
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 17:40:08

图拉真是一位优秀的统帅,同时也是一位颇有行政才能的执政官.他鉴于前朝之失,采取了较有效的措施来缓和各方面的矛盾.他尊重元老院的政治地位,注意吸收东方各行省的大奴隶主贵族参加元老院,扩大 元老院 的基础;他改革地方行政;任命一些忠于职守的亲信到行省去做总督,改善中央和行省的关系;他懂得培养民力的重要,乃轻徭薄赋,减轻人民的负担,并用政府贷款的方式,帮助小农维持生计.此外,他还沿袭涅尔瓦所创行的办法,即由政府拿出一部分税款在各地设立基金,用以养育贫苦无告的孤儿.他获得了元老院赠给他的“最佳元首(Optimus princeps)”的称号.

As an outstanding commander, Trajan was also a Consul with great administrative prowess. In light of the errors in previous times, he adopted effective measures to alleviate various contradictions. He respected the political status of the Senate and extended its foundation by paying heed to absorbing into it the slave-owners and patricians from all the Eastern provinces. In reforming local administration, he appointed his devoted followers as Governors, improving the relations between the central authority and the provinces. Fully aware of the importance of fostering civilian strength, he levied lighter corvées and taxes to ease the burden of civilians, and helped the peasants sustain their existence by means of government loans. Besides, he also followed the measure (namely, the government allotted a portion of taxes to establish funds for bringing up the impoverished and helpless children) initiated by Nerva. Thus he was granted the title of Optimus Princeps (First Chief) by the Senate. (注意大小写:此处Consul非“领事”之意,乃是“古罗马执政官”的专称;而Senate则非“参议院”之意,乃是“罗马元老院”的专称.译文中的Eastern 、Governor因其特殊意义所以均大写.)