英语翻译一段话,跪求、.一般的酒类划分方式是以酒的性质来划分,共分三类:(1)发酵酒类(Fermented Liquors)将酿造材料(通常是谷物或水果)直接放入容器中,加入酵母菌进行发酵酿制而成
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 02:45:36
英语翻译一段话,跪求、.一般的酒类划分方式是以酒的性质来划分,共分三类:(1)发酵酒类(Fermented Liquors)将酿造材料(通常是谷物或水果)直接放入容器中,加入酵母菌进行发酵酿制而成
(1)发酵酒类(Fermented Liquors)将酿造材料(通常是谷物或水果)直接放入容器中,加入酵母菌进行发酵酿制而成的含有乙醇的饮料,包括葡萄酒(wine),啤酒(beer),和白酒(white spirit)等.
(2)蒸馏酒类Distilled Liquors)又称烈酒,是将经过发酵处理的发酵酒加以蒸馏提纯,然后经过冷凝处理而获得的含有较高乙醇纯度的液体,包括威士忌酒(Whisky),白兰地酒(Brandy),伏特加酒(Vodka),朗姆酒(Rum),特其拉酒(Tequila).
英语翻译一段话,跪求、.一般的酒类划分方式是以酒的性质来划分,共分三类:(1)发酵酒类(Fermented Liquors)将酿造材料(通常是谷物或水果)直接放入容器中,加入酵母菌进行发酵酿制而成
General liquors are classified into three types according to their nature:
(1)发酵酒类(Fermented Liquors)将酿造材料(通常是谷物或水果)直接放入容器中,加入酵母菌进行发酵酿制而成的含有乙醇的饮料,包括葡萄酒(wine),啤酒(beer),和白酒(white spirit)等.
(1) Fermented Liquors are alcoholic drinks that are made by directly putting brewing materials (usually cereals and fruits) into containers along with yeasts through alcoholic fermentation.
There are wine, beer, white spirit and etc.
(2)蒸馏酒类Distilled Liquors)又称烈酒,是将经过发酵处理的发酵酒加以蒸馏提纯,然后经过冷凝处理而获得的含有较高乙醇纯度的液体,包括威士忌酒(Whisky),白兰地酒(Brandy),伏特加酒(Vodka),朗姆酒(Rum),特其拉酒(Tequila).
(2) Distilled Liquors, also named spirits, are those liquors with higher alcoholic purity by distilling and purifying the fermented wines and then going through the condensation process. There are Whisky, Brandy, Vodka, Rum and Tequila.
(3) There are a lot of ways to make liqueors, such as soaking, mixing, blending and etc. are commonly used. Soaking is usually adopted by medicinal liquor, that is different plants and animals are put into the liquors according to the formula; mixing means juice, honey, milk or other fluids are put into the liquors together; blending is also a wine-making technology that two or more liquors are blended together to form a new taste or get another liquor with better color, smell and taste, such as Gin, liqueur, Vermouth, Cocktail and etc.