
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 07:31:35


1,the customer will open the shell screws,check the membrane switch power strip cord is fully plugged into the row of slot?
2,where there is more bad phenomenon,re-scheduling of the mask assembly line.Then the right hand of the row lines about Shake 3 to 5 times to verify whether the installation of cable in place,check the power button after installation if there is failure of the defect.

1, by the client will shell screws to be dismantled, examined film switches in platooninsert line whether completely inserted into row slot?
2, such as appeared above phenomena, reopen to mask ro...


1, by the client will shell screws to be dismantled, examined film switches in platooninsert line whether completely inserted into row slot?
2, such as appeared above phenomena, reopen to mask row assembly line. Again with his right hand on row line 3 to 5 times or so moved to verify whether installation to reach the designated position, exhaust line in installed after electrify check whether there will be a failure buttons of unhealthy phenomenon.


1, by the client will shell screws to be dismantled, examined film switches in platooninsert line whether completely inserted into row slot?
2, such as appeared above phenomena, reopen to mask row...


1, by the client will shell screws to be dismantled, examined film switches in platooninsert line whether completely inserted into row slot?
2, such as appeared above phenomena, reopen to mask row assembly line. Again with his right hand on row line 3 to 5 times or so moved to verify whether installation to reach the designated position, exhaust line in installed after electrify check whether there will be a failure buttons of unhealthy phenomenon.


1, by the client will shell screws to be dismantled, examined film switches in platooninsert line whether completely inserted into row slot?
2, such as appeared above phenomena, reopen to mask row...


1, by the client will shell screws to be dismantled, examined film switches in platooninsert line whether completely inserted into row slot?
2, such as appeared above phenomena, reopen to mask row assembly line. Again with his right hand on row line 3 to 5 times or so moved to verify whether installation to reach the designated position, exhaust line in installed after electrify check whether there will be a failure buttons of unhealthy phenomenon


英语翻译1、由客户将外壳螺钉拆开,检查薄膜开关的排插线是否完全插到排槽中?2、如出现以上不良现象,重新对面膜排线进行装配.再用右手对排线进行3到5次左右摇动来验证排线是否安装到 英语翻译1 客户检查后的反馈2 对于critical的风险,有没有报告,如何将漏报将到03 对于一般的error的分析,所给出的technical comment是否符合客户要求的format.有没有漏项,comment是否充分.4 给客户的act 英语翻译箱门与箱体都焊接螺钉并用多股软线连接,具有良好的接地保护.产品外壳防护等级为IP53,符合GB7251.1及IEC60493-1等标准. 艾美特电风扇电机外壳要如何拆开 英语翻译是由螺母、垫圈、弹簧垫片和螺钉构成的一个组件 英语翻译出差订票的基本流程:由客户出钱的:(1)拿到客户的批复邮件(2)拿到Richard的批复(需要在Portal上提交Travel Requisitions,等待Richard的批复)(3) 将所要预定的机票基本信息(包括:目的地 国外订货,外包装标签上数量是对的,里面数量少了,要英文跟客户邮件,怎么说呢?在国外订一个货3千个,使用的时候发现只有1千个,报关公司跟公司的库房同事只检查了外包装的标签,并没拆开包 中翻译英:目前我们机器的镜头是由螺钉调节松紧的,他希望将镜头改为固定的,以增加精确度 英语翻译:请将所有行李物品过机检查 17.烟草花叶病毒(tmv)由蛋白质外壳和核酸组成,将tmv变种x的蛋白质外壳和变种y的核酸组成新病毒,感染烟草后17.烟草花叶病毒(TMV)由蛋白质外壳和核酸组成,将TMV变种X的蛋白质外壳和变种Y的 英语翻译请将客户测试样板需要2个月时间,如果样板通过测试,客户每次会订1个20尺柜的量,用信用证结算翻译成英文, 英语翻译感悟客户需求 超越客户期待 由6股铁丝合成一段导线,测得其电阻为1Ω,若将导线拆开连接成最长的一根细导线,这根细导线的电阻为 英语翻译需要客户帮忙检查在客户组装线是否存在弯折的风险.哪种译得好?1:Need customer help support confirm where there be the bending risk in customer assembly process.2:Need customer give support for confirming if any ben 英语翻译需要客户帮忙检查在客户组装线是否存在弯折的风险.哪种译得好?1:Need customer help support confirm where there be the bending risk in customer assembly process.2:Need customer give support for confirming if any ben 英语翻译我客户给我一个定单我做错了,我怎么说能让他接受这个 很抱歉给您带来的不便,由于我的疏忽由A型号做成B型号.因为经常做B型号,所以我没有仔细检查,我希望你能接受它?帮我翻译一 关于电动车电池正负极接法大雨致使安放电动车4块电池的正方形外壳进水,为防止浸泡,我将外壳拆开,又将4块电池正负极(正极为红色,负极为黑色)的螺丝和连接线路一一取下,电池本身防水 英语翻译企业可以非常好的和客户进行互动,增加客户的参与感.将企业的最新产品动态发布给客户,这种轻量级的产品发布方式,可以提前进行市场宣传,并听到客户真实的反馈.