
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 14:57:45


Once your bars of basic soap have dried sufficiently, use your kitchen grater to grate the soap into shavings. Work over a container large enough to catch all of the shavings. The container I use has a nice grater fitted into the top and a cover that goes over. If I grate too much for one batch, I just pop the cover on and it's ready for the next one.
Place 12 ounces of grated soap and 9 ounces of water in a stainless, glass or enamel pan. You should use a smaller pan than the soap pot to keep the soap from heating too quickly.
Stir gently with a wooden spoon just enough to mix, over medium low heat. You need not stir continuously-just often enough to keep it from sticking to the bottom of the pan. If it seems to be getting too dry you can add a little water.
Continue this process until soap liquifies (about twenty minutes).
Remove liquified soap from the heat and stir gently as it cools (about ten minutes).
Just before pouring the soap in the molds, mix in the other ingredients from the recipe.
Pour or ladle into molds. Tap molds on the counter top to remove any air pockets. This is the same method as you would use when making molded candy.
Wait ten minutes and put the molds in the freezer. You don't have to freeze them, but they come out of the molds much easier that way.
After one hour in the freezer, remove the soap from the molds.
Your soaps must now dry for the final step. Put them back on your needlepoint screens. This curing step should last three weeks.

热研磨皂需要多少水呢?我是按照0.3的比例,已经做坏了两批了,好伤心.第一批不知道是水的原因还是加热太长时间,在锅里就直接就干了.第二批多加了点水结果搅成像肉泥一样的东西,不是液态 什么样的刀片需要研磨 手工研磨皂怎么弄?我做的一批成熟的皂,出有斑了,打算做热研磨.我把皂刨成皂丝以后喷牛奶隔水加热就可以吗? 北京的夏天热还是赤道的夏天热?如果是赤道的夏天热,究竟比北京热多少呢? 研磨硬质合金到粗糙度0.08用什么研磨膏研磨平面用多少粒度的研磨膏 为什么用铁杯盛的水比塑料杯热呢 武汉热干面用的碱面怎么做的阿?碱和面粉的比是时多少阿?需要用多少温度的水揉? 一种农药,用药液和水按照1比2000配制而成,如果要配制4002千克的农药,需要多少千克的水 一种药水是按照药粉和水之比1:100配制而成的,要配制这种药水4040克,需要药粉和水各多少克 一种灭蝇药用药和水按照1比150配制而成的,这种药水75.5千克,需要药液与水各多少千克? 一种灭蝇药用药和水按照1比150配制而成的,这种药水75.5千克,需要药液与水各多少千克? 热电偶冷段温度补偿实际测的2.7毫伏,换算成实际温度应该是多少度,二次表上应该显示多少?冷段温度补偿,是不是按照毫伏对照表下来再加上室温呢?我是说假如没有仪表的话,只有万用表和热 离心研磨,各种研磨液,研磨石,还有水,应该放多少量合适?有没有相关规定啊? 为什么水的比热容大而吸的热却比砂石少呢? 研磨粉是什么呢 研磨皂跟手工皂的区别?研磨皂好点还是手工皂好点?研磨皂是再生皂吗? 研磨根用什么样的工具好呢? 医院有一种消毒液是按照药液和水的体积比1比200来配制的现在把5毫升药液全部配制成这样的消毒液需要水多少升用比例知识解答.