关于一篇英语演讲我需要参加一个题目为Globle citizenship begins at home的演讲,可不知道该从什么方面谈这个问题,望高手赐教,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:03:03

关于一篇英语演讲我需要参加一个题目为Globle citizenship begins at home的演讲,可不知道该从什么方面谈这个问题,望高手赐教,
我需要参加一个题目为Globle citizenship begins at home的演讲,可不知道该从什么方面谈这个问题,望高手赐教,

关于一篇英语演讲我需要参加一个题目为Globle citizenship begins at home的演讲,可不知道该从什么方面谈这个问题,望高手赐教,
global citizenship...是不是想让你从移民等角度来研究?这题目也让我有点雾水……
For some time now,the debate over U.S.immigrant policy (which addresses the needs of immigrants already residing here,as opposed to immigration policy,which concerns how many and which immigrants should be admitted) has been stuck in an unproductive and divisive pattern.On one side are immigrant advocates,a relatively well-defined and cohesive coalition of civil rights organizations,immigrant activists,minority spokesmen and elected officials,human rights activists and civil libertarians,religious and church groups,and most recently labor unions—all of whom have been pushing for increased programmatic benefits and expanded rights for immigrants.On the other side are the immigrant-policy skeptics,a diffuse and disparate lot of fiscal conservatives,cultural conservatives,and business interests,who tend to embrace high levels of immigration but are not very enthusiastic about programs to support immigrants once they are here.What these skeptics share is the pervasive laissez-faire ideology that today's immigrants,just like yesterday's,can and do fend for themselves in taking advantage of the opportunities America affords them.In other words,immigrants do not need or merit any special help to become part of American society.
Both perspectives have strengths and weaknesses.Advocates are not wrong to focus on the material needs of immigrants,but as advocates tend to be,they are insufficiently attentive to the concerns of the broader political community.Moreover,the advocates' emphasis on immigrant rights may place their demands squarely within the American political tradition,but nevertheless it reduces the array of obstacles confronting immigrants to a monocausal preoccupation with racial discrimination.While this perspective affords immigrant advocates the considerable moral capital of the civil rights movement,it fails to address the need for the structure and order that most of us—but especially economically marginal and geographically uprooted immigrants—need.

关于一篇英语演讲我需要参加一个题目为Globle citizenship begins at home的演讲,可不知道该从什么方面谈这个问题,望高手赐教, 我需要一篇五年级英语演讲稿,关于童话故事的, 求一篇题目为Every one is No.1的英语演讲稿,正常语速在两分半左右,我参加一个英语比赛用,最好有中文翻译,有录音更好,还有,台下的评委有可能问什么问题?多多益善! 我需要一篇三分钟长的英语演讲稿,题目是compitition 我大一、 现在参加校上英语演讲比赛决赛,准备找一篇关于运动为题的英语演讲稿 一篇关于奥运的英语文章以“how to grow up with Olympic champions为主题的一篇大概三分钟英语演讲稿.如果没有英文的中文的也行.因为我要参加比赛, 我需要一篇关于同学做错事的文章 作文题目为《你错了》 关于教师的英语演讲稿我是一名小学英语教师,现要参加一个英文演讲比赛,急求一篇关于教师的英文演讲稿我女朋友急要的,看在爱的份上, 我要准备一个英语演讲,题材是关于love的,需要新颖的内容, 大学英语演讲稿 关于和谐话题 我想参加演讲比赛 初试题目是关于和谐的 我需要一篇5分钟的高中英语演讲稿 关于科学与未来的英语演讲稿马上需要呀!~主题为...我马上要用的哦..各位拜托拉...哎..都怪本人英语水平太差拉...下星期就要参加演讲比赛啊..大约四五分钟左右...帮帮忙丫!~ 关于保护环境的演讲稿(急死了,我需要一篇关于环境的英语演讲稿参加口语大赛,我的英语不是很好,只需要初中水平,而且要容易背的.大概内容就写写当今的环境问题,感受我自己有哦!注意: 需要一篇英语演讲稿.要去参加英语演讲比赛.需要一篇英语文章唔.诗歌啊什么得最好. 有谁能帮我搞一篇题目为opportunity and challenge的三分钟英语演讲稿?不行的话中文也好.求救!有谁能帮我搞一篇题目为“opportunity and challenge”(机遇和挑战)的三分钟英语演讲稿?不行的话中文 那位高手能帮我写一篇初三英语演讲稿,题目为《how do I study for a test》 文明修生从我做起.(英语演讲)关于这个题目的演讲稿都可以需要英语演讲稿.内容贴进主题的都可以.请发表以这个问题为主题的英语演讲稿. 急求一篇英语演讲稿 关于我心中的英雄