
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 10:55:09


letter was a carrier which was used to communicate in the ancient.
However,the mobile phone has been the medi-resonance between people`s communication in nowadays world.therefore,I hold the opinion that the product has the selling point whose appearance is designed by mix the two things` thought selects if it is turned into material object

Letters are the medium for communication in the ancient society.
However, mobile phones are used for commucation in nowadays socity.
Hence, we design the sample by using the same nature of the two stuffs.
I believe the product should be sold well.

In ancient, letter is the carrier of communication, while nowadays cell phone become the medium of infomation exchange among people.So if this appearance design, which expresses the connection between letter and cell phone, can be realized, it should be a very attractive selling point.

Letter is used to communicate in the ancient carrier, which is now the world's mobile phone communication medium between people, so thinking of using two items point of resonance, the design of their appearance, I believe, if made in kind, should be very selling point.

英语翻译信在古代是用来沟通的载体,而手机是现今世界人与人之间的交流中介,所以,运用两件物品思想点的共鸣,设计了其外观,相信如果做成实物,应该是非常具有卖点的. 古代人们是怎么运信的? 古代人们是怎么运信的? 是用英语翻译:从那时起,我和我的家庭成员比亿万人用来处理信息,并通过因特网在世界范围内彼此沟通谢谢·用英语翻译是被亿万人·~~~ 英语翻译:在古代,风筝被用来做什么? 在古代各国语言不通的情况下如何进行沟通的,也就是说翻译是如何形成的? 英语翻译摘要 银饰 作为一种文化现象在 上曾被许多民族青睐,成为多元 文化 交流的载体之一.在这一载体中,融合有来自南方 少数民族 的 耳档 ,起源于北方少数民族的“跳脱”,以及从古代 英语翻译沟通是秘书是重要的能力.沟通包括与上级的沟通,与顾客的沟通,与同事的沟通. 在古代.信又称为什么? 煤油纸是干什么用的呢?煤油纸在古代主要用来做什么的? 英语翻译手机只是用来跟你问好的, 古代形容信的词 载体蛋白是在哪里合成的? 既然载体蛋白是跨膜蛋白而非像在膜内外表面的蛋白质,那么跨膜蛋白与载体蛋白有什么区别? 黑洞的产生会存在另一个空间吗?可能.因为宇宙可以是个载体而黑洞产生只是在载体上开了个口. 英语翻译论雕塑艺术的特质摘 要城市环境雕塑简称城市雕塑,是现代城市建设和环境艺术的产物。现代城市雕塑与古代雕塑在功能上有本质的不同,古代雕塑主要服务于宗教,以雕塑为载体 欧信手机L19的电池是重复用 古代时候的时候粤语和其他语言是怎么沟通的