
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:47:14


As China's economy and the development of the advertising industry, the image of the child more and more TV ads. As a result of such advertising can be very good to stimulate consumption, and more pleasing image of the child and other reasons, this type of advertising almost reached the level of the pan used. These ads to children's negative impact on many. Include: the conflict caused by their parents, resulting in poor children's eating habits, good moral values on the formation of the negative impact caused by precocious children and misleading language.
     Combination treatment of children's television advertising of foreign laws and experience, this article discusses ways to reduce the negative impact. China-related legislation should be strengthened, advertising industry self-regulation of the establishment of a more perfect system, parents should pay more attention to these ads and the appropriate protection to children.

Along with the development of China's economy and advertising, children become more and more television advertising images. Because such advertisements can stimulate consumption, and children is also ...


Along with the development of China's economy and advertising, children become more and more television advertising images. Because such advertisements can stimulate consumption, and children is also attractive image, such as some advertising reached almost domestic level. The advertising to children brings a lot of negative effects. Including: the conflicts caused by parents, children's poor eating habits, to form good morals, the negative influence of early in language and misleading.
Treat children with foreign television advertisement law and experience, this paper discussed how to reduce the negative effect. Our country should strengthen the relevant legislation, advertising industry, establish the perfect self-discipline system, parents should also pay more attention to these ads and give children appropriate protection.


As China's economy and the development of the advertising industry, the image of the child more and more TV ads. As a result of such advertising can be very good to stimulate consumption, and more ple...


As China's economy and the development of the advertising industry, the image of the child more and more TV ads. As a result of such advertising can be very good to stimulate consumption, and more pleasing image of the child and other reasons, this type of advertising almost reached the level of the pan used. These ads to children's negative impact on many. Include: the conflict caused by their parents, resulting in poor children's eating habits, good moral values on the formation of the negative impact caused by precocious children and misleading language.
Combination treatment of children's television advertising of foreign laws and experience, this article discusses ways to reduce the negative impact. China-related legislation should be strengthened, advertising industry self-regulation of the establishment of a more perfect system, parents should pay more attention to these ads and the appropriate protection to children.


英语翻译随着我国经济和广告业的发展,儿童形象电视广告也越来越多.由于此类广告能够很好的刺激消费,而且儿童形象也比较讨人喜欢等一些原因,这类广告几乎达到了泛用的程度.这些广告 请翻译成英文:但随着我国经济的日益发展和生活水平的不断提高,儿童日常的穿着也越来越考究和细致. 英语翻译近年来,尤其是我国加入世界贸易组织之后,随着我国经济快速发展,我国经济行为的日益国际化和全球化,我国的内部审计也随之飞速发展,但是企业内部审计在实践过程中面临 英语翻译自改革开放以来,随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,第三产业在我国居民消费中所占比例日益增长,作为第三产业中占据重要地位的旅游业,发展尤为明显.而随着我国高等教 英语翻译摘要:改革开放30多年以来,小企业作为逐步发展壮大的重要经济力量,已经在我国经济发展、社会进步和构建和谐社会中显示了重要作用.但是随着社会的不断进步,小企业在发展的过 英语翻译随着我国加入WTO和经济全球化的迅速发展,物流业已经成为我国经济发展的重要产业和新的经济增长点.随着电子商务的开展,配送这种高效的物流服务形式已经变得不可或缺.配送中心 英语翻译近年来,随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,我国的房地产业得到了飞速的发展。房地产业已经成为国民经济的支柱产业之一,而商品房价格的高低,房屋的居住结构和居住水平 英语翻译自改革开放以来,随着我国经济的高速发展,为企业的发展提供了广阔的生存空间,诞生了许许多多的企业.伴随着经济的复杂化,加强企业财务管理成了企业管理的核心已成为企业家和 英语翻译摘 要随着我国经济的发展,我国中小企业已成为国民经济中一支骨干力量,在国民经济增长中发挥着不可或缺的作用,已成为推动国民经济健康、持续发展的主力军和最具发展活力的经 英语翻译论文摘要随着我国经济的发展,服务行业已经成为我国的主导产业,餐饮企业从业人员的队伍也日益发展壮大.新一代劳动力就业预期和维权意识都有所提高,除工资薪酬外,更加注重对 英语翻译随着我国经济持续快速发展,居民收入水平不断提高,理财意识逐渐增强,个人理财业务成为商业银行发展的一个重点.本文针对我国商业银行个人理财业务现状,结合发达国家和地区的 英语翻译摘要:随着改革开放的深入,经济的迅猛发展,妥善解决城市贫困人口的生活困难问题是当前我国经济和社会发展的一个重要任务.我国城市居民最低生活保障还存在一系列的问题和缺 英语翻译【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展和我国金融业的开放,外资银行正在以多元化的手段争相进入我国市场,外资银行机构逐渐增多,业务不断扩大.在我国经济增长潜力巨大和金融服务需 英语翻译摘 要今年来,随着我国经济的高速发展,民营经济已经成为了我国经济的重要组成部分.但我国民营经济的发展并不是一帆风顺的.我国当今的融资环境,对民营中小型企业来说,仍然不是 英语翻译摘要:随着经济的发展,中小企业已经成为我国经济的重要组成部分.提高企业会计核算的效率和质量,满足企业内外有关的管理部门对会计信息的需要,增加企业的经济效益.加强中小 英语翻译摘要:随着朝阳产业---旅游业的发展,会展旅游成为一个新兴的行业,会展旅游可以为举办地带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益,被誉为“旅游皇冠上的宝石”.改革开放之后,我国经济发 英语翻译浅析计算机网络在会计事务中的应用摘 要随着我国经济的不断发展,民族企业迅速发展壮大,自身素质和管理水平都取得了很大的进步.但是会计电算化的相应发展远远落后于企业的发 英语翻译摘 要随着我国经济的发展及城市化进程的加快,土地征收和房屋拆迁在经济建设中的使用越来越频繁.尤其是城市房屋强制拆迁是城市建设不可避免的一个问题,这不仅关系到拆迁人、