
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 09:36:25


Dear Guests:
What we are seeing now is the ex-Beichuan Hotel. Before the May 12 earthquakes, Beichuan Hotel is famous over Qiang stockade with its full-bodied Yu Qiang national culture. It is the only three-star hotel in Beichuan County. During the earthquakes, the first and second floors were sinking into the ground and the rest six floors were severely damaged. It stands here like a hero after having fought to the end in the battlefield where full of smoke of gunpowder. The three goats in front of the gate were the watchmen over the ruins who witnessed the disasters one after another. May 12 Earthquake, Jun 10 Flood Discharge of Tangjiashan Barrier Lake, Sept. 24 Mud-Rock Flow and even the Aug. 19 Flood of last year.

To our left hand direction, we can see the reinforced supports which is one of the emergency protective reinforcement measures applied to the damaged buildings. Almost all the incompletely collapsed buildings were the dangerous buildings after the earthquakes. They were very weak and about to collapse at any time. The damages to the house buildings, structures and public facilities were caused by different earthquakes’ disasters. The main earthquakes’ disasters in the earthquake hit region are quakes of varied grades and uneven settlement of the earth surface. Others like subsidence of ground, landslip, land incline, cave in, sand liquefaction, ground rupture along the fault, flood impact, dam break and fires caused by the earthquakes. Quakes and quakes’ disasters caused by the instability of the land are the earthquakes’ disasters. Quakes caused many collapses of buildings and structures. In order to protect the original appearances of the earthquakes’ relics, some damaged buildings were protected by reinforcement with steel structure supports in accordance with the scheme proposed by TongJi University.

Dear Guests:
Under the grassland in front of us, there are collective cemeteries of victims of our compatriots. After the earthquakes, the road to the town were blocked by giant falling stones, large numbers of the victims’ bodies can not be transported out for cremation. Some of the remains were putrescent due to the rains and blazing sunshine. For the purpose of avoiding the outbreak of epidemics after the disaster, we have to choose this piece of land to let them rest here. The mountain above the cemetery is called Jingjia Mountain. Under the coverage of these giant stones before us, there used to be Maoba Middle School ( Maoba Campus of Beichuan Middle School ), a place full of joy and laughter of children, full of hopes of countless families. By the time the earthquake occurred, several hundreds cubic meters of giant stones collapsed, broke from the three kilometers’ wide cliff of Jingjia Mountain, down to the school, government offices, streets and residential areas. School was instantly buried. Most of the children were buried inside.
Now, under this ever stand five-star national flag,
Let us hold our hands,.
Let us pray for them, for our compatriots.
The strong Beichuan people, just like this national flag, will never be defeated by the disasters, will forever stand to face the earthquakes.
Under this national flag, let us bow and stand in silent tribute to those who will rest here forever.
Bow, bow, bow(一鞠躬、二鞠躬、三鞠躬)
Present flowers
Silent tribute

As the three-year’s campaign named “Build a New and Beautiful Homeland” is about to completed, the new town of Beichuan County and new Beichuan Middle School has been put into use. We believe our dead compatriots and relatives who are now in paradise can definitely see this. They will feel delighted for us, for all the survivors.
Let deceased rest in peace.
May the living strong!
Bless our strong Beichuan will be more beautiful after the earthquakes.
Bless our motherland to be rich, strong and prosperous.

胡总书记“任何困难都难不倒英雄的中国人民”, 温总理“多难兴邦”铿锵有力的声音犹在耳边回响,我们要大力弘扬“万众一心、众志成城,不畏艰险、百折不挠,以人为本、尊重科学”伟大的抗震救灾精神,使之转化为艰苦奋斗、重建美好家园的坚定意志.地震已经成为过去,我们回望那些揪心伤痛的时刻,是为了让我们更加深入地了解这场艰苦卓绝的抗震救灾斗争、更加铭记党恩,更加铭记全国各族人民的恩情,更加坚定坚强,加快建设北川美好新家园.
Dear Guests:
The May 12 earthquakes gave us the stabbing pain experiences. But it also witnessed the unyielding sprit of Chinese nation.
Here, we have numerous inspires which we will never forget.
Here, emerged many miracles one after another.
Here, too many things for us to remember forever.
Let us say farewell to the pain, face to the future.
Let deceased rest in peace.
May the living strong!
Disasters cast our national strength of character, Hardships cultivate our national sprit.
We have endured and experienced the impacts and tests of the big earthquakes.
Human natures were blossomy between live and die.
Strength comes from the cohesion of great love at the dangerous moment.
Straighten our backbone in front of catastrophe.
General Secretary Hu Jintao said “No difficulties can defeat Chinese heroic people”
Primer Wen Jiabao said “much distress regenerates a nation”
Their words are still echoed in our ears.
We must energetically develop and expand the sprit of “struggle for earthquakes “, that is “All of One Mind, Unity to Strength, Fearlessness to Hardship and Dangers, Unyieldingness to Setbacks, People Oriented and Respect Science”, and transfer the sprit into the unbreakable will of hard work to rebuild our beautiful homeland.
The earthquakes have been past, the purposes of reviewing the moment of those stabbing pains are to understand deeply about the extremely hard and bitter struggles against the earthquakes, to remember the love of our party, to remember the love from all of our nationalities, to be more firm and strong and to rebuild our new beautiful Beichuan.
Finally, Thanks for the supports and concerns from all of our honored guests. Thanks for all the people who have been struggling against the earthquakes and who have been working hardly for the rebuilding of new Beichuan.
You are welcome again to Beichuan
Thank you all.

英语翻译我们现在看到的是原北川大酒店.“5.12地震”前,北川大酒店以其浓郁的禹羌民族文化特色享誉羌寨内外,是北川县唯一一个三星级酒店.震后,北川大酒店一、二楼陷入地下,余下六层建 英语翻译我们现在看到的是原北川大酒店.“5.12地震”前,北川大酒店以其浓郁的禹羌民族文化特色享誉羌寨内外,是北川县唯一一个三星级酒店.震后,北川大酒店一、二楼陷入地下,余下六层建 英语翻译是不是我们现在看到的清朝的皇帝的名字都是我们翻译过来的啊? 英语翻译只要5句就可以了!已经分好句子了1、广州市有不少历史遗迹2、例如,在北京路我们可以看到古代的城市道路.3、第一层是清代,最下层是宋代,分别用不同的图案铺设.4、在中国大酒店 我们现在看到的外星人是不是未来的我们? 海湾大酒店的英文怎么说 英语翻译房间内配备的矿泉水可免费 饮用,欢迎您光临xxx大酒店 我们现在看到的星星的光是多久以前的? 我们现在看到天上的星星是这样的吗? 我们现在肉眼看到的银河系是多少年的银河系? 我们现在看到的是以前的宇宙吗? 英语翻译:你经常住在香格里拉大酒店么? 我们看到星光不是现在的天文学家如何观察 英语翻译新丽源大酒店是按四星级标准兴建的,旅游涉外商务酒店,酒店位于河源市红星路141号.我们将以优质服务,欢迎各界人士光临.酒店总机:8888888翻译上面这段话.答50分.好的加150分. 英语翻译英文翻译:大家晚上好,我叫陈.在全球通大酒店任房务部秘书.大家要是来住房的话,我可以给你们最优惠的价格.欢迎你们来我们酒店! 这是我们都不愿看到的 英语翻译 如果星星距离我们一光年,那么现在我们看到的是不是一年前的星星? 我们看到星光不是现在的天文学家如何观察现在星系的变化