
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 19:42:23


Mafia is organized crime in 1997 China's new Criminal Code charges.The establishment of this offense,the judicial practice of China's punishing crime syndicates provide some legal basis.Mafia organized crime has become a serious danger to society of criminal activities.Strike forces and the community as a whole are growing louder.In judicial practice,focusing on the specific issues of crime in a number of different awareness.In this paper,the nature of organized crime on the triad of a number of key research issues.Paper includes the following four aspects:
A crime syndicate that.Mafia organized crime is "huge illegal for the primary purpose of economic interests in order to confront the national laws and the importance of relying on in order to corrupt the spirit of Asian culture as a driving force,violence and corruption as the basic means of rope,organized to carry out serious damage to economic order and social life of the order of the illegal and criminal activities." Mafia the legal nature of organized crime:organized crime Mafia is a broad sense a kind of organized crime; triad triad crime is the primary form of organized crime,but in essence the same.The former is the primary form of the latter,the latter after the former through the development of mature,complete the form.The term organized crime Mafia better reflects the current actual situation of organized crime.Mafia the characteristics of organized crime:1 Comparison of strict criminal organizations.2 criminal organizations have a certain economic strength,the pursuit of economic interests.3 crimes of violence have a strong organization and a certain sphere of influence of criminal organizations .4 "umbrella" for the existence of.5 criminal acts of economic and social life are devastating.
Second Mafia organized crime trends.First of all,reflected in the increasing crime syndicates tend to be international; followed by the performance of organized crime in the Mafia and corruption will be colluding with those who more closely; third in the triad nature of organized crime trends and equipment standardization and modernization.
Third,the nature of organized crime triads perfect legislation.First of all,should improve the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code include:the property is not set penalties.Only a member of triad criminal penalty is difficult to obtain free general prevention and special prevention effect.Therefore,we should increase the punishment property.Set partial light sentences.In addition,standardizing on punishment suited the crime and did not reflect the basic principles,there is no clear heavy triad organized crime,the circumstances of a lighter sentence and set different levels,is not conducive to the realization of the basic functions of the penalty.Narrow the scope and types of crimes.China should be created with a number of criminal syndicates specific types of crime in order to adapt to complete the establishment of strict criminal punishment of the crime system needs.Second,should improve the procedures for combating organized crime legislation include:the nature of the existing Code of Criminal Procedure of the triad organized crime prosecution proceedings does not require special rules.So in the future revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure,should be targeted at improving the Mafia and organized crime provides some of the new system of litigation.For example,by legal presumption,the burden of proof to establish.Establish special rules of evidence and the establishment of tainted witnesses and undercover witness system.The third should be in improving the judicial interpretations,including the nature of the triad organizations and criminal groups and triad societies to distinguish between legal interpretation and so there is no clear criteria.
Four Mafia crime prevention and control measures include:First of all,the building of community-based organizations to strengthen and perfect the relevant systems.For example,the floating population management system to improve and strengthen education and help orphans,to do a good job he stepped help adolescents and the劳改犯work.Second,standardizing the market economic order in order to curb triad economic development of the nature of organized crime.The third step up the supervision of law enforcement personnel and protection to prevent the formation of umbrella and so on.

The underworld property organization crime in criminal law is a new added in 1997. The establishment of this crime and punishment for our judicial practice delict provides a legal basis. The underworl...


The underworld property organization crime in criminal law is a new added in 1997. The establishment of this crime and punishment for our judicial practice delict provides a legal basis. The underworld property organization crime has become a serious harm to society of crime. The social security crackdown of black evil forces. In judicial practice, the crime of specific problems appeared some different understanding. This paper points out the delict some problems in the research. Paper mainly includes the following four aspects:
One of the delict of determination. The underworld property organization crime refers to "for major illegal economic interests as the main purpose, to fight with state law, supported by decadent for important for spiritual motivation, subculture violence and corrosion roping, organized for the basic means for social and economic order, serious destruction of life order illegal and criminal activities. Delict of legal nature: the delict belongs to the generalized organized crime a, The underworld property organization crime is the primary form gangster crime, but in essence is consistent. The former is the latter, and the latter is the primary form after the mature, through development of complete form. Delict a word to better reflect the gangster crime in our country at present. Delict features: 1 criminal organization is tight. 2 criminal organizations have certain economic strength, seeking economic interests. 3 the violent crime organization has a strong and influence. 4 criminal organizations have "umbrella". 5 crime on economic and social life order has serious destruction.
Two of the delict of development trends. First delict more internationalization, Second performance in the delict of collusion with FuBaiZhe closer, The third in the underworld property organization crime trend normalization, modern equipment.
Three of the delict of legislation. First, we should perfect the relevant clauses of the criminal law includes: not set property. Only members of the underworld property organization to impose freedom is difficult to obtain general prevention and special prevention effect. So we should increase property. Setup cocktails. In addition, the norms of the punishment of the crimes have reflected the basic principles and adapt to did not make clear a regulation under-society organization crime shall be given a heavier, a set of different plot, and also to realize sentencing class the basic function of punishment. And the sin of narrow scope. China should add some details of organised crime of sin, in order to adapt to the establishment of the punishment of crime closely complete system of the legality of the underworld. Then should be perfected instriking organized crime legislation includes: the procedure of criminal procedural law of organised crime shall not special rules. So in the future, the criminal procedure law should be revised at delict perfect and some new litigation system. For example, established through legal presumption of the burden. Establish special rules of evidence, witness and undercover witness system etc. The third should perfect relevant judicial explanation to the underworld property organization and under-society organization and crime group to legal interpretation no clear standard etc.
Four organised crime prevention and control measures including: first, strengthen community organization construction, improve the relevant system. Such as perfecting floating population management system, to strengthen the education and help orphans, and LaoGaiFan &psychological carries the work, etc. Secondly, to regulate the market economy economic restrains the delict of development. The third to strengthen the supervision and law-enforcement personnel, prevent formation of umbrella, etc.



