
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 18:09:23


It has been thirty years since China allowed self-employed and private businesses.The founders of these family businesses have reached a age where they should retire,and this poses a problem for the continuing development for these businesses.

China to allow private economic development has been 30 years, the first generation of the family business entrepreneurs to the retirement age, in the face of the family business heritage

China to allow private economic development has been, for 30 years, the first generation of a family business in the retirement age of entrepreneurs, facing the family enterprise inheritance problem

It has been 30 years since private businesses deveolpment were allowed in China .It is time that these first establishers of family businesses were retired , facing an identical problem how they should pass their businesses on to their younger generation for further development.

英语翻译中国允许私营经济发展至今,已有30年的时间,家族企业的第一代创业者到了该退休的年龄,面对家族企业传承问题 我国私营经济发展的原因主要有哪些 英语翻译中国的进出口业务是由国家贸易公司及各省市公、私营有关贸易公司经营 英语翻译发展中国就业与经济发展 中国神舟飞船至今已发射了几次 中国神舟飞船至今已发射了几次 英语翻译我有要事须请假回中国一趟,急需用护照.我的护照已拿去移民局一个月了,不知为什么证件至今还没办好?我很焦急.麻烦您帮助再催促一下.对不起,请谅解. 明代中朝以后,中国手工业由官营为主变为私营为主的原因有哪些? 私营经济发展对我国有什么积极意义? 中国小农经济对经济发展有什么影响 改革开放至今,珠江三角洲的经济发展经历了哪两个阶段?每一个阶段有什么特征? 至今有多少个元素已被发现 中国目前是否有私营风能发电站或者是水力发电站~也就是目前国内现有的发电站是不是都是国有的? 英语翻译摘要:中国外贸已跻身世界三甲,成为名副其实的贸易大国,如何由大到强,走出外贸粗放型增长困境,步入良性的科学发展轨道,是中国经济发展的关键.从中国经济发展模式和结构来看, 中国2011年至今的大事件有哪些? 中国至今60岁以上老人有多少? 中国由古至今有历经多少个朝代! 中国区域经济发展有什么原则(四个字)?