
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 10:04:38


一般将来时:will/shall do
过去将来时:would/should do
现在进行时:am/is/are doing
过去进行时:was/were doing
现在完成时:have/has done
过去完成时:had done

1.一般现在时am is are,和动词的一般时态,是单数第三人称时家s&es;
2.一般过去式:was, were和动词的一般过去时态,如do就是did;
3.现在进行时:即动词ing形式, she is leaving;
4.过去进行时:she was leaving,就是说A和B 说话谈到过去的某个时间点或段正在做某事,例如上个星期天的三点你和...


1.一般现在时am is are,和动词的一般时态,是单数第三人称时家s&es;
2.一般过去式:was, were和动词的一般过去时态,如do就是did;
3.现在进行时:即动词ing形式, she is leaving;
4.过去进行时:she was leaving,就是说A和B 说话谈到过去的某个时间点或段正在做某事,例如上个星期天的三点你和我正在看电影,你跟别人讲起时就可用这个时态;
5.现在完成时:have+done:I have finished work.没有具体的时间,只强调结果是已经做了某事,如:我已经吃饱了I have had enough;
6.过去完成时:had+done,如:I had finished my work when he came to the office yesterday morning.过去的过去已经完成的动作,就是说他来办公室时我已经完成了工作;
7.将来完成进行时:will have been doing,比如:做报告时说:到2012年6月6号9:30分00秒,神州8号正在升空这个动作中,have been doing 强调一直持续的动作,如下个月6号上午9:00她正在考试:she will have been taking exams at 9:00 am in Guangzhou on 6 June;
8.过去完成进行时:would have been doing:4月6号9:00她正在考试,也是强调持续动作,she would have been taking exams at 9:00 on 6 April.你跟别人讲起就可用这个时态.

I will have cabbage flavoured with fried egg for supper
摘 要“拉纤”一词最初出现于隋朝,隋炀帝修运河,造龙舟下江南,使用民夫民女拉纤。那个时候,湘西北地区属于蛮荒地带,一直到元末明初,“江西填湖广”之后,才逐渐开发,船运商业顺之萌发,也就是说:明朝中叶,随着船运的兴起,“澧水船工号子”伴之产生。它迄今约500年,代代相传,无需专门从师,全凭先人口授于耳。可见“澧水船工号子”历史悠久,影响之巨大。The word "Towing boat" first came into being at Sui Dynasty when SuiDi built the Canal making dragon boat to go down Gangnam with merely the help of civilianmen and women to tow the boat. At that moment,northwest district of Xiangxi pertained to untamedregion andwas not developed until Yuan and Ming after "Jiangxi fillingHuguangmovement." Shipping business also take its germination then, in other words:in theMiddle of Ming Dynasty With the rise of shipping, "Li water boatman chantey "was produced.Up to now, it was established about 500 years beinghandeddownfromgenerationtogeneration without a specialized master just all by ancestors dictating into the ear.Obviously, "Li water boatman chantey "has a long historical standingwith itsimpacton peopleofthegreat. 关键词澧水;船工号子; 非物质文化遗产 (nonphysical cultural heritage) Best Regards,Michelle
