英语翻译1.Despite the failure of his PhD.,Mr.Koroma’s academic reputation has remained intact.2.The boy had humiliated his parents by behaving badly in front of the guests.And that’s why he was given a hard time afterwards.3.Justice will asse

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 00:41:27

英语翻译1.Despite the failure of his PhD.,Mr.Koroma’s academic reputation has remained intact.2.The boy had humiliated his parents by behaving badly in front of the guests.And that’s why he was given a hard time afterwards.3.Justice will asse
1.Despite the failure of his PhD.,Mr.Koroma’s academic reputation has remained intact.
2.The boy had humiliated his parents by behaving badly in front of the guests.And that’s why he was given a hard time afterwards.
3.Justice will assert itself
4.Swords conquer some,but words subdue all men.
5.This slope repelled buildings in the early days and by default a half-hearted park..
6.Bill rode past the street on a horse that looked decrepit and about to collapse.
7.The official is antagonistic to the leader of his own party by accusing him of cowardice.
8.The president’s enemies are spreading ill rumors to undermine his authority.
9.The history book has an a appendix containing an account of what has happened since 1949.
10.Members of one culture may stereotype members of another as “great liars,” “untrustworthy,” or “afraid to face the truth.”
Why has marriage weakened?Scholars point to a variety of important cultural,legal and economic changes:greater social approval of alternatives to marriage the greater economic independence of women,“no-fault” divorce reform,the rise in social insurance programs that make individuals less dependent on families the expansion of market and consumer mores into family life and lesser social supports and pressures to get and stay married from family,friends,professionals,churches,business,and government.moreover,divorce in one generation increases divorce in the next.One large recent study found that children whose parents divorced were 76 percent more likely to divorce themselves .
Has this decline happened because Americans no longer care about marriage?No.Marriage remains a widely shared aspiration.In a 1996 survey,just one percent of Americans said marital success was “not very important to them.Only eight percent of Americans call marriage an “outdated institution,” a proportion that has not changed over the last generation.About half of Americans say that “divorce in this country should be more difficult to obtain,” and public support for this point of view is rising.The paradox is marriage remains very important to adult Americans while the proportion of Americans married has declined and the proportion successfully married has declined even more.

英语翻译1.Despite the failure of his PhD.,Mr.Koroma’s academic reputation has remained intact.2.The boy had humiliated his parents by behaving badly in front of the guests.And that’s why he was given a hard time afterwards.3.Justice will asse

英语翻译Despite radical advances in the formal education system the family remain the primary educators.radical advances怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译1.Despite the steady southward progression(前进)of Chinese settlement,the exposed deltaic(三角洲的)position of the area retarded(妨碍)its economic growth.2.The natural advantages of Shanghai as a deepwater port and shi 英语翻译Despite the fact the he is just a kid,he worked out a difficult math problem. 英语翻译尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,试试救援.(despite) 【答案】Despite the high mountains and thick forests,the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out th 英语翻译1.Thomas Jefferson devoted himself completely to the drafting of The Declaration of Independence despite his personal sorrow and trouble.2.As the most inflnential US president,Franklin Roosevelt left a legacy which still deeply affects 英语翻译Insufficient information about these problems and their solutions can use away,despite the advantages of wireless networks. 英语翻译fa n y i Despite all the success什么意思 But despite some claims to the contrary, 英语翻译The dispite in which outsiders were held is legendary.怎么翻译比较恰当呢?这么理解可以吗?------“这些局外人忍受的蔑视是传奇性的.”更正:despite这个句子没有上下文,只是查despite后面跟的 英语翻译despite all the evidence of the extraordinary improvements in public health during the past century,surveys show that we experience more symptoms. 英语翻译despite all the evidence of the extraordinary improvements in public health during the past century,surveys show that we experience more symptoms. 英语翻译来自《People's Daily Online》主要内容:The Chinese government will maintain its friendship with Thailand despite changes in the international situation and the two countries'domestic situations. despite the weather is bad,这句话是否正确,和despite the bad weather一样吗? 英语翻译Despite such a big difference in attitude towards what one eats,there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. 英语翻译如题.比如在这句里:Despite the fact that there was a baby in the family,so dad couldn't have been that long gong. 英语翻译Despite Thomas Carlyle's claim,when he was arguing that slavery was morally superior to the market,economics is no longer the dismal science. 请问The children went to the garden despite of the rain, 可以把despite of换成despite吗如题.另外,什么叫despite后接从句?是否只能接that?despite后不能接名次吗?谢谢