来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 04:41:19
交头接耳-----窃窃私语 依依惜别-----恋恋不舍
提心吊胆-----胆战心惊 心悦诚服-----心服口服
千钧一发-----岌岌可危 风调雨顺-----和风细雨
惊慌失色-----惊慌失措 自作自受-----自取灭亡
恰如其分-----中规中矩 目瞪口呆-----张口结舌
真相大白-----水落石出 足智多谋-----神机妙算
Whispering-----Talks in whispers loaths to part-----Reluctant to part from is with trepidation-----Trembles with fear feels a heartfelt admiration-----Is sincerely convinced to be at a crucial moment-----Good crop weather in imminent danger-----Gentle breeze and mild rain startled change colors-----Is panic-stricken takes the consequences for own actions-----Courts destruction to appropriately-----In the gauge the moment is dumbfounded-----Is at a loss for words to reveal the truth-----Comes to light wise-----Divine strategy