
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 21:10:53


Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) is the mid-18th century to early 19th century Germany and Europe important writer,his life across two centuries,when the European social turbulence of the era of great change.The growing collapse of the feudal system,the revolutionary forces continue to decline prompted Goethe undergo advanced thinking,so as to enhance their sense of social awareness and to create the best contemporary works.Goethe's work is full of Sturm und Drang of the rebellious spirit in poetry,drama,essays,and other aspects of higher achievements His major works are scripts,"Mr Gertz Bailixin roots," novella "The Sorrows of Young Werther" The unfinished drama "Prometheus" and the drama "Faust" embryonic "original Faust" It also wrote many poems and lyrical commentary."Mr Gertz Bailixin root" Germany is the first realistic historical drama.Gertz was originally a 16th-century Germany a decline of Knight,he once participated in the peasant uprising,and later betrayed the farmers.Entitled as a knight,as a last-ditch class representatives,to oppose the existing system,Knight is a class of feudal lords and emperors of the tragic confrontation.However,in Goethe's version,entitled to be written against a feudal tyranny,freedom and reunification of the hero,He deepest sympathy to the suffering of the people,castigating the fight for rights,endanger the nobility,thus loved by the people.Play when darkness for the community's condemnation for the freedom and unity of the warm yearning for the heroic individual resistance of praise.demonstrated Sturm und Drang spirit.In the arts,the use of Shakespeare's plays producing a drama."The Sorrow of Young Werther" is a correspondence Novel.Viterbi is a heroine origin of young people,he longed for freedom,equality of life,want to engage in useful work.However,on his social class is full of prejudice and shallow habits.Conservative corruption in the officialdom,vulgar subordination of the public,trends and arrogant aristocracy around him and the reality of the ongoing conflict He has been in love without hope,finally embarked on the road of suicide.Viterbi and social conflict,anti-feudal sense,the tragedy lap,Novels expose and criticize the then German society many irrational reality,expression of the awakening of the younger generation of the German revolutionary sentiment,therefore,it released a aroused strong response.formed a gust of hot lap,but quickly spread to Europe,become the first major international countries affected by the literature."Prometheus" is based on Goethe ancient Greek myth of a drama,although not finished writing the script,But the passage of time has footage of the young Goethe expressed era strong anti-feudal spirit.Prometheus plays Zeus denied the right to oppose the high-handedness Zeus,and to create and share his contempt for the new Zeus humans.Viterbi was lacking the kind of tenacious personality,in this myth was to be embodied.Goethe in Weimar,the city of the first 10 years,the Goethe buried affairs,rarely creative.To Italy,he has already completed the beginning of the works,write the "Tao Rees in the Pilgrim" and "sorrow Egmont" and other works.also wrote the "Tasso" and "Faust" sections.Scripts,"There Egmont" drawn from the 16th century Netherlands people against Spain's history of struggle.Mourning Gemengte history to be a wavering opposition to the aristocracy,Goethe wrote him one for the nation's freedom and unity of the struggle by the people love heroes.But his lack of positive action and advocate the adoption of moderate means and the last to be executed.Play still retains Sturm und Drang of revolutionary sentiment,but the figure has been reduced rebellious spirit."Tao Rees in the Pilgrim," based on Greek mythology,live exotic heroine Pilgrim,had been able to perfect moral conduct,the fraternity moved King's heart and change there barbaric customs,the establishment of a humane and just criteria.Goethe in old age created an abundance of important works such as the autobiographical "Poetry and Truth","Italy Travels" Novel "affinity" and "Weilianmaishite roaming times." lyric poetry "Western and Oriental Collection" Not long ago,death and the completion of "Faust" Part II.These works demonstrate the Goethe emphasis on practice,and certainly the happiness of mankind's ideological work,his idea of the positive factors in the growth over the previous period."Weilianmaishite roaming times," though not as much as "Weilianmaishite learning era" of soliciting,But it ideal to explore the social system as the center,think that people only to the collective welfare and positive labor can be,the meaning of life,more open and positive.Goethe in his later years many lyric poems sparking materialism,the whole idea of light.Romanticism was negative in popular literature of the German literary 1:00 alone up the sky."Faust",in particular the completion of the second outstanding performance of Goethe old age and artistic ideology of the new development.March 22,1832,Goethe died.Goethe German national literature is the most prominent representative of the German literary creation to Europe's advanced level,as well as the development of European literature made great contributions.