
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/22 17:34:38


SOD (superoxide dismutase) is an active substance derived from living organisms,can eliminate the organisms in the metabolism of harmful substances generated in the process.SOD on the human body continually replenish the anti-aging special effects.Great Treasure SOD activity of honey contains a wealth of SOD material,and include ginseng,astragalus and other natural plant active ingredients,it is easily absorbed through the skin and the skin layer of protective film formed on the surface can be continuously added to the SOD activity in the skin material,and can effectively prevent the dissipation of the stratum corneum water.Frequently used Dabao SOD honey,can delay skin aging,rapid infiltration,in-depth moisture,the whole family for four seasons Safe.To make your skin fair complexion and charming appearance.Taiho SOD Honey - Modern Bio-engineering and the perfect combination of traditional Chinese medicine.

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