
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 00:17:52

千叶敦子是一家精神医学研究所的年轻女医生.她一直致力于最尖端的精神医疗技术的临床应用研究.她和天才科学家时田浩作一起发明了一种能监测患者梦境、可以窥视人们内心秘密的仪器“DC MINI”,这种仪器可以改变患者的梦境,在精神治疗方面相当有效.不料,该仪器突然被盗.接着,这项研究相关人员相继在梦中遭到侵扰,变得疯狂起来.敦子为此展开了调查,也遭到暗算.然而,敦子可不是一般人物,她拥有另一个身份——“盗梦侦探红辣椒”.红辣椒具有同步体验他人梦境的特殊能力,曾多次成功治愈患者的心灵创伤.红辣椒与利用“DC MINI”进行破坏的梦境恐怖分子展开了一场激烈的缠斗.凶犯究竟是谁?其目的何在?出人意料的真相在梦境与现实交错的瞬间闪现……

Thousand Ye Dunzai Institute of Psychiatry is a young female doctor.She has been committed to the spirit of the most sophisticated medical technology in clinical application.When she and Tian Hao,brilliant scientist with the invention for monitoring a patient can dream,can spy on people inside the secret apparatus "DC MINI",this instrument can change the dreams of patients in mental treatment to be effective.Unexpectedly,the instrument suddenly stolen.Then,the study relevant personnel have been intrusive in a dream,crazy together.Atsuko started this investigation,has also been plot.However,Atsuko is no ordinary person,she has another identity - "Pirates of the Dream Detective red pepper." Red pepper with a synchronous special abilities to experience the dream of others,has successfully treated patients with multiple trauma.Red Hot Chili Peppers and the use of "DC MINI" to destroy the dreams of terrorists launched a fierce dogfight.Murderer who is?Its purpose?Surprisingly,the truth and reality in the staggered moment dream flash ......