common law和civil law的区别是什么?

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common law和civil law的区别是什么?
common law和civil law的区别是什么?

common law和civil law的区别是什么?
common law,即普通法,一般指英美法系中的概念,与衡平法相比较的一个概念,以英国法和美国法为代表;civil law,即民法法系,一般指大陆法系中的概念,指以罗马法为基础演化而来的法学体系,以德国法和法国法为代表.

common law和civil law的区别是什么? common law system and civil law systemcommon law system 和 civil law system 的比较(英文最好), history about the common law system and the civil law systemexplain the historical development of the common law system and the civil law system.不是翻译,是具体论述 the Common Law 是什么? 请问已经消亡的中华法系(中国古代法)和印度法相似还是和犹太法相似请看清楚,是犹太法不是法系.中华法系和common law,civil law有联系吗 英语翻译Common law is the law for common man 在英国法律体系中,什么是common law和equity,common law 和equity之间有什么关系?在英国法律体系中,什么是common law和equity?common law 和equity之间有什么关系? 什么是事实婚姻(Common Law Marriage) COMMON LAW指的是什么?是指enacted law 还是unenacted law? in law 和 by law的区别 ifference between civil law system and common law system要英文的比较最好详细点·谢谢要的是民法和普通法的区别最好从source procedure application 和 legal education四个方面说不好意思少了个D 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这个段落Canadian law has several sources, including laws passed by Parliament and the provincial legislatures, English common law, the civil code of France, and the unwritten constitution that we have inherited from Great 法律论文:The differences between criminal and civil procedure in continental and common law legal systems1.comprehend the question set 2.identify the development of law in an area3.identify and evaluate the relevant ideas and theories3.evaluate 请问加拿大配偶移民里面spouse,common-law 和conjugal partner的区别? law和lawer的区别 governing law 和 jurisdiction是什么意思? 请问这是什么意识the common-law relationship rule by law 和rule of law 有什么区别?