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The White House is the official home and principal workplace of the President of the United States.Built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia sandstone in the late Georgian style,it has been the executive residence of every U.S.President since John Adams.When Thomas Jefferson moved into the home in 1801,he,with architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe expanded the building outward,creating two colonnades which were meant to conceal stables and storage.[1]
In 1814,during the War of 1812,the mansion was set ablaze by the British Army in the Burning of Washington,destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior walls.Reconstruction began almost immediately and President James Monroe moved into the partially reconstructed house in October 1817.Construction continued with the addition of the South Portico in 1824 and the North in 1829.Due to crowding within the executive mansion itself,President Theodore Roosevelt had nearly all work offices relocated to the newly-constructed West Wing in 1901.Eight years later,President William Howard Taft expanded the West Wing and created the first Oval Office which was eventually moved as the section was expanded.The third-floor attic was converted to living quarters in 1927 by augmenting the existing hip roof with long shed dormers.A newly constructed East Wing was used as a reception area for social events; both new wings were connected by Jefferson's colonnades.East Wing alterations were completed in 1946 creating additional office space.By 1948,the house's load-bearing exterior walls and internal wood beams were found to be close to failure.Under Harry S.Truman,the interior rooms were completely dismantled,resulting in the construction of a new internal load-bearing steel framework and the reassembly of the interior rooms.
Today,the White House Complex includes the Executive Residence (where the First Family resides),the West Wing (the location of the Oval Office,Cabinet Room,and Roosevelt Room),and the East Wing (the location of the office of the First Lady and White House Social Secretary),as well as the Old Executive Office Building,which houses the executive offices of the President and Vice President.
The White House is made up of six stories—the Ground Floor,State Floor,Second Floor,and Third Floor,as well as a two-story basement.It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington,D.C.As the Executive Office of the President of the United States,the term "White House" is regularly used as a metonym for the Executive Office of the President of the United States and for the president's administration and advisors in general.The property is owned by the National Park Service and is part of the President's Park.In 2007,it was ranked second on the American Institute of Architects's "List of America's Favorite Architecture."
白宫是美国总统的主要工作场所.修建于1792年和1800年白色被绘的Aquia砂岩之间在英王乔治一世至三世时期样式末期,它是每位美国总统行政住所从John Adams.在1801年当Thomas Jefferson搬入家,他,有建筑师的本杰明・亨利Latrobe扩展了向外的大厦,创造被认为隐瞒槽枥和存贮的二道柱廊.[1]
在战争的In 1814年,1812年期间,豪宅由在,毁坏内部和烧焦许多外墙的华盛顿燃烧的英国军队点火.重建在1817年10月几乎立刻开始了和James Monroe总统搬入部分地被重建的房子.在1824年在1829年建筑继续了增加南门廓和北部.由于拥挤在行政豪宅,在1901年Theodore Roosevelt总统之内安排几乎所有工作办公室被调迁对新被修建的西部翼.八年后,William Howard Taft总统扩展了西方翼并且创造了最终被移动的第一椭圆形办公室,当部分被扩展了.在1927年三层顶楼被转换了成生存处所被增添与长的棚子屋顶窗的现有的四坡屋顶.一个最近被修建的东部翼使用了作为接纳地区为社交活动; 两个新的翼由杰斐逊的柱廊连接.东部翼改变在创造另外的办公室空间的1946年完成了.在1948年之前,发现房子的承重外墙和内部木柱接近失败.在Harry S.Truman之下,内部屋子完全地被取消了,造成一个新的内部承重钢框架和内部屋子的重新组装的建筑.

The White House (白宫)
For almost two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the Presidency, the United States government, and the American people. Its history, and the history of t...