英语翻译我国1997年《刑法》中规定了黑社会性质组织犯罪.本文从三大方面来研究分析黑社会性质组织犯罪.首先是黑社会性质组织的认定.其次是黑社会性质组织犯罪的发展趋势.最后是立法 英语翻译黑社会性质组织犯罪是我国1997年刑法新增设的罪名.这一罪名的设立,为我国司法实践惩治黑社会性质组织犯罪提供了一定的法律依据.黑社会性质组织犯罪已成为一种严重危害社会的 刑法名词解释.洗钱罪,规范性要素,黑社会性质组织. 英语翻译未成年人犯罪的矫正措施摘 要 未成年人犯罪已经成为世界各国普遍关注的一个社会问题.近年来,我国未成年人犯罪呈现出犯罪年龄低龄化、犯罪类型多元化、犯罪手段成人化、犯罪 英语翻译摘要:贿赂犯罪作为职务犯罪中的重要“组成部分”之一,是世界各国普遍存在的犯罪现象,严重的侵蚀国家的健康肌体,世界各国也都对受贿罪制定了各种处罚规定.而贿赂犯罪在我国 英语翻译随着社会的发展,越来越多的犯罪呈现集团化和团伙化,有组织犯罪已成为犯罪结构的主要形式.犯罪组织涉及的犯罪成员众多,若要在众多的犯罪成员当中辨别出犯罪成员头目,分析犯 13、下列选项中,不属于我国的犯罪分类的是 (3.0分) A.经济犯罪 B.青少年犯罪 C.黄赌毒犯罪 D.民事犯罪 英语翻译在我国刑法学中,犯罪构成理论是核心内容,是刑法学者研究的重点,它是由资产阶级法学家首先掘出并创立的,是资产阶级反对封建司法专制的历史性产物.我国的犯罪构成理论是在20世 1.2013年春节临近,公安部将组织打击“瘦肉精”“地沟油”犯罪,打击销售“病死猪”犯罪和打击制售假药犯罪“三大战役”,全力保卫广大人民群众的餐桌安全和用药安全,这是政府在履行A保 英语翻译未成年人犯罪是世界各国都普遍存在的一个严重的社会性问题,未成年人的犯罪在当前刑事案件中占据一定的比例,但是未成年人犯罪与成年人犯罪在刑事责任的认定和刑罚的适用上 我国人民代表大会制度组织和活动的基本原则是? 我国人民代表大会制度组织和活动的基本原则是? NASA是我国的什么组织?有关飞碟的 我国的统一战线组织是一种政治联盟吗?是不是? 英语翻译是某个组织章程中的一条 英语翻译近几年来,我国未成年人犯罪呈不断上升趋势,未成年人作为一种特定主体,其刑事犯罪在当前各类案件当中已占有相当程度的比例,犯罪数量增多,恶性案件突出,引起了全社会的关心和 英语翻译我国青少年网络犯罪的现状目前我国青少年网络犯罪主要有如下表现形式:1.利用网络侵犯信息安全.2.制造、传播网络病毒.1999年4月爆发的“CIH”病毒,造成全球近 6000万台计算机瘫 英语翻译翻译一下文字我国计算机犯罪立法问题研究【内容摘要】随着信息技术的不断发展进步,利用计算机系统作为犯罪的工具或目标的案件在司法实践中己经越来越多,而在此当中,最为突