
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 18:35:44

3、忠诚 紫色,是佛罗伦萨队衣颜色,也是“战神”心中最浓重的颜色.在过去的九年里,他为佛罗伦萨贡献了一切,他懂得如何与队友相处,也懂得如何去给这个城市的人民带来欢乐,每年找佛罗伦萨俱乐部要求巴蒂加盟的人俯拾皆是,但即使在紫衣军团降入乙级的时代,巴蒂都没有离弃他的球迷.他坚信紫百合会在信念的执着里开放,充满了爱才会充满力量.
4、夺冠 在罗马成就冠军 红色,是激情的象征,也是巴蒂在罗马的浴血奋战的真实写照.巴蒂在罗马的第一个赛季是完美的,在赛季初一度受到伤病的困扰下,仍打进了20粒进球,夺取十年来的第一个意甲冠军.巴蒂为忠诚付出了9年的代价,当他的梦想终于在第10个年头得以实现.
5、国脚 .阿根廷军团的灵魂 蓝白两色,是阿根廷战袍的颜色,也是让世界熟悉“战神”的颜色.在阿根廷人心中,自马拉多纳之后,巴蒂是唯一让他们顶礼膜拜的球星.巴蒂的一生都蓝白色的阿根廷队,两届美洲杯最佳射手,两次美洲杯冠军,91年美洲足球先生.世界杯赛场上的巴蒂也毫无逊色,至今他仍是唯一一位在连续两届世界杯上演帽子戏法的球员,他的国家队入球数也超过了马拉多纳.
6、落泪 巴蒂斯图塔的三次流泪 白色,是告别的颜色,是伤感的颜色.当巴蒂打进在佛罗伦萨最后一个进球…… 当巴蒂第一次对阵老东家,打进了全场唯一的进球…… 当他最后一次参加世界杯,最后一次穿上蓝白球衣…… 全世界都看到了,“战神”洒下了泪水.
7、家庭 入球后高喊“依利娜,我爱你!” 不特别在乎风度但是极其重视男子汉气质,是南美洲男人的特质.巴蒂斯图塔也是这样,现代化的欧洲也不能从他头脑中洗去南方大陆文化留下的印迹.他的家庭生活跟那些经典的当地小说的描述惊人地相似,无论家庭结构和生活内容都完全相同.

1st,the Pakistan chart tower is in the world one of mostcomprehensive firers,is the recognition talent,his left allcan vigorously shoot,header also extremely splendid,the free kick isquick,the angle trickily by the speed is famous.In the competition,he always charges in front,the beautiful long neck hair rusheson ahead to divide the wind,drops out howling which as soon as ridesis above mundane thoughts,he is brave,with powerful rushes about todevastate powerful enemy's nerve.His male sound submergence grass,hevigorously shoots,the thunder as soon as strikes the fullback istrembled,makes the goalkeeper to be scared,the fan kindly called heenters the ball is "BATIGOAL" the type enters the ball.
2nd,the green,is the soccer field color,also is the South AmericaArgentina famous prairie color.In February,1969 one day,was called Gabrielle the Pakistan chart tower baby boy to beborn the Argentine countryside which added in a named Abbe reaches.With horse Radow natrium these kicks the ball game star whichthe street corner soccer grows up to compare since childhood,14 yearold of front the soccer has not entered his life.
3rd,the loyal purple,is the Florence team clothes color,also is"the war-god" in the heart the strongest color.In the past nineyears,he has contributed all for Florence,he understood how istogether with the teammate,also understood how gives this city thepeople bring happily,looks for the Florence club request alliance every year the person bends over to pick up all is,but evenif falls into in the purple clothes regiment the time,to has not all abandoned him the fan.He believed the purple hundredmutual economic assistance organizations rigid in opened in the faith,fill have liked only then being able to fill the strength.
4th,wins the championship in the Roman achievement champion is red,is the fervor symbol,also is the real portrayal which fights abloody battle in Rome.in Rome's first season is perfect,firstday receives under the wounded and sick puzzle in the season,stillsneaked in 20 grains to enter the ball,won for ten year first Italianarmor champion.for has loyally paid 9 years price,when hisdream finally can realize in the 10th year.
5th,champion soccer player.The Argentine regiment's soul blue whitetwo colors,are the Argentine battle dress colors,also lets the worldis familiar "the war-god" the color.In Argentine will of the people,since horse Radow natriumis the ball game star which onlylets them lie prostrate in worship.the life all blue whiteArgentine team,two session of Americas cup best firer,two Americascup champion,91 year Americas soccer gentleman.In the World Cupathletic field also is second to none,until now he still wasonly 11 in continuously two sessions of World Cup performance hattrick player,his national sports team entered the ball number also tosurpass the horse Radow natrium.
6th,cries the Pakistan chart tower three time to burst intotears the white,is the farewell color,is the moved color.Whensneaks in Florence last enters the ball......When thefirst confrontation master,only sneaked in the entire audience toenter the ball......When his last participation World Cup,last timeputs on the blue white sports attire......The world all saw,"thewar-god" has sprinkled the tears.
After 7th,the family enters the ball to shout loudly "is elegantaccording to the advantage,I love you!" Not specially cares about thedemeanour but extremely to take the man makings,is the South Americaman's special characteristic.The Pakistan chart tower also isthis south,modernized Europe cannot wash off the signature from hisbrains which the mainland culture stays behind.His family life isastonishingly similar with these classics local novel description,regardless of family structure and life content all quite same notless than

英语翻译1、巴蒂斯图塔是世界上最全面的射手之一,是公认的天才,他的左右脚都能大力射门,头球也非常出色,任意球更是以速度快、角度刁而著称.在比赛中,他总是冲锋在前,长发美鬃夺路劈 英语翻译 “这是当时世界上最先进的技术” 长城是世界上最漂亮的风景之一英语翻译 七大洲的世界之最比如欧洲史世界上最湿润的大陆希望全面一点 用英语翻译:英语是世界上最有趣的语言,最简单的语言之一 英语翻译:“我是世界上最开心的人” 英语翻译:世界上最伟大的建筑之一 世界上最珍贵的是? 鲸是世界上最( ),最( )的动物 英语翻译你是这个世界上最自己为是,最愚蠢,最恶毒的女人!是这句才对,不好意思打错 发些宇宙之最,越多越好,最好是最全面的最好是全面的,宇宙之最 关于生物膜化学组成的表达最全面的是? 上海南京路是世界上最著名、最繁华的商业街之一.英语翻译 急!英语翻译,把这句话翻成英语,谢谢! 英语是世界上最广泛的第二语言 法语是世界上最严谨的语言 英语翻译.不要电子词典翻得那种 英语翻译“我觉得我现在是世界上最幸福的人”这句话英语怎么说? 世界上最古老的文明是?注意,是世界上 英语翻译1 猎豹是世界上 跑的最快的 动物 2 蜗牛是陆地上 跑的最慢的 动物3 你知道 世界上跑的 最快 和 最慢 的 动物是什么吗?4 世界上跳的最高的动物是什么?5 跳蚤是世界上跳的最高的动