英语翻译As Professor Spreitzer notes herself,mere absence of war is not peace,since autocrats can suppress discontent.So,while I am enthusiastic about adding more important dependent variables to our field’s domain,this first pass at conceptual

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英语翻译As Professor Spreitzer notes herself,mere absence of war is not peace,since autocrats can suppress discontent.So,while I am enthusiastic about adding more important dependent variables to our field’s domain,this first pass at conceptual
As Professor Spreitzer notes herself,mere absence of war is not peace,since autocrats can suppress discontent.So,while I am enthusiastic about adding more important dependent variables to our field’s domain,this first pass at conceptualizing and measuring peace is not yet satisfactory.For example,this measure of peace used here has two parts—one what anyone would think of as absence of peace,the European Intelligence Unit’s ‘unrest’.However,Professor Spreitzer adds Transparency International’s ‘corruption’ as another indicator of peace.There might be many reasons for believing that corruption might cause war (or that war may foster corruption),but war and corruption are different things.This is not the typical quibble with the use of surrogate measures when studying questions at the national level,but a straightforward concern with construct validity.Here we see that both war and corruption have equally strong direct relationships with the empowerment variables,and so the confounding of peace and corruption simply undermines the case.Corruption is certainly a bad thing,but it is itself a complex construct subject to much dispute (e.g.,Deflem,1995); the study of how management practices might lead to war or peace is challenging enough without confounding it with other broad and controversial constructs.

英语翻译As Professor Spreitzer notes herself,mere absence of war is not peace,since autocrats can suppress discontent.So,while I am enthusiastic about adding more important dependent variables to our field’s domain,this first pass at conceptual
Spreitzer教授指出,没有战争并不代表和平,因为独裁者可以压制不满.因此,尽管我热衷于添加更多相关重要变量到我们领域,但是这概念化及衡量和平的第一关就不尽如人意了.例如,衡量和平在这里有两种方法:一种是欧洲情报单位动荡不安就代表不和平.然而,Spreitzer教授补充道,透明国际的“腐败”作为和平的另一个指标.很多理由也许会促使我们相信,腐败可能导致战争(或战争可能会滋生腐败),但战争和腐败是不同的东西.当在国家的层面上研究问题时,我们使用替代测量的方法并不是吹毛求疵,而是对结构有效性的直接关注.这里我们可以看到,战争和腐败都与赋权变量直接相关,所以令人困惑的和平和腐败恰恰破坏了这一情况.腐败是当然是件坏事,但它本身就是一个受到许多争议的复杂构造 (如Deflem,1995);管理实践如何导致战争或和平,这一研究是饱具挑战性的,它与其他广有争议的构造是没有关系的.

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