y'=e,用matlab编程实现 matlab ode45的问题%定义函数function dy = For_y( t,y )dy=zeros(2,1);Dy(1)=y(2);Dy(2)=2;end %求解微分方程[Tget,Yget]=ode45(@For_y,[0 10],[0,0]);plot(Tget,Yget,'-*');%得出的图%同样的方程用dsolve函数就可以求y=dsolve( matlab ode45求解微分方程 D2y-0.01*Dy.^2+2*y=sin(t),初始值0 微分方程dy/dx=x/y+k怎么求解?