
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 01:06:19

究其原因,是由于在模糊特性的作用下,翻译中对于模糊语言的处理方式,就像对一座台灯使用无级开关来调光.其工作原理是:灯光从最暗调到最亮,不是采用数量很少、边界分明的几个档级(如“微弱、中等、强光”或“1 档、2 档、3 档”等),而是没有档级控制、边界模糊的无限多级.

The reason is due to the blurring effect of the translation in the language for the fuzzy approach,as no level of use of a lamp dimmer switch.Its working principle is:the light from the shadows to the light,instead of using a small number of distinct borders several file-level (such as "weak,medium,light" or "1 file,2 files,3 files",etc.) ,but there is no file-level control,fuzzy boundaries of an infinite number of levels.

Investigate its reason, is because in the fuzzy characteristics under the function of fuzzy language in translation, for the treatment, like to a desk lamp use stepless switch to light. Its working pr...


Investigate its reason, is because in the fuzzy characteristics under the function of fuzzy language in translation, for the treatment, like to a desk lamp use stepless switch to light. Its working principle is: light from the dark transferred to the most bright, not the few in number, boundary with a few grades (such as "weak, medium, strong light" or "1, 2, 3 file file files, etc), but no file level control, the infinite multilevel fuzzy boundaries.


Investigate its reason, is because in the fuzzy characteristics under the function of fuzzy language in translation, for the treatment, like to a desk lamp use stepless switch to light. Its working pr...


Investigate its reason, is because in the fuzzy characteristics under the function of fuzzy language in translation, for the treatment, like to a desk lamp use stepless switch to light. Its working principle is: light from the dark transferred to the most bright, not the few in number, boundary with a few grades (such as "weak, medium, strong light" or "1, 2, 3 file file files, etc), but no file level control, the infinite multilevel fuzzy boundaries.


【请教高人手译】两句话,汉翻英.究其原因,是由于在模糊特性的作用下,翻译中对于模糊语言的处理方式,就像对一座台灯使用无级开关来调光.其工作原理是:灯光从最暗调到最亮,不是采用数 老年人手抖的原因是什么? 两双脚印,一个人手,一道彩虹 “拿人手短,吃人嘴软”这句话是什么意思? 采用硝酸高氯酸或王水高氯酸消解样品到最后出现黄色溶液,请教其中的原因~采用硝酸高氯酸或王水高氯酸消解样品到最后出现黄色溶液,将其放置冷却一段时间后,样品就有黄色变为白色,请 两种微粒,若核外电子排布完全相同,则其化学性质一定相同.这句话错在哪里,求反例及原因 东北地区以前是北大荒“,后来开垦成为”北大仓“,近几年,又退耕还”荒“,其原因是一、两句话概括 企业所有权与经营权分离的原因个位大虾 小可请教的是其原因 麻烦详细作答 英语翻译请教两句话,是关于报价的.以下第一句我已翻译出来,不过(1)和(2)我不太确定其含义,尤其是extensions如何译合理.Should there be any error or mistake in the pricing figures in the PROPOSALS, the foll 一道高一物理题,求详细过程,讲懂加分.急!小娟,小明两人共提一桶水匀速前行,已知两人手臂上的拉力大小相等且为F,两人手臂间的夹角为θ水和水桶的总重力为G,则下列说法中正确的是( ) 出师表中指出后汉灭亡原因的两句话是什么 请问这两句话哪错了 原因 请教这两句话说的对吗;Spring comes befor Summer.和Winter comes after spring. 请教一下这两句话的意思.They shoot,too.Be shot,too. 您好 我想请教一下 生死有命 富贵在天 这句话能不能帮我翻译成梵语 两句话最好隔开哈 请教高数问题 钩码越重杠杆机械效率越高的原因杠杆的机械效率与所挂钩码的重有关,钩码越重其效率越高,请简要说明两条理由:( )( ) 一位女士送给她一位异性朋友这句话:荷败莲残,落叶归根成老藕.禾黄稻熟,吹糠见米现新粮.请教其中的含义