大一总结 英文
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大一总结 英文
大一总结 英文
大一总结 英文
1 、学习方面.刚进大学之前我就告诉我自己“大学里每个人都是我的老师,每个地方都是我学习的课堂,大学不仅是学习的地方,还是提高自己的素质和锻炼自己能力的地方,无论怎么样我都要把握好自己的方向盘.”本学期在班级担任的是学习委员,一个学期下来,班级总体学习情况良好.而在学习方面开设的活动比较少,所以在这个方面欠佳.而这个责任是本人的疏忽,在这里深感抱歉,如果下学期还能担任学习委员一定会多开展学习方面的活动,让大家能更好的在集体中学习和成长.本学期本人的学习情况一般,这个学期的学习课程较少,最重要的英语和专业在不同的方面进步较明显,一方面是克服了被动学习的态度,另一方面老师的教学方法让我学习起来轻松.大学上课的时间很少,大部分时间都是自己支配的,所以一有空就回到自习室去自己,复习老师上过的课程预习下次要上的课程.这样的习惯持续了一个月,到最后两个月的时候加入到了学校的虚拟公司,这里的学期气氛更加让我有了一个更好的学习环境,在这里学习上遇到不懂的地方可以问他们,人们常说环境会改变人的思想,的确在这样的环境里能让自己很快融入到他们的氛围中去学习.然而,在有些课程方面就一般了,不过也让我学到了很多.不管是哪一门课程都能给我们或多或少的收获.大学学习只是和锻炼能力都是最重要和关键的时期.总的来说这个学期的学习情况都达到了自己的要求.
2 、生活方面.大学是个集体生活的方式,宿舍是一个大集体,八个人生活在同一个空间里面,但是各自的生活习性都不相,这就需要大家互相理解和迁就,只有这样才能和好相处,为我们的学习创造一个良好的学习和休息环境.我初中就已经到外面读书,因此很早就过着一种集体生活,所以我比较会理解别人,当然,我们宿舍的融洽和谐关系还很大归属于我们每一个宿友.大学的生活的确过得很有意义,我们一起的努力追求自己的梦想,一起为彼此加油.我的大学生活过得很精彩,大一的生活点点滴滴是值得我去收藏的.
Time passed quickly, inan freshman first semester finished, time flies, soon everybody together has passed a semester, everyone laughed together, to struggle together, to struggle together, together pursuit your dream, youth brings us is the joy of harvest.
The old year is gone, we reflect on the past, we surprise. You won't forget come early, everybody will not forget the embarrassment of the smiling face of National Day, we will not forget that happy Christmas, everybody more won't forget between us into friendship.
Reviewing the past, first came to hunan technology vocational college to report that day still remember, no wonder people often say sun flies! Next I summarize this term in universities, the study, life, thoughts, activity these four aspects.
Learning aspect, I've overcome from high school to college all sorts of change, each aspect has achieved satisfactory results. Also let me realize high school of learning and study at the university of differences. Life, I my classmates friendly co-exist harmoniously, help and love each other, do it ourselves to form independent self-care independence of good moral character. Thinking, school every week all have different theme lecture, it also let me learn a lot from all aspects of culture, improve their self-cultivation. Activities, I'm a quiet person, to the college society activities, the class activities, students will often held activities on the one hand may exercise myself, on the other hand, we can show their skills and talent, in this respect I have generally, the school activities basic less attended, however in class or in the activities is more active.
1, learning. Just entered university before I tell myself "college everyone is my teacher, every place is my study class, the university is not only the place of study, or to improve their quality and exercise oneself ability place, no matter how I will grasp your steering wheel." This semester in class was the learning committee, a semester down, class overall study in good condition. While in learning to open activities is less, so in this respect poor. And this responsibility is my negligence, here is "deeply sorry, if still can act as learning committee next semester will conduct more learning activities, let everybody can better in collective learning and growth. This semester I learning situation general, the learning courses this semester is less, the most important English and professional in different aspects of progress is more apparent, on one hand is overcome the passive learning attitude, on the other hand the teacher's teaching methods make me study up easily. University class time is very few, most of their time to spend on their own, so whenever you have a return to oneself, to review your teacher on the courses preview of the courses you next time. This habit for a month, till the last two months when added to the school's virtual company, here the term atmosphere more let me have a better learning environment and study here on meet something they don't understand can ask them, people often say environment will change minds, indeed in such environment can let oneself quickly into their atmosphere to learn. However, in some courses in general, but also let I have learned a lot. No matter which a course can give us more or less harvest. Study at the university is just and exercise ability is the most important and critical period. Generally, this semester's situation reached their requirements.
2, life. University is a collective life manner, the dormitory is a larger group, eight people live in the same space inside, but their life habits are not and mutually, this needs everyone's mutual understanding and humored, the only way to get along, be reconciled for our study create a good study and the rest environment. My junior high school is already outside reading, therefore very early led a collective life, so I tend to understand others, of course, our dormitory of harmonious relationship is very big still belongs to each of our SuYou. University's life indeed very meaningful, together we efforts to pursue their own dream, together for support each other. My college life is wonderful, a freshman live dribs's worth to collect.
3 and thoughts. All say people more grow up thought is more complex, finally realize the meaning of sentence, college is like a small society, in this small society, we will learn how to understand and feel many social changes. School activities also in edify our sentiment.
A semester as a movie was finished, and soon broadcast content is rich and colorful, a term of study and life will soon be drawing to a full stop, good finishing this one semester summary, bit by bit all mind constantly emerge, and it also will become the most beautiful memories.