请帮我写封外语信大神们帮帮忙write a letter to a friend of yours,who is now living in America.Tell him or her about your Engilsh study at school .Please include the following information in your letter .Friend's name :Mary (girl) The str

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 14:18:03

请帮我写封外语信大神们帮帮忙write a letter to a friend of yours,who is now living in America.Tell him or her about your Engilsh study at school .Please include the following information in your letter .Friend's name :Mary (girl) The str
write a letter to a friend of yours,who is now living in America.Tell him or her about your Engilsh study at school .Please include the following information in your letter .Friend's name :Mary (girl) The structure of your letter is as follows:1st paragrapgh:Greetings 2st paragrapgh:Are you studying English at school?How many English classes do you have in a week?What do you stady in English class?3st paragrapgh:How do you practise English after class Do you like there activities?4st paragrapgh:Best wishes to your friend.终于打完了...晓旭谢谢了·

请帮我写封外语信大神们帮帮忙write a letter to a friend of yours,who is now living in America.Tell him or her about your Engilsh study at school .Please include the following information in your letter .Friend's name :Mary (girl) The str
Dear mary,How are you!I am very excited to write this letter to you because I am going to tell you something about my english study.I have studied for two weeks.There are 5 classes every week.In our english class,it's very funny.We always play little games,read lovely stories,sing beautiful songs,watch funny movies,including American cartoon.After the class,I may speak English with my good classmates,in order to imporove my skopen English.Watching a good American cartoon is my favrious activity in there.And I also love the English teacher very much.During the passing two weeks,i found my english is improved gradually.Waiting for your letter.Best wishes to you!yours,Violet 自己刚写的.你看可以不?有问题再问.GOOD LUCK TO YOU!

请帮我写封外语信大神们帮帮忙write a letter to a friend of yours,who is now living in America.Tell him or her about your Engilsh study at school .Please include the following information in your letter .Friend's name :Mary (girl) The str 英语大神来,请帮我看一下以下来自一封英语信的句子,句型我写的对不对,this is my first letter to others(in this E-time)这是我给别人的第一封信(在这个e时代)I am not sure if this letter can be sent to you 帮我翻译一封解释信,.. 帮我写一篇英语的电子邮件跟一封英语的信请按照以下条件写:You friend is coming to Macao next week .Tell her about :-----Traffic to Macao-----tings to do on Saturday in Macao-----accommodation in MacaoWrite an email Write a l 请帮用英语写封请假信我牙齿非常疼,想明天休假半天去看医生.请帮我翻译一下,谢谢 文笔好的作文!请帮我写一篇以“一封给予班主任自我介绍的信”为题的文章...文笔要好~ 请懂拉丁语的外语大神帮我翻译两个词,命运,唯一, 浓盐酸为什么要密封保存大神们帮帮忙请大家帮我一起来找答案 帮我写篇作文:题目《失败是成功之母》议论文大神们帮帮忙 请帮我解答一个概率问题,5封信投入4个信箱,求只有一个信箱没有信的概率? 哪位大神来帮我写封英语信?谢谢~!(本人对英语不太擅长.)RT,信的内容如下:对不起这么久都没回复你的来信,谢谢你给我的建议,我以后会注意一些美国的信件礼仪的,谢谢! PS:写的格式最 我吃过中华鲟你信么?大神们帮帮忙我的家乡黑龙江 你懂得 如何提高外语成绩大神们帮帮忙我现在8年级外语成绩很差老50左右我想提升成绩可不知道怎么办所以帮帮我 帮我查下六级成绩.326011102209517谢谢大神们帮帮忙, 比如我在一个小时前写了封信那该用I write a letter.还是I wrote a letter.那什么样的情况下用I write a letter呢? 哪位大神能帮我翻译一封电邮啊! 地下城多少蜜蜡能封流星落大神们帮帮忙我有个 +11 的流星 我不想使了 得多少 个蜡烛 能封 帮我写一首关于珍惜时间的诗或词吧 要自己写的大神们帮帮忙