
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 19:25:29

关键词:商业银行 个人金融业务 发展现状 发展方向对策

With the continuing development of technology,the economy in every country has been developing in a sustained,fast and healthy way over the past hundreds of years.in china,with the development of economy,the finacing concept of residents and investment will were enhanced.the need for financial service is increasing,the personel financial service development has been of strategic meaning to the development of commercial bank.with the increasing of the residents' income and financial assets,the structure of finicail assets start to change from singleness to multielement,the financial consciousness of residents is enhacing.in the middle and later 90's ,personal financial service has slowly become a main field in the financial product and the creativity of service,and it has also become a mian link of competition among bank industry.
the commercial banks are fighting to make financial service as a main development so the personal financial service has been developing in a rapid pace.it has become one of the main resources of the banks' profit.after the reform and opening policy in china and the continuing development of socialist
marketing economy,the income of residents is increasing and family and individuals have become the main power of the investment and consumption in deveolpment of economy.
when china participated in WTO,the opening time of bank industry is within 2 years after the paticipation of WTO,it allow the foreign banks to establish the RMB service:within 5 years,it gives the permission of the interfering from foregin banks and the opening of RMB retail business.they can have the national reatment in some paticular areas.chinese bank industry are facing the intensehe impact from foreign banks.
over the past few years,chinese are eagering for comprehensive and high-leveled service of commercial banks with the accumulation and expansion of individual wealth.this also pushes the the development of chinese individual financial service.however,with the restaint of domestic market environment and the level of technological development in banks,the market needs can't be fufilled by the development speed of individual financial service and the level of service.under this circumstances,it is very meanningful to explore the development of individual financial service in chinese commercial banks.this passage trys to analyse in ways of development of the domestic commercial banks and make comparision with the individual financial service of foreign banks.it points out the existing problems of the development of individual financial service in chinese commercial banks.it also uses the experience of development of individual finaicial service in foreign banks for reference and offers some developmental strategies against the development of individual financial service in chinese commercial banks.

英语翻译随着科学技术的不断发展,近百年来各国国民经济也都朝着持续、快速、健康地的方向发展.在我国,随经济的发展,居民的理财观念和投资意愿不断增强,在金融服务方面的需求也日益 随着科学技术的进步和经济的不断发展以及中国加入WTO英语怎么说 关于中国近百年来的屈辱 英语翻译随着当今社会科学技术的不断发展,汽车的转向系统也日渐趋于完善.但是为了更好的、更加有效率的完成工作,就要有合理的、先进的转向系统来支持汽车的正常的运行,使之正常工作 科学技术的不断发展()着世界 语文练习册的答案-第13课..六年级(下)蕴藏()填关联词```随着科学技术的不断发展,利用海水的运动来发电已经( )遥不可及的梦想,( )美好的现实. 英语翻译摘要:优生学是提高人口素质的一项重要措施,是研究如何改良人的遗传素质,产生优秀后代的学科.但随着科学技术的不断发展,以及人们利用优生学的技术,从事违反伦理,道德的研究 英语翻译随着世界经济和科学技术的不断发展,地铁作为城市基础设施,具有高效、环保、准时、站点密集等特点,越来越得到社会各界认可,逐步成为城市公共交通的骨干.通过对世界各大城市 英语翻译:随着世界经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,娱乐活动也越来越多种多样. 近百年来中国历史上著名的大地震谢谢了, 中国近百年来所受的屈辱 近百年来发生过几次月食,要以前的 近百年来世界上发生了哪些重大的战争? 英语翻译随着科学技术的不断发展,出现了一种新的技术---多媒体.新技术所带来的新感觉是以往任何时候都无法想象的.多媒体技术的开发和应用,使人类社会工作和生活的方方面面都沐浴着新 英语翻译自己翻译的不好,麻烦大家翻译下,正文:随着我国经济的不断发展,基础建设和固定资产投资不断加强,工程造价咨询逐渐进入我国,并在近些年来迅速发展,为我国的工程建设提供了优 近百年来发生过几次月食 近百年来发生过几次日食 近百年来有几次日食