托福口语TASK 1我把要说的,都打出来了.求批评指证.Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explainwhy it is the most useful.Include reasons and examples tosupport your response.In my opinion ,I would like to say that the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/26 18:46:15

托福口语TASK 1我把要说的,都打出来了.求批评指证.Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explainwhy it is the most useful.Include reasons and examples tosupport your response.In my opinion ,I would like to say that the
托福口语TASK 1
Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explain
why it is the most useful.Include reasons and examples to
support your response.
In my opinion ,I would like to say that the most useful book i read is the Chinese English Dictionary.
There are a couple of reasons.Fisrt of all,it is a convenient material to learn more new words and keep them in mind at the same time.What is more,when you come across a new word you could effectively consult them through a dictionary without other people's help.Furthermore,Chinese English Dictionary is a relatively small book so that you could carry them conveniently so that you can take advantage of all the free time.
these are the reasons why i think that the Chinese English Dictionary is most useful.
Which do you like to read,magazines,novels or poems?And why?
Personally speaking ,I would like to read the magazines.There are three points why i do think so.First,i could learn a lot of new knowledges from such material which write by those young editor.If you read them regularly,you can not only broaden your views ,but also update your brain.Second,generally,articles in magazines often accompany with some elegant pictures that makes the reading process more comfortable and relaxed.Also,magazines are always divided into different subjects or types or styles .In an other word you can easily choose what you like.

托福口语TASK 1我把要说的,都打出来了.求批评指证.Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explainwhy it is the most useful.Include reasons and examples tosupport your response.In my opinion ,I would like to say that the
帮你修改下,将无用的句子删去,背这个 版本,看看可否:
In my opinion ,I would like to say the most useful book i read is the Chinese English Dictionary.
Fisrt ,it‘s a convenient material to learn more new words and memorize them .What's more,whenever you come across new words,you could effectively consult them through a dictionary .Also,Chinese English Dictionary is fairly handy so that you could carry them all the time thus you can keep up learning at your free time.
these are the reasons why i think that the Chinese English Dictionary is most useful.
Personally speaking ,I would like to read magazines.There are three points why i do think so.First,i could learn a lot from magazines written by young editors.If you read them regularly,not only can you broaden your views ,but also update your brain.
Secondly,articles in magazines are often accompanied with elegant pictures,making the reading process more comfortable and relaxing.Also,magazines are always divided into different subjects or types or styles .In other word,you can easily pick up what you want to read.

第二段:开头第一句可以缩减为Personally,I would like to read magazines for the following two reasons. Task 1只有45秒,眨眼就过去了,所以要少说套话,直入重点。并且三个reason有点多,时间不够,选两个理由,一个理由两句话搞定。加上开头的一句总共五句话,每句9秒说完。如果时间有剩,可以加个therefore,I pre...


第二段:开头第一句可以缩减为Personally,I would like to read magazines for the following two reasons. Task 1只有45秒,眨眼就过去了,所以要少说套话,直入重点。并且三个reason有点多,时间不够,选两个理由,一个理由两句话搞定。加上开头的一句总共五句话,每句9秒说完。如果时间有剩,可以加个therefore,I prefer to read magazines 结尾这句可有可无。重点是两个reason
第一段修改方法类似,把模板句子删掉,太罗嗦。直接Personally, xxxxx(重复题目)for the following 2 reasons。 Firstly,,,Secondly,,, Therefore,xxxxx<把题目换一个说法>


托福口语TASK 1我把要说的,都打出来了.求批评指证.Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explainwhy it is the most useful.Include reasons and examples tosupport your response.In my opinion ,I would like to say that the 求托福TPO 1-24口语部分task 3-task 6的听力原文 [email protected] 谢谢! 如何提高托福口语 我考过一次托福了.口语18分!而且1,2题我休息时写在了草稿上的.说的时候感觉很好.所以我肯定我有什么问题..给些如何提高托福口语的实质性内容,最好自己打出来的~(我当 托福口语3个fair得23分想复议,求建议!如题,我考完试以后对口语感觉很好,觉得25分以上没问题,但是出来只有23分,让我很失望.我自己把所有口语题目都流利的说出来了,而且要点都在,所以我觉 给些如何提高托福口语的实质性内容,最好自己打出来的~ 托福口语界面操作(在线等答案)托福口语一个有6个task我想知道 每个task回答完之后 是否需要按屏幕右上方的什么按钮确认答案还是在6个task都完成之后 再按右上方的什么按钮请具体说清 用英文描述我的第一次演出用英文描述我的一次钢琴演奏,不要与语法错误,是作为托福口语Task 1的练习.所以,语言要 有 水准越快越好,明天要交的(好的有 托福口语Task 1:An activity you tried and enjoyed recently .Why? 拜求托福TPO 1-24口语部分task 3-task 6的听力原文,(注意不是听力部分的原文),邮箱[email protected] 非常感激~! 英语口语怎样才能说得更流利?如何提高语速?我练习托福口语时,每次说的时候都不流利,不够连贯,导致在规定时间内没有说完我要说的,内容不够. 我SAT考了1890,托福100分,能不能被波士顿大学录取啊波士顿大学托福要求口语24分,总分95分,但是我考100分的托福成绩,口语才23分,然而我有一次口语24分,但是总分91分.我把两次的成绩都发给波士 托福口语task 1 2要答满45秒吗?task 3-6要答满60秒吗?不满时间或超过时间没答完整可以吗? 托福口语怎么写出来?托福口语怎写出来? 关于新托福口语的回答请问回答的时态应该是过去时还是?比如说应该是the professor gave two reasons 还是 gives two reasons?另外,在task 5那里要自己选一个suggestion说,如果我觉得两个都不怎么样可以提 考托福要提前多久报名?我现在高二,正在新东方学托福基础班,听说每年11月1日会把下一年所有的座位都放出来,可是我现在还没谱,想先考了SAT再考托福,那托福要提前多久报名啊?我是北京的 外国平常用语像一些 流行用语.口语的 知道的都打出来 怎样把字的偏旁部首打出来?我看到许多人都可以把字的偏旁部首打出来.是怎么弄的? 托福口语怎么准备?我阅读和听力都还好 口语就是不知怎么办 脑子里一片空白 该怎么一步步的提高口语能力啊