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Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
1. The low graduation rates of minority students
2. its increased enrollment of minority students
3. The rising generation will be less well educated than the previous one.
4. Fifiteen percent
5. they recruit the best students
6. Universities are to blame.
7. They cannot afford the high tuition.
8. that they are less qualified
9. some preparatory cources
10. be closed
Part III Listening Comprehension
Section A
M: I left 20 pages here to copy. Here is the receipt.
W: I'm sorry, sir. But we're a little behind. Could you come back in a few minutes?
Q: What does the woman mean?
答案:C. She has not got the man's copies ready.
解析:本题考的是文化场景,出现了copy 等词,(!)还是比较基础的.原文中男生想出示收据来拿复印材料,然后女生说“ we're a little behind. ”(我们动作稍落后)意思就是还没复印好.
W: I hope you're not too put out with me for the delay. I have to stop by friends' home to pick up a book on my way here.
M: Well, that's not a big deal. But you might at least phone if you know you're going to keep someone waiting.
Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
答案:B. She was late for the appointment.
解析:生活类场景题.注意对"be put out with sb"(对……生气)的理解;文中女生首先对自己的迟到表示歉意并解释原因;男生说不是大问题,但是你至少得打个电话给我.因此,我们知道女生迟到了.
W: Mark is the best candidate for chairman of the student union, isn't he?
M: Well, that guy won't be able to win the election unless he gets some majority vote from women students. And I'm not sure about that.
Q: What does the man mean?
答案:C. It won't be easy for Mark to win the election.
解析:对话属于学习类场景,出现了majority , student union,和 candidate等相关词汇.考点在于对话中的肯定与否定类,即前面一个人提出观点,后面一个人采取‘取非’的态度;文中第一人说Mark是学生会主席的不二人选,而第二人则说除非Mark获得了大多数女生的选票,否则是赢不了的,因此还不能确定.
M: Sorry to have kept you waiting, Madam. I've located your luggage.It was left behind in Paris and won't arrive until later this evening.
W: Oh, I can't believe this. Have it deliver to my hotel then , I guess.
Q: What happened to the woman's luggage?
答案:A. It failed to arrive at its destination in time.
解析:考短对话常考场景,旅游场景,其中hotel , luggage 等单词可帮助学生直接定位;第一个人(估计是工作人员)对旅客道歉说行李被落在巴黎了,要到深夜才能送到.旅客说这让让她难以置信,然后要求就把行李送到宾馆.由此可知,女士的行李还没有到达目的地.
W: I don't think we have enough information for our presentation, but we have to give it tomorrow. There doesn't seem to be much we can do about it.
M: Yeah, at this point we 'll have to make do with what we've got.
Q: What does the man suggest they do?
答案:A. Just make use of whatever information is available.
解析:关键词presentation, 为校园场景.考点为第二人建议题,"at this point, we’ll have to do…"明确表示建议,将建议后的内容听出来就可以了.这里“we 'll have to make do with what we've got.”意思是“我们要善加利用手上已有的东西”.
M: I am taking this great course-Psychology of Language, it's really interesting. Since you are a psychology major, you should sign up for it.
W: Actually I tried to do that, but they told me I have to take language studies first.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
答案:D. The woman isn’t qualified to take the course the man mentioned.
解析:关键词course,为校园场景.16题为典型的第二人but转折后出考题,音频中出现的psychology其实不需要知道意思,前面已经有course来解释了.这和六级一贯的难词前后有对其的解释的原则一致,并且psychology是六级学生应该掌握的词汇. 文中男生向女生推荐语言心理学这门课,女生说她有尝试报名,但是在参加课程前得先进行语言学习,因此推出,女生还没有资格参加该课程.
W: Can you believe the way Larry was talking to his roommate? No wonder they don't get along.
M: Well, maybe Larry was just reacting to something his roommate said. There are two sides to every story you know.
Q: What does the man imply about Larry and his roommate?
答案:A. They are both to blame.
解析:17题为租房与住房类,出现了诸如roommate,get along等词汇.并且第二人用maybe给出建议,作为考点.女生首先提到Larry对室友的说话态度不好;然后男生提到有可能他的室友讲了些什么,Larry才会有如此反应.每件事都是有两面性的.因此双方可能都有责任.
M: We don't have the resources to stop those people from buying us out unless a miracle happens. This may be the end of us.
W: I still have hope we can get help from the bank. After all we don't need that much money.
Q: What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?
答案:A. They are in desperate need of financial assistance.
解析:18题为商务话题,关键词 resources,考题类型为观点态度类,答案出现在第二人woman回答处,出现不绝对模凌两可的词汇给出观点态度,此为本题考点.第一人话中讲到“buy sb. out”表示收购;对于这个词不认知问题不大,后面给出了提示,表明发生了问题.而第二人给出了建议.具体而言,第一人说情况很不乐观,第二人说还有希望,能向银行求助.由此可知,他们的经济状况不佳,急需帮助.
