英语翻译我的时间来不及,非常感激!In microeconomics courses,profit maximization is frequently given as the goal of the firm.profit maximization stresses the efficient use of capital resources ,but it is not specific with respect to the t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 01:14:07

英语翻译我的时间来不及,非常感激!In microeconomics courses,profit maximization is frequently given as the goal of the firm.profit maximization stresses the efficient use of capital resources ,but it is not specific with respect to the t
In microeconomics courses,profit maximization is frequently given as the goal of the firm.profit maximization stresses the efficient use of capital resources ,but it is not specific with respect to the time frame over which profits are to be measured.Do we maximize profits over the current year,or do we maximize profits over some longer period?A financial manager could easily increase current profits by eliminating research and development expenditures and cutting down on routine maintenance .In the short run,this might result in increased profits,but this clearly is not in the best long-run interests of the firm.If we are to base financial decisions on a goal ,that goal must be precise ,not allow for misinterpretation,and deal with all the complexities of the real world.
In microeconomics ,profit maximization functions largely as a theoretical goal ,with economists using it to prove how firms behave rationally to increace profit.Unfortunately ,it ignores many real-world complexities that financial managers must address in their decisions .In the more applied discipline of financial management ,firms must deal every day with two major factors not considered by the goal of profit maximization:uncertainty and timing.
Microeconomics courses ignore uncertainty and risk to present theory more easily.Projects and investment alternatives are compared by examining their expected values or weighted average profits .Whether one project is riskier than another does not enter into these calculations ;economists do discuss risk ,but only tangentially.In reality,projects differ a great deal with respect to risk characteristics,and to disregard these differences in the practice of financial management can result in incorrect decisions.As we will discover later in this chapter ,there is a very definite relationship between risk and expected return for taking on added risk-and to ignore this relationship would lead to improper decision making.
Another problem with the goal of profit maximization is that it ignores the timing of the project’s returns .If this goal is only concerned with this year’s profits ,we know it inappropriately ignores profit in future years.If we interpret it to maximize the average of profits ,it is also incorrect.Inasmuch as investment opportunities are available for money in hand .we want those cash flows sooner rather than later .Thus ,the real-world factors of uncertainty and timing force us to look beyond a simple goal of profit maximization as a decision criterion.We will turn now to an examination of a more robust goal for the firm:maximization of shareholder wealth

英语翻译我的时间来不及,非常感激!In microeconomics courses,profit maximization is frequently given as the goal of the firm.profit maximization stresses the efficient use of capital resources ,but it is not specific with respect to the t
.(to be continued)
太多了 不能忍了 水平不行啊 我闪了

在微观经济学课程,常常由于利润最大化为目标的最大化firm.profit讲资本资源使用效率,但它并不是针对特定时限超过measured.do我们可以赚取其中利润最大化,较本年度利润最大化还是我们对一些较长的时间? 财务经理很容易被淘汰的利润增幅目前研发支出及减少维修. 在短期内,这可能会导致更多的利润,但这显然不是最好的长远利益为基础的金融firm.if我们决定一个目标,这个目标一定要准确,不容许...


在微观经济学课程,常常由于利润最大化为目标的最大化firm.profit讲资本资源使用效率,但它并不是针对特定时限超过measured.do我们可以赚取其中利润最大化,较本年度利润最大化还是我们对一些较长的时间? 财务经理很容易被淘汰的利润增幅目前研发支出及减少维修. 在短期内,这可能会导致更多的利润,但这显然不是最好的长远利益为基础的金融firm.if我们决定一个目标,这个目标一定要准确,不容许错误、应对各种复杂问题的实质世界.在微观经济,利润最大化的目标理论作为主要职能,用它来证明经济学家如何合理地表现公司利润越大.不幸的是,它忽略许多现实世界的复杂性,财务经理必须处理它们的决定. 在更多应用学科财务管理,公司每天必须处理与两大因素未考虑利润最大化的目标:不确定性和时间.微观经济学课程理论忽略不确定性和风险更为easily.projects投资替代目前比较看看他们预期价值或加权平均利润. 另外一个项目是否比不冒险进入这些计算; 经济学家认为,讨论风险,但只有tangentially.in实际工程方面有很大风险的特点,并在实践中无视这些差异可能导致错误的理财decisions.as本章稍后我们会发现,有一个非常明确的关系,同时对风险和预期回报加上风险,忽视这一关系将导致决策不当.另一个问题是利润最大化的目标,它忽视了时间的项目申报. 如果这个目标只是关心今年的利润,我们知道这不适当无视未来利润最大化years.if我们理解平均利润,这也是投资机会可供incorrect.inasmuch手里的钱. 我们希望这些现金流量宜早不宜迟. 因此,现实世界的不确定因素和时间逼我们超越一个简单的利润最大化为目标,决定将现在criterion.we审查更为稳健的坚定目标:股东财富最大化



英语翻译我的时间来不及,非常感激!In microeconomics courses,profit maximization is frequently given as the goal of the firm.profit maximization stresses the efficient use of capital resources ,but it is not specific with respect to the t 英语翻译我会非常感激你的. 英语翻译非常感激 英语翻译非常感激! 英语翻译非常感激! 英语翻译the orderly broke his leg and an old peasant hid him in his stable.您的认真翻译我非常感激 英语翻译你知道机场在哪里吗?时间来不及了,我需要去机场接我的表哥 英语翻译认识你到今天已经有两年的时间了.时间过得真是快,无论怎样,我非常感激上帝安排我们相识.希望你幸福快乐.周年纪念日快乐. 英语翻译签证发行部我就读的学校计划于2012年6月23日至2012年6月30日去美国进行海外研究,但是我不知道签证的发行需要很长的时间,根据我预约的大使馆的面试时间,可能会来不及.非常想去美 英语翻译请翻译“世界由我” 引号内的.自由的“由”.我非常感激的谢谢阁下! 英语翻译我现在办XX时间有点来不及,我怕赶不上7月15号上课,能否快点把XX给我?最好是在两天之内,附件里是我的押金收据和护照的扫描件!非常急切的希望得到您的回复!不要用翻译机器, 英语翻译要准确的啊 我作业来不及了,嘻嘻 英语翻译是整首歌曲如果能帮我我讲非常感激.我想学这首歌曲. 英语翻译请问你收到我的邮件了吗?能够尽可能快的发给我XX吗?因为申请XX大概需要1个月的时间,现在已经有点晚了,时间很紧.我希望能尽可能早的拿到XX.非常感激!求翻译高人手翻,不要用google 书信格式:英语作文我的家人时间时间,来不及了! 谁给我1个长征的征文,感激~感激感激感激感激感激感激 英语翻译我们不会忘记当年先生您对改善师生关系所做出的努力,包括我在内,对您表示非常的感激和敬佩. 英语翻译请懂的人士帮忙翻译一下.虽然我没有多少财富值,可是时间真的来不及了,虽然我没有多少财富值,可是时间真的来不及了,内容:嗨,家伙们.我非常高兴站在这里向你们介绍我自己,我