英语翻译上一段已经成功解决,这里还有几小段,我的分数不多了,Though the Waddington and von Bertalanffy programs have not been confirmed in the typical accomplishments and representations in molecular biology in general,and mole

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 01:57:13

英语翻译上一段已经成功解决,这里还有几小段,我的分数不多了,Though the Waddington and von Bertalanffy programs have not been confirmed in the typical accomplishments and representations in molecular biology in general,and mole
Though the Waddington and von Bertalanffy programs have not been confirmed in the typical accomplishments and representations in molecular biology in general,and molecular genetics in particular,there are interesting advances that fall between those searches for broad theories couched in mathematically precise differential equation form,and the narrow classes of mechanisms,usually described in qualitative multilevel causal language,that constitute the vast majority of current biomedical explainers.In traditional population genetics,one important exception is the ability to develop a powerful axiomatization of the subject that does bear strong analogies to equation based theories of physics.(For a detailed example see the Jacquard axiomatization of population genetics summarized in Schaffner (1993),Chapter 8.)
There are several other theories that are equation-based which can be identified in contemporary biomedicine; and in the remainder of this paper I discuss two of these in detail.My view is that these can disclose some important ways that very general and quantitative principles can be applied fruitfully in biology and medicine.They also disclose the limitations of this kind of
physics-oriented approach to biology,and a comparison of those areas where mathematical modeling works and at what points it begins to fail may indicate ways that systems biology can approach the issues of theories,models,and equations in this nascent area.
I will begin my discussion with a brief account of the development of the Hodgkin–Huxley Giant Squid Model for Action Potentials,a stunning accomplishment for which Hodgkin and Huxley shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1963.One of the current standard textbooks of neuroscience (Kandel et al.2000) states that 50 years after its publication,‘the Hodgkin–Huxley model stands as the most successful quantitative computational model in neural sciences if not all of biology’ (p.156).

英语翻译上一段已经成功解决,这里还有几小段,我的分数不多了,Though the Waddington and von Bertalanffy programs have not been confirmed in the typical accomplishments and representations in molecular biology in general,and mole
Waddington 和 von Bertalanffy氏方法,尽管其贡献和代表性并没有在一般意义上得到分子生物学或者在特别意义上得到分子遗传学的确认,但还是在以下方面产生了有益的进展,即,它使我们的广泛的理论搜寻进步到精确的数学微分方程式的形式和通常以定性的多级因果语言来描述的机理的狭窄类别之间,由此构建了当代生物医学因果辨析的主体内容.在传统的统计遗传学中,一个重要的例外是把主题内容公式化的能力,这种公式化确实具有与物理学理论类似的函数表述.(更详细的例子,参见Schaffner(1993,第八章)总结的Jacquard群体遗传学公式).
我将简要描述Hodgkin–Huxley关于巨型墨鱼的动作电位模型,并以此开始我的讨论.Hodgkin和Huxley因这个模型的惊人成就而分享了1963年的诺贝尔生理学和医学奖.在这个模型提出50年之后,当代神经系统科学的一本标准教科书(Kandel et al.2000)对其评价是“Hodgkin–Huxley模型即使不是整个生物学至少也是神经科学的最成功的数量运算模型(第156页)”.

英语翻译上一段已经成功解决,这里还有几小段,我的分数不多了,Though the Waddington and von Bertalanffy programs have not been confirmed in the typical accomplishments and representations in molecular biology in general,and mole 求英语翻译:“文本已经被成功复制” 英语翻译不用了,我已经解决了, 英语翻译这是一段歌词:We will dance (中间这里隔开了几秒) through the country 英语翻译这里的随便吃,只给了3条横线来填.已经给出了 them 在后边,而them 前边还有三条横线 要求是在这3条横线上填适当的词啊! 英语翻译这是文章的最后一段,前面讲作者决定改行写小说的时候不是很相信自己,但后来成功了,成了作家.It feels like an unbelievable stroke(请问stroke这里什么意思?) of luck----of fate(.luck和fate有 相信自己就已经成功了一半的英语翻译 英语翻译传真已经发送成功 翻译成英语 小明从家到学校已经走了500米,还有2000米就到学校,小明已经走了全程的百分之几? 小明看一本故事书,已经看了15页,还有225页没看.小明已经看了这本书的几分之几,还有几分之几没有看 小明看一本故事书,已经看了15页,还有225页没看.小明已经看了这本书的几分之几,还有几分之几没有看 小明看一本故事书,已经看了15页,还有225页没有看.小明已经看了这本书的几分之几?还有几分之几没有看? 英语翻译Wendy 几年前开始创办生意,现在她已经很成功了(用busy和success的适当形式) 英语翻译标题:它已经……阿姨:“小明,上一次在这里看见有一只小狗,它现在怎样啦?”阿姨:发生什么事了?”小明:“不是啊.”“喔,那么你把它送给朋友了吗?”“不是在这里.”“那么,它 第1小题自己已经解决求2.3题 英语翻译非常抱歉给你带来不便,现在问题已经解决. 英语翻译还有capacity,reserve,accomodate,relatively,preserved分别是什么意思.【注意】送财富!这个问题我已经解决了,送出经验,只要回答就给你。限时两小时以内~ 英语翻译还有这里用someone是什么意思?