
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 15:44:01


In-school essay contest,I got the first prize after two rounds.I am good at oral expression and response to an expected questions.I am strong in three-dimensional composition,won a first- and second-prize.I have achieved the qualification certificates.I have 2 years' experience in patent rights management,and I can help companies with better protection of technological achievements.

In the contest, after two defense,I won the first prize, as
well as the good oral
expression ability. I'm relatively good at the three-dimensional aspect, won
a first ward, a second...


In the contest, after two defense,I won the first prize, as
well as the good oral
expression ability. I'm relatively good at the three-dimensional aspect, won
a first ward, a second ward, and have the relevant qualification certificate. I have 2 years experience of patent rights, can help enterprises protect their technology better.


In the college essay contest, I won the first prize after two open replies. I
have good oral and emergency handling abilities. I'm much better
in three-dimensional composition of a picture and...


In the college essay contest, I won the first prize after two open replies. I
have good oral and emergency handling abilities. I'm much better
in three-dimensional composition of a picture and have won a first and a
second prize, for which I have got the relevant qualification certificates.
With the two-year experience in protecting patent rights, I can better
protect technological achievements of the enterprises.


英语翻译在校论文大赛中,经过两次答辩,获得一等奖,有良好的口头表达以及应变能力.我在三维构图方面比较强,获过一次一等、一次二等,并有相关的资格认证证书.我有2年的专利维权方面的 论文怎么答辩 答辩时什么是论文立论依据?在答辩过程中问的写作论文时立论的主要依据指的是什么?应该怎么回答? 结合材料,谈谈大学生如何实现自己的人生价值.31、范某,某重点大学学生.在校期间,通过英语6级考试,发表两篇论文,获计算机高级程序员证书,自学全部研究生课程,两次献血,每周与同学去敬老 英语翻译论文中使用, 英语翻译沈阳市大东区劳动路234号 论文情况邮 编良好在校表现 用英语翻译:在校篮球队中,他是我最喜欢的队员. 谁能帮我出几个关于“企业文化”论文的答辩题目? 求助英语翻译“经过两次磨练”,希望简洁一些,谢谢! 用英语翻译他在校足球队 超市就在校区内.(英语翻译) 学位论文参考文献中不能引用硕士论文【D】吗 难道只能不限【M】【J】【C】吗学院现在答辩结束 说这个D在学士论文终不能出现 要改 可是这样硬改 才不对啊~ 实践教学论文大赛英语怎么说? 在校两次获得二等奖学金 怎么用英语说? 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译下这个句子,后天要答辩! 论文两次世界大战的原因 “论文答辩”,“答辩论文”英语怎么说?做名词和动词分别怎么说? 英语翻译论文