The White House (白宫)
For almost two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the Presidency, the United States government, and the American people. Its history, and the history of the nation's capital, began when President George Washington signed an Act of Congress in December of 1790 declaring that the federal government would reside in a district "not exceeding ten miles square……on the river Potomac." President Washington, together with city planner Pierre L'Enfant, chose the site for the new residence, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As preparations began for the new federal city, a competition was held to find a builder of the "President's House." Nine proposals were submitted, and Irish-born architect James Hoban won a gold medal for his practical and handsome design.
Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. Since that time, each President has made his own changes and additions. The White House is, nt's private home. It is also the only private residence of a head of state that is open to the public, free of charge.
The White House has a unique and fascinating history. It survived a fire at the hands of the British in 1814 (during the war of 1812) and another fire in the West Wing in 1929, while Herbert Hoover was President. Throughout much of Harry S. Truman's presidency, the interior of the house, with the exception of the third floor, was completely gutted and renovated while the Trumans lived at Blair House, right across Pennsylvania Avenue. Nonetheless, the exterior stone walls are those first put in place when the White House was constructed two centuries ago.
Presidents can express their individual style in how they decorate some parts of the house and in how they receive the public during their stay. Thomas Jefferson held the first Inaugural open house in 1805. Many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol simply followed him home, where he greeted them in the Blue Room. President Jefferson also opened the house for public tours, and it has remained open, except during wartime, ever since. In addition, he welcomed visitors to annual receptions on New Year’s Day and on the Fourth of July. In 1829, a horde of 20,000 Inaugural callers forced President Andrew Jackson to flee to the safety of a hotel while, on the lawn, aides filled washtubs with orange juice and whiskey to lure the mob out of the mud-tracked White House.
After Abraham Lincoln's presidency, Inaugural crowds became far too large for the White House to accommodate them comfortably. However, not until Grover Cleveland's first presidency did this unsafe practice change. He held a presidential review of the troops from a flag-draped grandstand built in front of the White House. This procession evolved into the official Inaugural parade we know today. Receptions on New Year's Day and the Fourth of July continued to be held until the early 1930s.
President Clinton's open house on January 21, 1993 renewed a venerable White House Inaugural tradition. Two thousand citizens, selected by lottery, were greeted in the Diplomatic Reception Room by President and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs. Gore.

从正门进入的国家楼层(State Floor)共有五个主要房间,由西至东依序是:国宴室、红室、蓝室、绿室和东室,东室是白宫最大的一个房间可容纳三百位宾客,主要用作大型招待会、舞会和各种纪念性仪式的庆典。历史上许多重要事件在此发生:这里曾经停放过七位总统遗体,这里也曾举行过许多位总统女儿们的婚礼,罗斯福在此观赏过日本相扑表演,肯尼迪则在此欣赏优美演奏...
东厢前花园是贾桂琳花园,她是对白宫最有贡献的第一夫人了。她为了将白宫变成一座极有价值的博物馆,开始有系统的收集白宫历史和文物,四处搜寻古董真迹。在白宫历史学会成立后,她请来史密松宁博物馆的专家将白宫所有收藏重新审视整理编目,赋予了白宫历史的内涵。现在许多房间里陈设的精致古董,大半是蒙罗总统(James Monroe)时期的收藏,尤其是蓝室充满法国皇家气派; 室内以蓝色为主饰以金边花纹的墙壁,衬托出蓝室豪华的风格,因此这个房间经常用来招待贵宾;其中包括1878年到访的第一位清朝中国使节。克利夫兰总统的婚礼就是在蓝室举行的,每年白宫圣诞树也固定在这里闪耀。蓝室之下是外交使节接待室,是专供各国大使呈递到任国书之处。
蓝室的阳台面对南院草坪,是总统与贵宾经常向民众挥手露面的地方,南草坪上许多树木也是总统或夫人亲手种植,这可能是名垂青史的一种方法吧。当年杰克生为纪念亡妻而种的一棵木兰花,至今已成枝叶茂盛的百年老树,它和这个国家一起成长茁壮。南草坪正位于整栋大楼中央位置,与上下楼层共三个房间同属椭圆型。 蓝室之上的椭圆房间,曾经是总统办公室还做过内阁室和签约室,现在则属于家庭楼层不对外开放,林肯曾在这个房间签署了著名的解放黑奴宣言,因而爆发分裂国家的南北战争,也埋下日后遭到暗杀的导火线。
红室是第一夫人们最喜爱的房间,红室布置成1830年早期型式,摆设在大理石壁炉上的一座十八世纪法制音乐钟,是法国总统在1952年所赠送。从桃莉的时代起,每周三晚在这里的盛会。红室之旁的国宴室(State Dining Room),摆放一张蒙罗时期的十三尺长桌,其上镂刻精致的纹饰是令人赞叹的杰作是白宫的精品之一,国宴室可容纳130位宾客用餐,在大理石壁炉上方铭刻着第一位白宫主人亚当斯在1800年11月2日写给夫人信中的一段话:"我祈求上苍赐予最大福份给这所房屋和所有此后居住的人,但愿只有诚实和智慧的人住在此屋檐下"。


