
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 13:35:51


People of course can purse freedom ,but to ensure the freedom of more people,while we should consider the power, we should not forget the obligation,while we purse the democracy,we should not ingore the legal system.Forbidding to burn the fireworks does not mean limiting people's free,on the country ,it is to protect the freedom of people to not being shocked, not being wounded, not being killed by the exploring, it is to protect the freedom of people;s right to live safely..

Not only can people pursue freedom, but also should they. To ensure more freedom of more people, duties always come together with rights. Also, democracy won't live l...


Not only can people pursue freedom, but also should they. To ensure more freedom of more people, duties always come together with rights. Also, democracy won't live long without a legal system. Rather than limiting the freedom of citizens, the prohibition of fireworks saves people. And that is what freedom really means.


Pople certainly have the right of pursuing freedom. However just for the exactly same reason to protect more people's freedom, it is necessary to consider the obligations at the same time while we are...


Pople certainly have the right of pursuing freedom. However just for the exactly same reason to protect more people's freedom, it is necessary to consider the obligations at the same time while we are pursuing the freedom. And the same holds true while when pursuing democracy, we shall not negelect the law. To forbidding fireworks in public is not equal to restrict citizen's freedom. Quite opposite, It is to protect the freedom of people to not being scared, not being hurt, not being killed by the fireworks, it is to protect the freedom of citizen's right to live safely.
Thanks and good luck!


人们当然可以也应该追求自由,但恰恰是为了保证所有人的更多自由,才必须在考虑权利的同时不能忘了义务,在追求民主的同时不能忽略了法制。【Of course, one can and should be the pursuit of freedom, but it is precisely in order to ensure greater freedom for all, it must consi...


人们当然可以也应该追求自由,但恰恰是为了保证所有人的更多自由,才必须在考虑权利的同时不能忘了义务,在追求民主的同时不能忽略了法制。【Of course, one can and should be the pursuit of freedom, but it is precisely in order to ensure greater freedom for all, it must consider the rights of the obligation can not be forgotten in the pursuit of democracy and the rule of law at the same time can not be ignored.】禁止燃放烟花爆竹,并不等同于限制公民自由,恰恰相反,是在保护公民生面安全、保证公民不被惊吓、不被炸伤、不被炸死的自由。
【Prohibit discharge of fireworks, not the same restrictions on civil liberties, on the contrary, is secure in the protection of citizens of the dough to ensure that citizens are not scared, not to be injured, the freedom not to be killed.】


人们当然可以也应该追求自由,但恰恰是为了保证所有人的更多自由,才必须在考虑权利的同时不能忘了义务,在追求民主的同时不能忽略了法制。 Of course, one can and should be the pursuit of freedom, but it is precisely in order to ensure greater freedom for all, it must consi...


人们当然可以也应该追求自由,但恰恰是为了保证所有人的更多自由,才必须在考虑权利的同时不能忘了义务,在追求民主的同时不能忽略了法制。 Of course, one can and should be the pursuit of freedom, but it is precisely in order to ensure greater freedom for all, it must consider the rights of the obligation can not be forgotten in the pursuit of democracy and the rule of law at the same time can not be ignored. 禁止燃放烟花爆竹,并不等同于限制公民自由,恰恰相反,是在保护公民生面安全、保证公民不被惊吓、不被炸伤、不被炸死的自由。 Prohibit discharge of fireworks, not the same restrictions on civil liberties, on the contrary, is secure in the protection of citizens of the dough to ensure that citizens are not scared, not to be injured, the freedom not to be killed.
好了追加..谢谢各位了 Well .. Thank you for the additional


people can and ought to have their freedom. Moreover, to maintain this, we have to consider our obligations as well as our rights and laws as well as democracy we are chasing. Inhibition of playing fircrackers is not limiting people's freedom, but in contrary, it is protecting us from being frightened, wounded or even killed.

英语翻译人们当然可以也应该追求自由,但恰恰是为了保证所有人的更多自由,才必须在考虑权利的同时不能忘了义务,在追求民主的同时不能忽略了法制.禁止燃放烟花爆竹,并不等同于限制公 追求自由的过程 英语翻译 英语翻译在人们偏爱一些数字的同时,也忌讳某些数字,觉得它们会导致厄运,带来灾祸.当然,这种思想,只是一种迷信思想,但由于它根深蒂固,直到今天,依然有很多人深信不疑.当然,中西方国家 英语翻译热爱自由的人们 . 英语翻译当然,人是有理性的动物,人的理性不仅使人追求崇高的道德理想,而且也有能力去应对和解决这些新出现的伦理冲突和问题.长期的文明发展和经验积累,使人们已确立了一些最基本的 追求真理,但受到了不公平的待遇的人也可以是先献身了 英语翻译 我想追求属于我的思想自由,人格自由,精神自由, 注意是80首啊!当然,多可以;但少不行!格言警句和名人名言也要! 这是一篇追求自由的故事 英语翻译 英语翻译广告商不断的将女性主义追求自由,追求选择以及追求机会的思想从新包装成可以购买的一种形象,一种渴望或一种生活形式. 人生追求金钱,这样的人生观,价值观正确?每个人追求不同的东西,有人追求权力,有人追求金钱,有人追求自由,有人追求知识,有人追求女人!80后应该追求什么才能出头! 英语翻译摘 要随着信息技术的迅速发展和网络的普及,欣赏电影方式带来了重大的革命.人们开始追求更加快捷、便利、自由的方式观看电影.在线影院系统就是人们在互联网上观看电影、上传 英语翻译近三十年来越来越多的人们乘坐出租车,走路和骑车的人越来越少,人们的生活水平越来越好但这样不利于健康环境也受到污染.我们应该多做运动,减少污染 英语翻译当今世界全球正在悄然掀起一场节日文化的热潮,伴随着时代的进步,人们生活水平的提高,在精神上的追求也逐渐丰富起来.浓郁的节日氛围也是在人们的生活中慢慢的渗入.但对各种 英语翻译也可以用诗歌手法。当然最好是用诗歌形式的。 英语翻译有其中的一项也可以 当然都有最好喽 要中文翻译 当然,那应该可以的英语怎么说? 伏尔泰追求的自由