
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 10:16:17


Without the war, lets the people in the peace world happy life; Without the disaster, lets the people have the beautiful homeland; Not poor, enables each lovable children to be possible to go to school; Does not have. . . In brief I hoped that this world becomes happier, I will be willing for our glorious future to try hard!”

No war, let people in the world peace and happiness of life, No disaster, let people have beautiful homes. No poverty, let each lovely children can go to school, No... Anyhow, I hope this world a better place, I wish for our bright future.

No war, let people in the world peace and happiness of life, No disaster, let people have beautiful homes. No poverty, let each lovely children can go to school, No... Anyhow, I hope this world a better place, I wish for our bright future. "

People will live a happy life in the peaceful world if there's no war.We will own beautiful home if there's no disaster.All the children will go to school if there's no poverty...All in all,I hope the world will be better and better.Let's work hard for the bright future!

No war, let people in the world peace and happiness of life, No disaster, let people have beautiful homes. No poverty, let each lovely children can go to school, No... In brief I hoped that this world becomes happier, I will be willing for our glorious future to try hard!

without the war, people can live a happy life in the peaceful world; without the disaster, people can have a beautiful home; without the poor, every child can go to school; without.....in conclusion i hope this world will become a better place, i would like to fight for a better future for us!

英语翻译请把“没有战争,让人们在和平的世界幸福的生活;没有灾难,让人们拥有美丽的家园;没有贫穷,让每个可爱的孩子都可以上学;没有.总之我希望这个世界变得更美好,我愿为我们美 如何才能让国家让人们远离战争,过上和平生活? 怎样让全世界的国家和人们远离战争,共享和平呢 英语翻译我所理想的社会,首先得是一个没有战乱、和平的社会.人们经受不起战争,战争可以是人们家破人亡,所以一个理想的社会,和平是首要条件.其次,要人人平等,人与人之间没有压迫、没 填反义词:全世 界的人们都()和平,()战争.主人有的是 时间,把()的地方清理() 战争的反义词战争-----和平 英语翻译诺贝尔希望人们把他作为热爱和平的人来记住他. 为什么世界上有战争而没有永久的和平? 请拟一条“渴望和平,反对战争”的公益广告 维护和平,反对战争这句话的英文怎么说?谁能把他翻译成中文?还有没有关于反对战争的英语经典语句啊? 右边这幅标志表达了人们希望地球和平,不再有战争的美好愿望.请指出构成这幅图案的三个要素 请让那里出现和平,远离战争 out of war,please let there______________ 战争的英文单词战争、和平的英文单词 全世界热爱和平的人们用生命与鲜血赢得了反法西斯战争的胜利,翻译 和平,战争,联合国的翻译 有关和平的战争作文? 英语翻译奥运就象战争 随时要保持着勇往直前的精神出于仇恨的聚会是世界大战 为了和平的聚会是奥运会奥运是什么?在我眼里 它是一常没有硝烟的战争 人类之间的战争 就其本质目的来说 铸剑为犁的雕像在联合国总部前已矗立了四十多个春秋,可是和平的钟声并未向全世界渴望和平的人们敲响,战争和死亡仍然时时践踏着公理和正义,这是为什么?