英语作文代写,关于老板不喜欢什么类型的员工和原因If you were a boss or an owner of a company,what kind of employee would you dislike?Why?150词左右(也就是口语不少于一分钟)高中水平即可.可以复制粘贴,但

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 23:28:26

英语作文代写,关于老板不喜欢什么类型的员工和原因If you were a boss or an owner of a company,what kind of employee would you dislike?Why?150词左右(也就是口语不少于一分钟)高中水平即可.可以复制粘贴,但
If you were a boss or an owner of a company,what kind of employee would you dislike?Why?150词左右(也就是口语不少于一分钟)高中水平即可.可以复制粘贴,但要求语法正确

英语作文代写,关于老板不喜欢什么类型的员工和原因If you were a boss or an owner of a company,what kind of employee would you dislike?Why?150词左右(也就是口语不少于一分钟)高中水平即可.可以复制粘贴,但
go on, admit it: you hate your boss. you do. the way they accost you with: "it'll just take five minutes" as you're trying to leave. the way they smile patronisingly when they read your appraisal request for more training. just them having power over you for eight hours every day is enough to make you spit with fury.
  but at least we're not alone in our angst. it seems bosses are also a bit cross: they hate us, too. all of us.
  the result of all this is that while your boss might look like she's fine, inside she's seething. you think you hate your boss? here are the top 10 things your boss hates about you.
  1. lateness
  everyone has days when the bus breaks down, the washing machine packs up, or the alarm doesn't go off. the problem is that some people have those days monday through friday. but what really cheeses off your boss is your lame excuse.
  2. lack of initiative
  "don't ask me if you should buy lunch for the client, if the client is coming at noon," said one infuriated manager. "call up the client and ask if they want lunch." actually that's not quite what he said: there was a lot more swearing in the original version. managers absolutely hate being bothered by stuff that really, if you thought about it for even a second, you could work out for yourself. they also hate constant updates and being ccd in on everything. they pay you to do a job get on with it...
  3. too much initiative
  ... unless you're an idiot. a marketing manager for a large educational charity reports that if there's one thing worse than lack of initiative, it's completely ignoring instructions to go off and do something else instead. she recently found herself on stage, ready to announce the winner of an award. when the person responsible for counting the votes turned up, he showed off a new, whizzy and completely redundant color-coded method for counting the votes.
  4. lack of passion. or interest
  it might come as a surprise to you, but your boss has a life outside work. they too find it hard to get up in the morning. and they find the managing director's speeches as boring as you do. but they have to stay motivated, because they are the boss. so, when you fall asleep in meetings, can't remember the names of your accounts and tell them it doesn't matter whether the e-mail goes today or tomorrow, it reminds them that they don't really give a toss either, but that it's their job to make themselves, and you, care. then they get really, really irritated.
  5. trying to be their best friend
  they don't want to go down the pub with you, they don't want to hear about what you really think of their boss, and they most certainly don't want to know what happened between you and andy in the loos last friday. they like you, but they know from bitter experience that if they show too much interest, you'll start treating them like a friend and refuse to take orders.
  6. petty lying
  saying that you missed the call because your mobile has run out of power. that you didn't get the e-mail. that you've sent the report but there must be a technical glitch. that the meeting has run over and it's not worth your coming back to the office. that you have to go to a funeral, the dentist, the doctor, your mum's house, your best friend's cousin's wedding. whatever. the biggest insult is that you think they believe you.
  7. wanting their job
  they spend all their time and energy trying to protect you from the higher-ups, you spend all your energy complaining about them. and then, on top of that, you want their job? unforgivable.
  lame excuse: 令人无法信服的借口(文中指“如车坏了、闹铃不响了”等迟到的借口)
  technical glitch: 技术性问题
  higher-ups: (公司)高层


英语作文代写,关于老板不喜欢什么类型的员工和原因If you were a boss or an owner of a company,what kind of employee would you dislike?Why?150词左右(也就是口语不少于一分钟)高中水平即可.可以复制粘贴,但 什么类型的人不喜欢英语作文 关于不喜欢英语的英语作文 你不喜欢什么类型的动物 用英语怎么说 写一篇关于家庭喜欢吃什么和不喜欢的食物的英语作文 英语作文求助...求代写 有关于自己喜欢和不喜欢的 英语作文吗? 关于我喜欢苹果和不喜欢篮球的英语作文 初三英语作文 关于电影的 80字左右 自带翻译1.你经常和你的朋友或者是父母去电影院么?2.你喜欢什么类型的的电影,为什么?3.你不喜欢什么类型的电影,为什么?4.用上以下词语【comedies(喜剧片) 关于环保写什么类型的作文 写一篇关于家庭喜欢吃什么和不喜欢的食物的英语作文(70字) 求一篇关于足球员类型的英文作文如题,内容要写出三种不同类型的球员 例如技术型,速度型等等.要说明他们都有些什么特点和缺点等等.字数大概600字 英语作文.关于城市你居住的城市.你喜欢他什么不喜欢他什么.急用.竞赛着呢.跑太远了.就拿陕西西安为例吧. 英语作文:求职信~请高手代写篇求职信~字数150~200.请将写好的文章发... 关于你喜欢听什么类型的音乐,你喜欢什么样子的衣服,60词左右的英语作文 跪求七年级上册九单元英语作文,要60词-70词左右,要求:说说喜欢和不喜欢的电影类型和喜欢不喜欢的原因!急.要求:说说喜欢和不喜欢的电影类型和喜欢不喜欢的原因!注意,调查自己家人( 两个人的英语对话关于喜欢什么和不喜欢什么 英语评价电视节目要写一篇作文,是用英语评价你喜欢和不喜欢的电视节目.(就是类型,比如情景喜剧,水平就行了.