perhaps the oil in your bicycle or in your father's car has come form somewhere far away
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 09:43:45
perhaps the oil in your bicycle or in your father's car has come form somewhere far away
perhaps the oil in your bicycle or in your father's car has come form somewhere far away
perhaps the oil in your bicycle or in your father's car has come form somewhere far away
perhaps the oil in your bicycle or in your father's car has come form somewhere far away
用perhaps there will be/perhaps people will able to .in the future 造句
There is not enough oil in the world now.
英语单词组成句子the your perhaps study in storybook is
连词成句 the your perhaps study in storybook is
she's in the TV room perhaps,连词成句
in perhaps TV room the she is 连成一句话是什么
Y This is where the oil must be
oil travels through oil passages in the crankshaft to lubricate the rod bearings,from the main bear
There is an ____ of oil paintings in theThere is an ____ of oil paintings in the museum.(exhibit)
In thirty years,perhaps beautiful forests will no longer exist in the world.In thirty years,perhaps beautiful forests _______ exist in the world ______ ______.
The high oil
What country has the most oil in the world and the Americas?
Almost everyone in the world use oil in some way.哪里错了?
英语翻译this expansion,together with the dilution of the column of oil by the less dense gas,results in the propulsion of oil up to earth's surface.
I have _____ all the oil.I'm going to buy some in the supermarket.
Who's the first one in the world to integrate oil painting with poetry?