帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢!(二)CausesIn 2001, banks were deregulated in Iceland. This set the stage for banks to upload debts when foreign companies were accumulated. The crisis unfolded when banks became unable to refinance th

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帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢!(二)CausesIn 2001, banks were deregulated in Iceland. This set the stage for banks to upload debts when foreign companies were accumulated. The crisis unfolded when banks became unable to refinance th
In 2001, banks were deregulated in Iceland. This set the stage for banks to upload debts when foreign companies were accumulated. The crisis unfolded when banks became unable to refinance their debts. It is estimated that the three major banks hold foreign debt in excess of €50 billion,[4] or about €160,000 per Icelandic resident, compared with Iceland's gross domestic product of €8.5 billion. As early as March 2008, the cost of private deposit insurance for deposits in Landsbanki and Kaupthing was already far higher (6–8½% of the sum deposited) than for other European banks. The króna, which was ranked by The Economist in early 2007 as the most overvalued currency in the world (based on the Big Mac Index), has further suffered from the effects of carry trading.

帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢!(二)CausesIn 2001, banks were deregulated in Iceland. This set the stage for banks to upload debts when foreign companies were accumulated. The crisis unfolded when banks became unable to refinance th
在2001年,银行在冰岛解除管制.这将为银行债务时,外国公司被上传.当银行危机展开为他们无力偿还债务.据估计这三个主要银行持有外国债务超过2亿美元,[4]大约60,000欧元/冰岛的居民,与之相比,冰岛的国内生产总值约为50亿美元的欧元.早在2008年3月的私有存款保险的费用为矿床和Kaupthing Landsbanki已经远高于(6-8½%的金额存入银行,比其他欧洲)克朗的,这是由《经济学人》在2007年初在世界上最被高估的货币(基于巨无霸指数),进一步受影响的交易.

哪位英语学的好,帮我翻译一下,句子不难,就是要对,请不要拿翻译器翻译,谢谢(选项不用翻译) 帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢!(二)CausesIn 2001, banks were deregulated in Iceland. This set the stage for banks to upload debts when foreign companies were accumulated. The crisis unfolded when banks became unable to refinance th 帮忙翻译一下,不要翻译器的 英语高手帮我翻译一下,好的话追加奖励80-100,不要翻译器, 英语翻译贪恋 贪念 这两个词语,帮我翻译一下,不要在线翻译器, 谁来帮我翻译,不要翻译器的!谢谢新疆维吾尔自治区 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州 库尔勒市 梨乡南路12号花洲洗浴休闲会馆 请帮我把以上地址翻译成英语!谢谢!不要翻译器翻的哦! 请帮我句子翻译英文.曾经的拥有,只是过眼云烟.不要再百度的翻译器翻译哦 谢谢高手来 英语翻译- -我不要翻译器翻译的啊~ 高二的英语,求大神帮我翻译一下文章,分段翻译,谢谢 庆幸有你陪我走过2009 用英语怎么说帮我翻译一下,不要用翻译器哦 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话,不要翻译器当一个人和手里的吉他融为一体的时候,才是一个完整的人. 请英语高手帮我翻译一下论文摘要 尽量不要用翻译器 摘要:随着我国经济的发展以及高等教育事业的不断的改 求梵文的“曼珠沙华”翻译,不要翻译器,谢谢了 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话,最好是地道的美语,不要翻译器的谢谢因为我一直知道这幸福不是属于我的,我只是在得到怜悯. 我一直想问你却不敢知道答案的是你有没有过一点点喜欢我. 英语翻译哪位高手帮我翻译一下以下这几句话,本人不胜感激——这关系到我的实习工作——能否今后留在那里!先在这里说声谢谢!您辛苦了!翻译的好追加50分!要求:1拿在线翻译器的请不要 英语翻译一个人的素质永远不能用学历来衡量.用英文翻译过来…… 不要在线翻译器翻译的那种,不准!谁英语好帮我翻译一下……谢谢……我用哪个好呢?说点中文啊…… 英语翻译谁帮我翻译一下,不要生硬的翻译 求一句话的英语怎么说,谢谢“他的那些话不是对我说的,就是酒后胡言乱语罢了..”这句的英文怎么说?谢谢啊..不要翻译器的啊,谁英文比较好,帮忙翻译一下。。谢谢了啊