
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:42:29


The development of the network as well as the rising of the New Economy such as virtual economy and knowlege-based economy have lead to some changes in the finacial environment.These challenge the traditional financial accounting and Auditing.

The financial environment change which is result from the network' development and the virtual economy, as well as knowledge-based economy, challenge the traditional financial accounting and Auditing.

the development of the network and the rising of the virtual economy and knowledge economy changed the financial environment,and also challenged the financial accounting and auditing

The change in financial milieu, as effected by the development in networks(或用internet-网际网络) and the emergence of cyber and knowledge economies as well as new economies of the like, has imposed several (new) challenges to the traditional financial accounting and auditing (practices).

The changes of finacial environment resulting from the development of the network as well as the rising of the New Economy such as virtual economy and knowlege-based economy,have brought in lots of ch...


The changes of finacial environment resulting from the development of the network as well as the rising of the New Economy such as virtual economy and knowlege-based economy,have brought in lots of challenges to the traditional finacial accounting and auditing.
The development of the network as well as the rising of the New Economy such as virtual economy and knowlege-based economy have lead to some changes in the finacial environment,which have brought in lots of challenges to the traditional finacial accounting and auditing.
或者:The development of the network as well as the rising of the New Economy such as virtual economy and knowlege-based economy have lead to some changes in the finacial environment.These changes have brought in lots of challenges to the traditional finacial accounting and auditing


with the development of internet ,traditional accounting and audit have been challenged by the change of financial environment which is resulted by the rise of new economy such as virtual economy and knowledge-based economy .

The changes of Financial circumstances which resulted from network development and the rise of new economies as the virtual economy and knowledge-based economy etc, have presented many challen...


The changes of Financial circumstances which resulted from network development and the rise of new economies as the virtual economy and knowledge-based economy etc, have presented many challenges in the traditional financial accounting and audit.
注:也可以把“have presented”换成“present”,由完成时变为一般时态


Changes in the financial environment caused by network development and the rising of new economy including virtual economy, knowledge-based economy and etc raises great challenges to traditional financial accounting and auditing.

The change of the financial environment caused by development of the internet and the emergence of new business such as virtual economy and intellectual economy poses great challenge on the traditional financial accounting and auditing.


英语翻译网络的发展以及虚拟经济、知识经济等新经济的兴起所导致的财务环境的变化,对传统的财务会计和审计提出了许多挑战. 翻译:随着科技的发展以及知识经济的到来 英语翻译财务会计报告 知识经济 发展 网络发展的经济意义 随着网络的发展 英语翻译 英语翻译随着电子商务的蓬勃发展,网络银行成了电子商务时代的必然产物.本文主要分析了:网络银行发展的现状,制约因素,以及发展模式选择,以及在此基础上对于网络银行发展的一些建议 英语翻译摘 要:在知识经济条件下,人力资源对中小企业的发展具有举足轻重的作用。越来越多的企业管理层也逐渐认识到人力资源管理对企业发展的重要性。中国加入WTO后,经济全球化的 英语翻译而其新的发展趋势主要表现在:经济全球化浪潮势不可挡;知识经济方兴未艾;信息技术、通信技术与电子商务的蓬勃发展及企业的重构对企业本身的影响等等.帮我翻译一下 英语翻译中文如下:随着网络经济、知识经济、经济全球化时代的来临,特别是Internet技术的迅猛发展与广泛应用,对传统存货管理理论和方法产生了巨大的冲击,传统的存货管理方法越来越不 英语翻译打错了,是翻译成英文随着经济全球化的发展和知识经济的到来,以科学技术为基础的高新技术产业的竞争已经成为国际贸易的主流。知识经济的到来对于一国的知识创新和技术创 知识经济兴起下出现的经济新现象 中国在“知识经济”时代如何才能保持经济的可持续发展 论述知识经济的发展对管理产生的影响 英语翻译不好意思,刚刚没有输完,这是后面的,能不能再帮忙翻译一下,在二十一世纪知识经济高速发展的时代,经济越发展,财务会计工作越重要.知识和技术在经济增长中的重要作用日益突出, 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译一下!快摘要:主要通信网络介绍与发展过程,所用技术及特点.以及通信网络与互联网的对比与发展前景.阐述互联网在通信领域的发展,以及通信网络互联网之间的合作. 英语翻译21世纪是发展知识经济的世纪,知识经济将以无形资产投入为主的经济时代.以有形资产的计量和报告为重心的传统会计模式在来势迅猛的现代科学技术革命面前已越来越不适应,无形 战后资本主义发展新变化不包括A 国家加强了对经济的干预,资本主义进入了国家垄断资本主义阶段B 西方福利国家在战后得到发展C 第三产业蓬勃发展,出现知识经济D 出现滞胀状态但是为什么 英语翻译帮忙把下面一段话翻译一下,不要软件直译,论文用知识经济的到来,促进了国际分工的纵深发展,各国经济交往的日益频繁,使世界经济走向一体化.全球经济的融合是世界经济的必然结