
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 23:35:25


1、 着工作服到礼宾台报到,上岗前必须自我检查服装、工号牌、鞋袜、服装是否符合酒店的要求.
2、 查看交接班记录,了解上一班次移交事项.
3、 记住老客人、商务客人的姓名,对于重点客人应尽量用姓名称呼客人.
4、 了解酒店各项服务设施以及营业时间.
5、 遇到雨雪天气,应为宾客存放雨具.
6、 为进出店零星客人提供行李服务.
7、 负责收集、装卸团队行李,并请领队和司机确认交接.
8、 在大堂各点值岗时必须思想集中,站立姿势端正,工作主动.
9、 礼貌引领客人进客房,并根据实际情况,正确熟练的用中英文向客人介绍酒店的各项服务设施.
1, wearing overalls to a concierge station to report, pre-service must be self-censorship clothing, work plate, footwear, clothing meets the requirements of hotels.
2, view the shift relief record, understanding of the frequency of the transfer of a matter.
3, remember the old guests, business guests names should be used for the focus of the guests called the guests names.
4 to understand the various hotel services and facilities, as well as hours.
5, encountered rain and snow weather, rain gear should be kept guests.
6 guests in and out of shops scattered baggage services.
7, is responsible for collecting, loading and unloading the team luggage, and requested the manager and the driver to confirm the handover.
8 posts in the lobby each point value must be thinking is a concentrated, standing upright posture, work initiative.
9, courtesy of leading the guests into the room, and according to the actual situation, the correct skilled in Chinese and English briefed the guests on the hotel's various services.
10, is responsible for messages, mail, express delivery, and requests the recipient's signature, return to the lobby, after completing the appropriate form.
11 calls to find someone to provide services.
12, are familiar with emergency procedures, if there is an emergency, can be dealt with separately.
13, of solidarity between employees and closely coordinate with the completion of other tasks assigned by superiors

行李员用英语介绍自己的工作酒店要进行员工英语演讲比赛,用英语简单的介绍自己的工作内容.知道的给我个参考吧.09.12.21 行李员用英语怎么说?就是酒店的门童 求一份简单的英语自我介绍,酒店行李员的面试, 求酒店行李员所需要的一些简单英语不需要太多 大概10-20句左右 要能用得到的 还有问下 一般酒店行李员 外国人给小费的话最低会给多少 最高你收到过多少 就这么简单= = 公司里的员工 用英语怎么说写介绍父母工作的英语作文 酒店员工大会员工工作感想发言稿?我是酒店一名普通员工,开员工大会要写发言稿,(关系到我工资的问题还有可能晋升哦) 用英语介绍酒店大堂副理的工作请各位朋友说一下怎样用英语来介绍酒店大堂副理,平时的工作,与职责, 行李员英语怎么说RT 想到九寨天堂做行李员,英语不好,但在其它五星级酒店干过,熟练掌握行李员的一切.经常被评为酒店优秀员工他们对行李员的要求高吗,因为我很想到那里去上班,如果可以的话,我打算明年 酒店行李生常用英语 酒店酒水员的工作都有哪些 求一些简单的酒店英语.行李生用,经常用到的. 用什么词语来形容酒店工程部员工的工作态度 用英文介绍个酒店介绍下成都的一个酒店,字数在200字内.它的方位,星级,设施,员工.简单易懂就行, 请问KPMG职业展是全英文介绍吗?要自己说英语的环节都有什么?和员工交流是用英语吗? 关于介绍酒店前厅工作内容的英语文章急需一篇介绍酒店前厅工作内容的英语文章,不要求太深奥了. 酒店行李生一般英语怎么说 商场员工用的“工作牌”用英语怎么说?