
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 21:13:35


A volunteer is someone who works for a community or for the benefit of natural environment primarily because they choose to do so. The word comes from Latin, and can be translated as "will" (as in doing something out of ones own free will). Many serve through a non-profit organization – sometimes referred to as formal volunteering, but a significant number also serve less formally, either individually or as part of a group.By definition, a volunteer worker does not get paid or receive compensation for services rendered other than reimbursement for out-of-pocket expensesMany organizations (hospitals, food banks, etc.) have a continual need for volunteers. Other high-profile events, such as a marathon, require hundreds or thousands of volunteers for a one-time or annual need. The success of such events has a significant economic impact on the local economy. Thus, there is increasing awareness of the economic importance of volunteers.This, in turn, has elevated the importance of the volunteer manager for such events, people who formerly may have managed volunteers in addition to other duties but now may be viewed as professionals in the field.This has also increased the need for volunteer management software, e-mail broadcasts, texting and other technological tools, allowing the volunteer manager to register and communicate with large numbers of people who otherwise have no connection to each other.

volunteering以此为话题写一篇演讲稿,要求水平中等(尽量口语化,主要是观众能听懂),观点有独特的地方,话题没限制,不要求太全面,时间3分钟左右时间原因15日以后关闭问题, 参加春节大拜年活动,并以此为话题,写一篇600字以上的作文. 我们步入青春,可以说开始用“两条腿”走路了,请以此为话题,写一篇作文 生活中常常要学会被拒绝,要学会等待.以此为话题,写一篇作文 珍惜拥有,是一种人生觉悟.请以此为话题写一篇议论文、 现在,有的孩子娇生惯养,离不开父母,无法独立,请以此为话题,写一篇作文.急需! 老人摔倒你扶还是不扶 以此为话题写一篇议论文 奥运给我们的启示,以此为话题写一篇800字左右的议论文.很急. 帮帮忙 我们步入青春,可以说开始用“两条腿”走路了,请以此为话题,写一篇作文 我们步入青速求 为什么说君子爱财,取之有道以此为话题,写一篇作文,回答时,写出大意便可 以向上向下为话题写一篇文章 800字,急.比上不足 比下有余。以此为话题,展开向上向下的讨论 为话题写一篇文章 世界上有两种动物可以到达金字塔的顶部,一种是老鹰,一种是蜗牛.以此为话题写一篇议论文800字不要重复 生活中,我们每个人都会有许多美好的愿望.你的愿望是什么?请以此为话题,写一篇习作, 你看过哪部电影给你留下了深刻的印象,为什么?请你以此为话题写一篇70词左右的短文是英语作文 生活中有哪些平凡的小事触动你的心弦,让你获得启迪呢?请以此为话题,写一篇作文.(要求:不少于500字) 孔子说,“己所不欲,勿施于人”.难道己所欲,就能施于人吗?请以此为话题,写一篇不少800字的文章 who is the heroine you admire most give you reasons.以此题目为话题写一篇120词的英语作文