
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 19:56:52


A winning personality can win you connections in the business world,personal relationships and noticed by people that want to get to know you better.A person with an energetic,personality is often seen as attractive by the majority of people.Your personality encompasses qualities that make you unique,interesting and sometimes even popular.While,appearance is important and may initially get you noticed in a crowd of people,your personality can captivate and draw the attention away from the so-called beautiful people.Personality lies beneath the beautiful exterior of some people.Your personality can shine through on those bad hair days.So it seems without that winning personality,it stands to reason that appearance is nothing to be compared to a winning personality.
Most people have come across a beautiful person with the personality of a thumb tack.Everyone knows a thumb tack has to be pressed into a hard surface to be useful.At times,this beautiful person may be nice to look at and admire but,what do you do when it's time for an engaging,stimulating conversation?It just might be like pressing a thumb tack into a hard surface to have a conversation with this person.
The trophy wife might be beautiful to look at and may appear to have it all together,when in fact she is used as a status symbol and may be regarded as a dumb person in some of her husbands circle of friends.
No doubt,our society is very visual.The world seems to revolve around the people who wear the latest fashion trends and appear to have it all together.Yet,beware because looks can be deceiving and it may not be what it appears to be.All that glitters may not really be gold.There are many admonishments to pay attention to the character or personality of a person,in order to gain more accurate information about them.
A sociopath may rely on their appearance to deceive you.There was a case of a man pretending to be a bachelor millionaire.He appeared to have millions.This con artist drove an expensive car that was leased in another person's name and also dressed in the finest clothes.Yet,after carefully scrutinizing his conversation,it was apparent that some things didn't add up quite right.
The personality of this con artist revealed a person who was controlling and conniving.After all his millionaire persona was based on his fancy car and expensive clothes and without those props he wasn't what he appeared to be.
There is a word of caution in this story of the fake millionaire and that is,looks can be deceiving and it's not always what it appears to be.

外貌重要还是品格重要的英文辩论稿(我方的观点是品格重要) 全才比专才重要还是专才比全才重要?辩论用的!我方辩题是专才重要!我是三辩 有什么尖锐的问题啊>? 口才比文采重要的辩论会辩论词我方观点为 口才比文采重要, 辩论赛:一个人的外貌重要还是才能重要 辩论:价格比质量更重要 的辩论素材一场辩论会 正反方 我方是产品的价格比质量重要 辩论IQ重要还是EQ重要时要提的问题 “经济发展比环境保护更重要”的英文辩论稿, 求竞争与合作那个更重要的辩论稿我方的观点是合作更重要,帮忙查得多一点,越多越好!急用, 关于“学习态度比学习方法更重要”的辩论会1辩论词~~~(我方是学习态度重要) 辩论:外因与内因的重要性我方是反方,外因比内因重要 求解辩论赛题目: 企业要搞好管理,是员工自律更重要,还是企业监督更重要我方观点为员工自律更重要.求辩论高手给个解题、立论的思路.想拿高分的来.先放上一百分 有个辩论赛的题目,工作中是经验重要还是创新重要?我方辩论题:创新比经验更重要,最后是非常犀利难以辩驳的那种, 辩论赛:父母给孩子的物质需要更重要还是精神需要更重要.我方是反方,物质重要.辩论材料,最好结合实际生活与事例!今晚九点半之前要!事例可以。 合作比竞争重要的辩论稿 求辩论会的发言词西部大开发是知识重要还是资金重要?我方是说资金重要 能力比学历重要辩论狠一点,见血封喉.明天要辩论了,我方是帮能力的 辩论:学习方法重要还是学习态度重要 (正方)正方:学习方法重要反方:学习态度重要以学习方法重要这一立场写一篇三分钟的辩论稿我是最后一个辩的要有论证 辩论 英文重要还是中文重要我是反方 论点是英文重要