为二百年,白宫经受了作为一个象征的总统,美国政府和美国人民。它的历史,和历史的国家的首都,开始时,总统乔治华盛顿签署了一项国会法案,在1790年12月宣布联邦政府将居住在一区“不超过一十零英里广场…对波托马克河” 。总统华盛顿,再加上城市规划皮埃尔儿童,选择该网站为新的居住地,这是现在1600宾夕法尼亚大道。作为准备开始为新的联邦城市,竞争举行找到的建设者“总统的家” 。 9提案提出的,和爱尔兰出...


为二百年,白宫经受了作为一个象征的总统,美国政府和美国人民。它的历史,和历史的国家的首都,开始时,总统乔治华盛顿签署了一项国会法案,在1790年12月宣布联邦政府将居住在一区“不超过一十零英里广场…对波托马克河” 。总统华盛顿,再加上城市规划皮埃尔儿童,选择该网站为新的居住地,这是现在1600宾夕法尼亚大道。作为准备开始为新的联邦城市,竞争举行找到的建设者“总统的家” 。 9提案提出的,和爱尔兰出生的建筑师詹姆斯hoban赢得了金牌,他的实际和英俊的设计。
总统可以表达他们的个人风格,在他们如何装饰部分内务和在他们如何接受公众他们在港期间。托马斯杰弗逊举行了第一次就职开放众议院在1805年。许多人谁出席了宣誓就职仪式在美国国会只是其次是他回家,他在那里迎接他们在蓝室。总统杰弗逊还开通了房子,供市民参观,并已保持开放,除在战时,自从。此外,他欢迎游客,每年接待元旦日及对7月4日。在1829年, horde的20000就职来电被迫总统安德鲁杰克逊逃往安全的一间酒店的同时,对草坪上,身边充满washtubs与橙汁和威士忌,以吸引暴徒走出泥泞履带白宫。
克林顿总统的公开众议院对1993年1月21日再度历代白宫就职的传统。 2000公民,选定的彩票,迎接在外交接待室,由总统和夫人克林顿和副总统戈尔和夫人。
For two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the Presidency, the United States government, and the American people. Its history, and the history of the nation’s capital, began when President George Washington signed an Act of Congress in December of 1790 declaring that the federal government would reside in a district "not exceeding ten miles square…on the river Potomac." President Washington, together with city planner Pierre L’Enfant, chose the site for the new residence, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As preparations began for the new federal city, a competition was held to find a builder of the "President’s House." Nine proposals were submitted, and Irish-born architect James Hoban won a gold medal for his practical and handsome design.
Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. Since that time, each President has made his own changes and additions. The White House is, after all, the President’s private home. It is also the only private residence of a head of state that is open to the public, free of charge.
The White House has a unique and fascinating history. It survived a fire at the hands of the British in 1814 (during the war of 1812) and another fire in the West Wing in 1929, while Herbert Hoover was President. Throughout much of Harry S. Truman’s presidency, the interior of the house, with the exception of the third floor, was completely gutted and renovated while the Trumans lived at Blair House, right across Pennsylvania Avenue. Nonetheless, the exterior stone walls are those first put in place when the White House was constructed two centuries ago.
Presidents can express their individual style in how they decorate some parts of the house and in how they receive the public during their stay. Thomas Jefferson held the first Inaugural open house in 1805. Many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol simply followed him home, where he greeted them in the Blue Room. President Jefferson also opened the house for public tours, and it has remained open, except during wartime, ever since. In addition, he welcomed visitors to annual receptions on New Year’s Day and on the Fourth of July. In 1829, a horde of 20,000 Inaugural callers forced President Andrew Jackson to flee to the safety of a hotel while, on the lawn, aides filled washtubs with orange juice and whiskey to lure the mob out of the mud-tracked White House.
After Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, Inaugural crowds became far too large for the White House to accommodate them comfortably. However, not until Grover Cleveland’s first presidency did this unsafe practice change. He held a presidential review of the troops from a flag-draped grandstand built in front of the White House. This procession evolved into the official Inaugural parade we know today. Receptions on New Year’s Day and the Fourth of July continued to be held until the early 1930s.
President Clinton’s open house on January 21, 1993 renewed a venerable White House Inaugural tradition. Two thousand citizens, selected by lottery, were greeted in the Diplomatic Reception Room by President and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs. Gore.


