英语改变句子 意义不变The little girl appeared again —smeiling,and holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers.The little girl_______ ________again —smeiling with a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 07:08:49

英语改变句子 意义不变The little girl appeared again —smeiling,and holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers.The little girl_______ ________again —smeiling with a bouquet of beautiful flowers.
英语改变句子 意义不变
The little girl appeared again —smeiling,and holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers.
The little girl_______ ________again —smeiling with a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

英语改变句子 意义不变The little girl appeared again —smeiling,and holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers.The little girl_______ ________again —smeiling with a bouquet of beautiful flowers.
came out

tuned up(出现)
came back

英语改变句子 意义不变The little girl appeared again —smeiling,and holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers.The little girl_______ ________again —smeiling with a bouquet of beautiful flowers. 按要求改变句子(英语)How much is the skateboard?(换种表达,句子的意思不变) 按要求改变句子(英语)How much is the skateboard?(换种表达,句子的意思不变)How much ____the skateboard______? why not start the meeting at once(原意不变,改变句子) The cars were old.(改变句子)意思不变啊是的是的是的 英语选修六P21的练习,要求用it的句式改变句子,意思不变 dou t pay with matches 意思不变,改变句子求英语大师! 改变句子意思不变 英语He____to school_____ ____slowly.原句:He road to school slowly.(保持原句意思不变) 句型转化,改变句子不变意思 一道英语句子改变Mr.White is giving the students of Class One an English lessom.(保持句意不变)The students of Class One are______ ______ ______ ______. 英语 按要求改变句子 英语句子改写 谢谢(改变句型,词汇,或语法,意思不变)both empirical knowledge and academic research suggest that making education available throughout a country and eliminating illiteracy can pave the way for economic devvelopment. 英语句子改写 谢谢(改变句型,词汇,或语法,意思不变)both empirical knowledge and academic research suggest that making education available throughout a country and eliminating illiteracy can pave the way for economic development. 五年级英语的改变句子Alice is peeling the lime with her hands.(划线提问her hands)Tom goes to school by tram.(换种说法,句意不变) The rooms were messy.(改变句子)意思不变垃圾滚吧,不滚不行啊你 英语句式改变How much is the skateboard?(换一种表达方式,句式不变)How much ( )the skateboard( 改变句子Mike took the foreign friends to visit the Bund yesterday.(保持句意基本不变)Mike _______ the foreign friends _______ the Bund yesterday. 英语改变句子噢第一题啦:any pepole mustn't talk in the reading room.(保持句意不变)any pepole must_____ ______in the reading room.第二题啦:they enjoyed themselves in the park.(保持句意不变)they______ ______ ______ ___