帮忙翻译几个选项1. Where was Chimmalgi from according to the passage?A) Jamaica. B) Trinidad. C) Bangladesh D) India.2. How many students came from abroad at Southern University?A) 189. B) 198. C) 289. D) 819.3. What was the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 19:08:38

帮忙翻译几个选项1. Where was Chimmalgi from according to the passage?A) Jamaica. B) Trinidad. C) Bangladesh D) India.2. How many students came from abroad at Southern University?A) 189. B) 198. C) 289. D) 819.3. What was the
1. Where was Chimmalgi from according to the passage?
A) Jamaica. B) Trinidad. C) Bangladesh D) India.
2. How many students came from abroad at Southern University?
A) 189. B) 198. C) 289. D) 819.
3. What was the reason for Chimmalgi to attend Southern University?
A) It is the best university in the States.
B) It has the largest number of international students in the States.
C) It is the university that his father graduated from.
D) It has the best international student program in the States.
4. How did Chimmalgi feel about studying at Southern University?
A) He was receiving the best education.
B) The staff and students were very helpful.
C) He found it very hard to fit in the American culture.
D) He felt out of place most of the time.
5. What did most international students plan to do after graduation?
A) Returning to their home country.
B) Staying for postgraduate studies.
C) Getting a job in the States.
D) Working for some international expos.
6. What can Southern University do to improve its international student program?
A) Employing better teachers for foreign students.
B) Having foreign students introduce their culture.
C) Letting foreign students live in the same building.
D) Providing more native food to foreign students.

帮忙翻译几个选项1. Where was Chimmalgi from according to the passage?A) Jamaica. B) Trinidad. C) Bangladesh D) India.2. How many students came from abroad at Southern University?A) 189. B) 198. C) 289. D) 819.3. What was the
A 牙买加 B 特立尼达(这是什么地方QAQ) C 孟加拉国 D 印度
选项就不用翻译了吧= =阿拉伯语
A 它是美国最好的大学
B 它在美国有最多国际学生
C 他粑粑是那里毕业的
D 它拥有美国最好的国际学生项目
A 他受到了最好的教育
B 工作人员和学生们都很乐于助人很有帮助
C 他觉得融入美国文化很困难
D 很多时候他觉得他被排斥在外(就是融入不进去= =和C有毛区别)
A 回到原来的国家
B 继续读研究生
C 在美国找个工作
D 为一些国际展览工作(我也不是很确定expo在这里是不是博览会的意思 要看原文)
A 为外国学生雇佣更好的老师
B 让外国学生介绍他们的文化
C 让外国学生住在一幢建筑里
D 为外国学生提供更多他们的食物(就是我是中国人就多提供一点中餐)

A)牙买加。 B)特立尼达。 C)孟加拉国D)印度。
A)189。 B)198。 C)289。 D)819.
A)它是最好的大学的States.B),它具有最大的国际学生数量在States.C),他的父亲是大学毕业。 D)它在美国拥有...


A)牙买加。 B)特立尼达。 C)孟加拉国D)印度。
A)189。 B)198。 C)289。 D)819.
A)它是最好的大学的States.B),它具有最大的国际学生数量在States.C),他的父亲是大学毕业。 D)它在美国拥有最好的国际学生计划。
A)他接受最好的教育。 B)的工作人员和学生们很helpful.C的),他发现很难适应在美国文化中。 D)他觉出了大部分时间。
A)回到本国。 B)入住研究生学习。 C)找工作在States.D)工作的一些国际博览会。
A)雇用外国学生更好的教师。 B)外国学生介绍他们的文化。 C)让外国学生住在同一栋楼。 D)外国学生提供更多的本地食品。


帮忙翻译几个选项1. Where was Chimmalgi from according to the passage?A) Jamaica. B) Trinidad. C) Bangladesh D) India.2. How many students came from abroad at Southern University?A) 189. B) 198. C) 289. D) 819.3. What was the 请帮忙翻译where youre from? Where is he from帮忙翻译 懂洋文的帮忙翻译下嘛 谢谢了once upon a time was an island where all the feelings lived happiness sadness knowledge andallof theothersincluding love &(帮忙-℡翻译几句话《英→中》Where in there chapters...1...was Crusoe's ship going?2...did the sea carry Crusoe?3...was Crusoe's kitchen?4...did Crusoe get his food and tools from?5...was Crusoe's island?问题与《1。2。3。4。5 Was it at the school _____ was named after a hero ____ he spent his childhood?选项:A.which;that B.where;where c.that;where 选择哪一个, 英语翻译求帮忙翻译上面四个选项的中文意思 学霸帮忙翻译几个英语句子 求帮忙翻译一下这几个英语 帮忙翻译几个单词,合格证,规格,检验员, 英语翻译帮忙翻译下这几个中文 He did not like where this was going.求翻译 where was the second Frenchman once 翻译.急用 After letting him know where my house was.翻译中文 请求帮忙翻译这句话,consolidate media buys where possible 选择题,各位帮忙看下,到底哪一个选项正确,谢谢了!—Where were you in August last year?—This time last yearmy family and I____my grandparents in New York.A.was visitingB.visitedC.has visitedD.were visiting—Where were you in Augu 帮忙分析几个英语句子:1.That was the year (when/that) I first went abroad.2.This is the place (where/that) they met yesterday.这两个句子是不是定语从句?that在其中时什么用法?3.McGee says leaving without a position lined u 翻译一下1.any where