英语翻译乔治·W·布什简介 乔治·W·布什是前总统布什之子.1978年首次参加国会选举,输给竞争对手民主党人士肯特·汉斯.1989-1994 任德克萨斯流浪者队(棒球)经理.1994年当选德克萨斯州州长,1

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 16:51:53

英语翻译乔治·W·布什简介 乔治·W·布什是前总统布什之子.1978年首次参加国会选举,输给竞争对手民主党人士肯特·汉斯.1989-1994 任德克萨斯流浪者队(棒球)经理.1994年当选德克萨斯州州长,1
乔治·W·布什是前总统布什之子.1978年首次参加国会选举,输给竞争对手民主党人士肯特·汉斯.1989-1994 任德克萨斯流浪者队(棒球)经理.1994年当选德克萨斯州州长,1998年再次连任.1999年3月8日正式成立竞选委员会参与竞选.

英语翻译乔治·W·布什简介 乔治·W·布什是前总统布什之子.1978年首次参加国会选举,输给竞争对手民主党人士肯特·汉斯.1989-1994 任德克萨斯流浪者队(棒球)经理.1994年当选德克萨斯州州长,1
George W Bush briefing
George W Bush is the son of former President Bush.1978 for the first time to participate in parliamentary elections,the Democrats lost Shikente Hans competitors.1989-1994-Texas vagrant team (baseball) manager.Elected Texas governor in 1994,re-elected again in 1998.March 8,1999 formally established the Commission in the election campaign.
July 6,1946 in Midland Texas
1964-68 studying the history of Yale University
1968-1973 National Air Guard service in Master's degree in Business
Administration from Harvard University in 1975
1975-86 operating oil and gas business in Texas
1978 for the first time in Parliament election setback
1989-1994 Texas baseball team partners 54,000
1994 Texas governor election success
1998,re-elected Governor
June 12,1999 formally announced in the presidential election


Brief introduction of George W¡¤ Bush
George W¡¤ Bush is former president Bush's son. Participated in the parliament election for the first time in 1978, is defeated by personage of ...


Brief introduction of George W¡¤ Bush
George W¡¤ Bush is former president Bush's son. Participated in the parliament election for the first time in 1978, is defeated by personage of rival Democratic Party Kent Hans. 1989-1994 Assume office as the manager of tramp team of Texas (baseball ). Elected the Texas governor in 1994, was reappointed again in 1998. Established and ran for the committee and participated in running for formally on March 8 , 1999.
Born in Texas Mydland on July 6 , 1946
1964 studied in the department of history of Yale University to 1968
The guard team was on active service in the national air force from 1968 to 1973
Got Master of Business Administration of Harvard University in 1975
1975 dealt in petroleum and natural gas business in Dezhou to 1986
Participated in the member of congress and ran for the failure for the first time in 1978
Partner of baseball team of the ranger in Texas from 1989 to 1994
Ran for the Texas governor and succeeded in 1994
Elected the state governor again in 1998
Claimed to participate in the presidential election formally on June 12 , 1999


乔治·W·布什简介 George W Bush briefing
乔治·W·布什是前总统布什之子。George W Bush is the son of former President Bush.1978年首次参加国会选举,输给竞争对手民主党人士肯特·汉斯。1978 for the first time to participate in parliamentary elections,...


乔治·W·布什简介 George W Bush briefing
乔治·W·布什是前总统布什之子。George W Bush is the son of former President Bush.1978年首次参加国会选举,输给竞争对手民主党人士肯特·汉斯。1978 for the first time to participate in parliamentary elections, the Democrats lost Shikente Hans competitors. 1989-1994 任德克萨斯流浪者队(棒球)经理。1989-1994-Texas vagrant team (baseball) manager.1994年当选德克萨斯州州长, 1998年再次连任。Elected Texas governor in 1994, re-elected again in 1998.1999年3月8日正式成立竞选委员会参与竞选。March 8, 1999 formally established the Commission in the election campaign.
1946年7月6日生于德克萨斯州米德兰 July 6, 1946 in Midland Texas
1964至1968年就读耶鲁大学历史系 1964-68 studying the history of Yale University
1968至1973年在国家空军警卫队服役 1968-1973 National Air Guard service in
1975年获得哈佛大学工商管理硕士学位 Master's degree in Business Administration from Harvard University in 1975
1975至1986年在德州经营石油和天然气生意 1975-86 operating oil and gas business in Texas
1978年首次参加国会议员竞选失利 1978 for the first time in Parliament election setback
1989年至1994年德克萨斯漫游者棒球队合伙人 1989-1994 Texas baseball team partners 54,000
1998年再次当选州州长 1994 Texas governor election success 1998, re-elected Governor
June 12, 1999 formally announced in the presidential election


bush was born in Midlan,Texas in July,6,1946.
he majored in history department in Yale university from 1964 to 1968.
he served in national air force posse from 1968 to 1973.
he acquired...


bush was born in Midlan,Texas in July,6,1946.
he majored in history department in Yale university from 1964 to 1968.
he served in national air force posse from 1968 to 1973.
he acquired the MBA of Harvard university in 1975.
he managed the oil and natural gas business in texas from 1975 to 1986
he run for the Chief Executive of texas in 1978 for the first and failed.
He was the copartner of Rambler Baseball Team from 1989 to 1994.
he succeedded in run for the Chief Executive of texas in 1994.
he was elected the Chief Executive of texas again in 1998.
He officially declared to run for the present of united states in june,12,1999.


George W.Bush在中文中有两种写法,“乔治W.布什”和“乔治·W·布什”.您认为哪一个写法更合理? 英语翻译乔治·W·布什简介 乔治·W·布什是前总统布什之子.1978年首次参加国会选举,输给竞争对手民主党人士肯特·汉斯.1989-1994 任德克萨斯流浪者队(棒球)经理.1994年当选德克萨斯州州长,1 为什么有些外国人的名字有英文字母?例如美国总统乔治·W·布什 乔治·布什英文怎么打? 介绍一下George·bush(乔治布什) 美国总统哈里·杜鲁门和乔治·布什执政时期对经济的干预情况 急求关于乔治·艾略特的英文简介! 乔治·华盛顿的生平事迹? 乔治·布鲁斯东这个名字英文原名是什么 1,乔治·华盛顿的英文缩写是什么2,乔治是名字?华盛顿是姓? 美国前总统老布什的全名为什么分四段?英美人的名字一般只分三段,可是美国前总统老布什的全名是乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(George Herbert Walker Bush),共有四段,是怎么回事? 英文名中那个区分名和姓的点怎么在计算机中打出来?比如叫乔治·布什的名字,大家动下脑筋帮帮忙吧! 英语翻译拉·封丹雨果大仲马乔治·桑小仲马 欧仁·鲍狄埃 劳合·乔治是英国第几任首相? 求英国童谣《乔治·波吉》中英文都行. 英文名字的书写形式英文名字的书写是名字在前吗,哪么乔治·布什哪个是姓那个是名字啊?用英文写的话该怎么写啊? 英语翻译威拉德·米特·罗姆尼是马萨诸塞州第70任州长.共和党人,他是一名耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(摩门教)信徒.1947年罗姆尼出生在一个摩门教世家.父亲乔治·W·罗姆尼原为一名成功商人, 总统山为什么刻乔治·华盛顿、托马斯·杰弗逊、西奥多·罗斯福和亚伯拉罕·林肯而不刻别人呀不要简介