White House
编辑: admin | 作者: ... | 发布日期: 2002-11-6 8:26:57

One of the most recognizable struc...


White House
编辑: admin | 作者: ... | 发布日期: 2002-11-6 8:26:57

One of the most recognizable structures in the world, one can 't say they're been to Washington D.C. until they have seen the White House. The home of the leader of the free world is open to the public five days a week from 10 – noon.
Originally known as the Executive Mansion, construction of the White House began in 1792 under the direction of George Washington. The structure was not completed until 1800, so ironically Washington is the only President not to live there.
The executive mansion was torched by British troops in 1814, during the War of 1812. The structural damage caused by the fire was repaired but the exterior sandstone walls were still black with fire damage. The walls were then painted white, giving birth to the nick name "The White House". An act of Congress made this the official name in 1902.
Every President has left his mark upon the White House. Thomas Jefferson added terraces to the east and west wings, Andrew Jackson installed running water, and Harry Truman added a porch. Bill Clinton's addition to the White House was an indoor-running track(Used to relieve tension and cheeseburgers).
In order to visit the White House, you must first pick up a free ticket from the White House Visitor Center located at 1450 Pennsylvania Ave. During the height of tourist season, tickets are nearly impossible to get. Get in line by 7AM (the facility opens at 7:30) and you might have a chance. Ignore the scalpers that are selling free tickets.
Guided tours can be arranged by contacting your representative or senator. Be on the look-out for Wolf Blitzer or other famous White House correspondents. Due to recent developments in the news, the number of reporters that usually surround the White house have swelled dramatically.
The White House tour probably ranks high on a visitor's list of things to do while in Washington D.C., but the process to get tickets will definitely test your determination. The White House is open Tues. – Sat. from 10 AM – Noon, but you need to get one of the free tickets for admittance. Herein lies the problem, because tickets for that day's’ tours can only be picked up at the White House Visitors Center and they run out very quickly. Although the center opens at 7:30 AM, the line to get tickets starts to form sometime around five. Therefore most people have to be satisfied with seeing only the exterior of the White House. The Visitors Center has nice displays on the history of the White House to mollify the disappointed visitors who couldn't get tickets. Don't expect to get tickets for the tour if you arrive after 9 AM.
If you are lucky enough to get tickets, they will be stamped with the departure time of your tour. Bleachers have been set up on the Ellipse so visitors can sit until the tour staff collects them. The twenty minute tour consists of five rooms: The East Room, Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room and the State Dining Room.
The President's Garden
The lovely White House gardens of today and those that preceded them are the theme of the President's Garden organized by the White House Historical Association, the White House Curator's Office, and the Superintendent of the Grounds fo rthe White House in cooperation with the National Park Service. The exhibit traces the history of the White House grounds from the 1790's to the present day and displays more than 60 historic black and white and color photographs, paintings, documents and other illustrations from the past and present.
White House Visitor Center, 1450 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Open daily from 7:30am to 4pm. For more information cal the National Park Service at (202) 619-6350