Section B
Passage One
26. According to the speaker, why are some people willing to spend their money on travel these days?
答案:B)They think travel gives them their money's worth.
27. What is Tselana Travel planning to do, according to its founder?
答案:D) Launch a new program of adventure trips.
28. According to Ashley Toft, managing director of Explore, what is changing now with regard to travels?
答案:B) The way people travel.
Passage Two
29. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
答案:B) The changing roles played by men and women.
30. What might women do at office meetings nowadays according to the speaker?
答案:A) Offer more creative and practical ideas than men.
31. Why did the speaker mow the lawn herself that morning?
答案:C) To show that women are capable of doing what men do.
Passage Three
32. What is Florence Hayes’ main responsibility as a journalist?
答案:B: Reporting criminal offenses in Grennville.
33. What does the speaker say about security in Greenville?
答案:D: It has fewer violent crimes than big cities.
34. What do we learn about crimes against property in the Greenville area?
答案:A: There are a wide range of cases.
35. What would Florence Hayes prefer to do?
答案:A. Write about something pleasant.
Section C Compound Dictation
36 flavors
37 confused
38 particularly
39 behavior
40 variety
41 overwhelmed
42 senior
43 strategies
44 who had undertaken the most exhausted search would be the most satisfied with their final decision
45 why these people feel less satisfied is that a world of possibilities may also be a world of missed opportunities.
46 a person is more acutely aware of the opportunities they had to turn down to pursue just one career.
Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth)
Section A
Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
47. what is in your boss's mind
48. challenging our boss's authority
49. possible consequences
50. be proposed and reviewed
51. confrontations
Section B
Passage One
Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.
52. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
答案:D. The general public thinks differently from most economists on the impact of immigration.
53. In what way does the author think ordinary Americans benefit from immigration?
答案:B. They can get consumer goods at lower prices.
54. Why do native low-skilled workers suffer most from illegal immigration?
答案:C. They have a harder time getting a job with decent pay.
55. What is the chief concern of native high-skilled, better-educated employees about the inflow of immigrants?
答案:D. It may place a great strain on the state budget.
56. What is the irony about the debate over immigration?
答案:C. People are making too big a fuss about something of small impact.
Passage Two
Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
57. What characterises the business school student population of today?
答案:A. Greater diversity.
58. What is the author’s concern about current business school education?
答案:B. It will produce business leaders of a uniform style.
59. What aspect of diversity does Valerie Gauthier think is most important?
答案:C. Attitude and approach to business.
60. What applicants does the author think MBA programmers should consider recruiting?
答案:C. Applicants from outside the traditional sectors.
61. What does Mannaz say about the current management style?
答案:D. It is shifting towards more collaborative models.
Part V Cloze
62 employers
63 but
64 devote
66 academic
67 necessarily
68 outside
69 demanding
70 potential
71 relevant
72 up
73 voluntary
74 and
75 Exceptional
76 perform
77 formally
78 For instance
79 demonstrated
80 scheme
81 peers
Part VI Translation
82. Even though they were already late, they would rather stop for the beautiful view(宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than just go on.
本题考查两个知识点,比较活.停下来做某事可以表达为stop for sth.(此处sth.为汉译英动词转名词的技巧,即doing sth. → sth.),stop to do sth. 或者stop and do sth..而”欣赏美丽的景色”,若用动词组合表达则为enjoy the beautiful view即可.
83. No agreement was reached in the discussion between the two parties, as either side refuses to soften their positions (任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场)
本题语言表达在新闻英语中出现频率较高,一定程度上考查了考生平时练习新闻英语听力的成果.任何一方既可以用neither side(后跟“放弃”的表达),也可以用either side(后跟“不肯放弃”的表达),而立场的表达较多,可用standpoint, position, ground, stance等,所搭配的动词也不尽相同.
84. The pills could have cured the cancer patient (本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的), but he didn't follow the doctor's advice and take them regularly.
85. It is really kind of you to give me so much help(你真好,给了我那么多帮助);I really feel obliged to you.
本题令人欣喜,因为对于it is kind of sb. to do sth.的句法,绝大多数考生都烂熟于胸,而趋于口语的整句意思,也可轻易补全空格内容.
86. The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was thirty years before they were able to reunite(他们才得以重聚)
本题考查before的上下文语境用法.除去“在…之前”的意思外,A从句 + before + B从句还能理解为A,B两事先后发生,即A之后,B接着发生.原句意为“三十年之后,他们才得以重聚”.如采用汉译英中的动词转名词的技巧,则可回答before their reunion.


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