
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 13:33:55


‘We often play a game like this ourselves back home when we get together of an evening,’ said Grannie Liu,
‘only the way we do it,it doesn’t sound so pretty as this.Howsomever.I don’t mind having a try.’
‘It’s easy,really,’ said the others.‘Don’t worry about what it sounds like.Just say what comes naturally.’
Faithful began to lay.
‘A pair of fours on the left,the Man.’
Grannie Liu was a good long while puzzling over this.Finally she said.
‘Is it a farmer?’
The others roared with laughter.
‘That’s all right,’ said Grandmother Jia reassuringly.‘That answer will do very well.’
‘You young people shouldn’t laugh at me,’ said Grannie Liu to the others.‘I’m a countrywoman born and I
can’t help my country talk.’
‘Green three,red four,contrasting colours,’ called Faithful.
‘The fire burns up the caterpillars,’ said Grannie Liu.
‘Why,so it might,’ said the others.‘Stick to your “country talk”,Grannie,you’re doing fine!’
‘Red four on the right and the ace is red,’ said Faithful.
‘A turnip and a garlic-head.’
More laughter.
‘ “That Flower” those three together show,’ said Faithful.
‘This flower will to a pumpkin grow,’ said the flower-bedecked ancient,gesturing with her hands to
demonstrate the size of the imagined pumpkin.
The following chapter will show how the party progressed.

A big fire burns the hairy caterpillar.
A turnip and head of garlic in one place.
And a huge pump¬kin forms when the flower fall.
"We country people can only t...


A big fire burns the hairy caterpillar.
A turnip and head of garlic in one place.
And a huge pump¬kin forms when the flower fall.
"We country people can only talk about the things we know," said Granny Liu, laughing herself. "You mustn't make fun of me."
Yuanyang continued, "'Three and four,' green and red, in the centre."
"A big fire burns the hairy caterpillar."
The others chortled, "That's right. Go on in your own way. Yuanyang said, "On the right a really fine 'double ace. '"
"A turnip and head of garlic in one place." Giggles broke out again.
Yuanyang went on, "They make up 'flowers' in all."
Gesturing with both hands Granny Liu responded, "And a huge pump¬kin forms when the flower fall."


英语翻译是个庄家人罢。大火烧了毛毛虫。一个萝卜一头蒜。花儿落了结个大倭瓜。就是这首行酒令。由这首行酒令就可以了。其他都不重要 斗地主中其中一人拿到大小鬼的概率是希望有说明具体的情况 如 庄家 与闲家 概率各是多少 谢谢! 捉了个毛毛虫.头上长俩角.是什么毛毛虫有没有毒. 毛毛虫说了一句什么话 大火烧红了整个天空用英语怎么说啊?主要突出个红字! 关于毛毛虫的一道行测题有一道题目是这样的法国科学家法伯,曾经做过一个著名的“毛毛虫”实验,这种毛毛虫总是盲目的跟随着前面的毛毛虫走,法伯把若干个毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边沿上, 什么样的毛毛虫最吓人?我是一只毛毛虫,全神长满了毛茸茸的刺,当心碰到她啊!否则是会受伤的! 诸葛亮是三国时期的政治家、军事家.他一出山,做了三件大事:火烧新野、火烧樊城、火烧赤壁.诸葛亮是三国时期的政治家、军事家.他一出山,做了三件大事:火烧新野、火烧樊城、火烧赤 一只一百条腿的毛毛虫,爬过一堆大便,为什么只留下了99个脚印?如题. 梦见火烧房子我梦见大火烧了我家的房子,人没事,房子被烧的只剩下了框架,墙壁烧黑了,请问这是怎么回事? 做梦梦到黑色毛毛虫有什么寓意昨天做梦梦到吃甘蔗,吃着吃着看到一黑色虫眼,弄开一看是一黑色的虫子,很大的样子,当时第一印象就是黑色毛毛虫,然后就吓醒了.本人女,18岁,还是个高中生, 一条毛毛虫后面跟了一条毛毛虫,可是前面的毛毛虫说它后面没有跟毛毛虫,你是为什么啊?那是为什么啊 毛毛虫长大了会变成什么?问个简单的. “毛毛虫非礼毛毛虫猜一俗语. 一个题目是这样的,49个数,(1到49)~闲家随便选5个,庄家随机(不是庄家操作是随机)选出7个如果闲家五个数中有一个跟随机选出的7个数中相同那就是闲家输了,如果闲家选的数跟随机的没一个相 “地狱之门”位于乌兹别克斯坦,大火烧了37年才熄灭,此事是真的吗? 社会上流行着“liuhecai”活动.具体游戏规则是:你可以从1-49中的49个数字中任意买一个号码,如果买中了,庄家以40倍的钱赔你.比如,你买2元钱的22号,刚好买中了,庄家就赔给你80元钱.你认为这 会排队的毛毛虫给你留下了什么难忘的印象?请你送给毛毛虫一句格言