帮忙断句并翻译The lower points(处于较低位置的点) identified by the morphological filter(形态学滤波) are classified as bathymetry and the subsurface and water surface returns are classified based on height differences betwe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 06:51:45

帮忙断句并翻译The lower points(处于较低位置的点) identified by the morphological filter(形态学滤波) are classified as bathymetry and the subsurface and water surface returns are classified based on height differences betwe
The lower points(处于较低位置的点) identified by the morphological filter(形态学滤波) are classified as bathymetry and the subsurface and water surface returns are classified based on height differences between neighboring points within a raster cell, and bathymetry returns.
里面好几个and , 最后还有个and,怎样划分句子成分,最好能翻译.

帮忙断句并翻译The lower points(处于较低位置的点) identified by the morphological filter(形态学滤波) are classified as bathymetry and the subsurface and water surface returns are classified based on height differences betwe
1.【The lower points identified by the morphological filter are classified as bathymetry】 and 【the subsurface and water surface returns are classified based on height differences between neighboring points within a raster cell,and bathymetry returns.】这是两个并列句.
2.【The lower points主语】 【identified by the morphological filter定语】 【are classified as谓语】 【bathymetry宾语】
3.【the subsurface and water surface returns主语】 【are classified谓语】 【based on height differences [between neighboring points within a raster cell,and bathymetry] returns谓语补语】.

奉议郎守尚书礼部员外郎武骑尉何昌言撰                              奉议郎守尚书司封员外郎余彦明书                              奉议郎守尚书祠部员外郎张阁篆    君讳景阳,字叔明,姓孙氏,自唐居士瑫世家洪州丰城之敷山.为江右望族,曾大父仁昌,大父思忠,父余庆,皆有隐德,君性至孝,事亲能竭其力,生生之具赖之,以办既饶给则喜,周人之急乡,人有...


奉议郎守尚书礼部员外郎武骑尉何昌言撰                              奉议郎守尚书司封员外郎余彦明书                              奉议郎守尚书祠部员外郎张阁篆    君讳景阳,字叔明,姓孙氏,自唐居士瑫世家洪州丰城之敷山.为江右望族,曾大父仁昌,大父思忠,父余庆,皆有隐德,君性至孝,事亲能竭其力,生生之具赖之,以办既饶给则喜,周人之急乡,人有假贷者其偿仅足,不复取息,人多德之,岁俭幼孤,不能自存,君为居养之,多以全活,少喜笔札,长于歌诗,虽老而不厌,开馆延儒生,使与子弟游,亲勉之以学问,故君子发中进士第,以荣于里闾,以慰其志焉,天资温厚,不与物忤,虽子孙奴仆未尝以辞气加焉,子既壮即以生事委之,不复计家之有无裕然,于林沼台榭之间,可谓达于理矣,崇宁元年八月十有六日终于寝,沐浴具酒与家人诀,初无疾痛,享年七十有二,夫人何氏亦有贤行,子三人长即发也,并调信州永丰令奔君之丧,次曰登曰詧业进士女三人,皆适士族,孙男七人女亦如之,将以明年十一月二十一日葬君于富城乡游陂之原,於是永丰君走介,持同年生黄得礼之状,来京师其论次君之,行事如此尝观世之吉人长者txbf有善与乡有德于人天之报应,各以其道不在其身必在51其子孙君乐于为善,以经术教子,使知名于时而不及见其成就以享天子宠嘉之命,虽君安恬乐易,不以外物蒂芥于胷中i然孝子之心所以欲自致者,宜如何哉然则高门之应,宜在于异日也,昌言于永丰君实见知于诸生者也既属为铭,其何以辞铭曰                      敷山之阳兮,冈阜穹隆吉人之居兮,世以长雄                      敷山之松兮,千古其高吉人之寿兮,乐以游遨                      敷山之水兮,源流深长吉人之后兮,绵远繁昌                      敷山之石兮,丰碑嵯峨吉人之名兮,千古不磨                      曾宗礼刊


帮忙断句并翻译The lower points(处于较低位置的点) identified by the morphological filter(形态学滤波) are classified as bathymetry and the subsurface and water surface returns are classified based on height differences betwe the large bone of the lower leg怎么翻译 桃花源记从文中找出一个判断句并翻译 求翻译 Speed limits are on the lower side 请帮忙翻译这句:GAAP requires assets to be carried at the lower of cost or market value.是Corporate Finance 课本中的一句话 lower mahanttan 怎么翻译 好心人帮忙翻译一下吧 急用请不要用翻译软件 谢谢!LegislativeThe legislature is the General Assembly. The General Assembly is a bicameral body consisting of an upper body, the State Senate (36 senators); and a lower body, the Hou THE LOWER LIMIT...帮忙翻译一下这句话The lower limit of TiO2 concentration(浓度) is strongly dependant on the viscosity of the liquor which is in turn a function of the composition(成分).(是个不太正宗的英国人写的) 帮忙下,外文翻译!谢谢!The miniaturization of machine components is perceived by many as a requirement for the future technological development of a broad spectrum of products. Miniature components can provide smaller footprints, lower power c 请教高手帮忙翻译一段(最好是懂点地质学的)Benthic microbial mats: a possible major component of organic mattera ccumulation in the Lower Aptian oceanic anoxic eventABSTRACTOceanic anoxic events (OAEs) throughout the Cretaceous we To lower the balloon ,hot air is released如何翻译不要用翻译器翻译的 帮忙翻译一句话,中译韩(谢绝翻译器)愿大家在新的一年里心想事成,万事如意!要有断句,谢谢! at about the lower 0.4 point of the slope如何翻译 The infant mortality was 40 percent lower than that of the 1960.翻译 we can accept the price lower than USD4.8 to USD4 怎么翻译 in inner side of the right lower column installing right-angle求正确翻译 The air fare in April is lower than in May.用英语怎么翻译? They were a lot lower than any airplane l saw in the sky.翻译