
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 03:37:48

Cugle 团队

Dear All Friends:
First of all,we want to express our appreciation for your support and kindness to Cugle Company in the past year.
Now,due to the Chinese New Year,our company will have a holiday from Dec.31st,2010 to Jan.10th,2011,then we will resume to work on Jan.11th,2011.
In the new year,we will be glad to bring you the high quality products and service.
Wish you health and booming business.
Sincerely Yours
Cugle Team

Dear all friend,
First of all,we would like to thank you for you support and kindness to our Cugle Company in the whole last year.And because of the new year ,our company will have a holida...


Dear all friend,
First of all,we would like to thank you for you support and kindness to our Cugle Company in the whole last year.And because of the new year ,our company will have a holiday from 12/31/2010 to 1/10/2011,but we will start working in 1/11/2011.
In the new year ,we will come back with higher quality of products and better services.We wish you're healthy ,and booming business.
Sincerely you
Cugle Team


Dear friends:
We thank you in the past year Cugle company for the support and love, because the Chinese New Year, our company will 12/31/2010 - from 1/10/2011 holidays, 1/11/2011 formally began.


Dear friends:
We thank you in the past year Cugle company for the support and love, because the Chinese New Year, our company will 12/31/2010 - from 1/10/2011 holidays, 1/11/2011 formally began.
In the New Year, we will take more most quality products and services to come back to your side. I wish you:
A healthy body, the business is thriving
Cugle team


Dear valued customers:
First of all, we would like to express our appreciation upon your support and kindness to us throughout the year.
However, we would like to inform you that our company ...


Dear valued customers:
First of all, we would like to express our appreciation upon your support and kindness to us throughout the year.
However, we would like to inform you that our company will be hibernated from 31st of december until 10th of january due to the celebration of chinese new year. We will be available on 11th of january. Sorry for the inconveniece.
In the newly coming year, we will provide you a better products and services.
At the same moment, we wish you to have a Happy New Year.
Cugle Team
PS: 对不起哦,因为在英文没有说祝客人身体健康生意兴隆。不过我帮你改了点,如果你坚持要自己的版本可以写:“in the pink health and flourished business ”
祝你新年快乐 =)


英语翻译各位亲爱的朋友:首先感谢您在过去的一年对Cugle公司的支持与厚爱,因为中国新年,我们公司将从12/31/2010-1/10/2011放假,1/11/2011正式开工.在新的一年,我们会带着更最优质产品和服务回到 麻烦各位高手帮我翻译成英文,谢谢!亲爱的朋友,好久不见,你过得还好吗?今天我终于鼓起勇气跟你说出我的真心话,首先感谢老天爷让我们在茫茫人海中相遇,也感谢你在百忙之中抽出宝贵的时 英语翻译亲爱的朋友,好久不见,你过得还好吗?今天我终于鼓起勇气跟你说出我的真心话,首先感谢老天爷让我们在茫茫人海中相遇,也感谢你在百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间教我学习英语,其实第一 英语翻译亲爱的朋友:时间过的真快,转眼间忙碌的2007年即将过去,不管这一年中有着怎样的经历,感谢上帝赐予我们的健康和幸福.今天是西方传统的圣诞节,在此之际,请允许我送上最真挚的祝 英语翻译亲爱的毛老师:您好!还记得我吗?我是XXX。今天是教师节,首先祝您教师节快乐!其次,感谢您在五、六年级教我了许多单词、英语知识。感谢您在这两年中对我的谆谆教导,使 各位亲爱的潮汕朋友,你们知道广州哪里有卖鲎粿? 英语翻译亲爱的老师:在过去的一学期里,我很感谢你给予我的全部帮助。老师,我想对您说,我不会遗忘您总是那么的有耐心辅导我的英语,你仔细倾听它们并给出深入的解释。你向我展 英语翻译同学们,晚上好,我是日本首相安倍晋三,感谢大家选举我为日本首相,各位选民都是我的再生父母.在我执政期间,我一定会为各位爹娘尽心尽力.首先,我要更改自卫队名称,曾几何时,我们 请英语高手翻译篇中文问卷调查,十分感谢!拒绝中国式英语翻译低碳生活问卷调查亲爱的朋友:你好!此问卷是一份大学生社会实践调查问卷,关心的是低碳生活提出以来的实施状况,希望您能 亲爱的朋友是什么意思 英语翻译我亲爱的中国朋友,俺是奥巴马,如何翻译, 英语翻译首先,我感谢本届大会组委会的盛情邀请,使我有机会在这里与各位见面,探讨世界经济发展的重大问题.今天以来,中国经济持续快速健康发展.全年增长速度有望保持7%以上.中国的发展 英语翻译:首先感谢您的支持,您的订单会在近期尽快给您寄去,请您耐心等待.谁会翻译啊! 英语翻译内容:亲爱的老师:祝您圣诞节快乐!很感谢您这学期为我们操的心! 英语翻译亲爱的签证官,您好,首先感谢您的来件及为申请人XXX,XXX签发的有效签证.但两位申请人所提交的申请是永久居民亲属的五年多次签证,请问您什么原因导致两位申请人并未获得五年多 感谢您我亲爱的老师 600字作文 英语翻译亲爱的艾利斯:非常想念你,距上次你来学校已经一个月了.感谢上帝让我在离中国土地很遥远的美国有你们这些善良的朋友,家里人都好吗?请替我向你的家人和朋友问好!我很珍惜你 希望英语过得去的朋友帮个忙首先,我仅代表我司薛总经理及我司全体员工对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!希望英语过得去的朋友帮忙翻译一下