来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 03:31:38
提密斯神殿遗址估计位于古城爱菲索斯(Ephesus)中,约在土耳其的Izmir (Smyrna)南面50公里.
阿提密斯神殿曾经历过七次重建,首座阿提密斯神殿於公元前 550 年由建筑师 Samos、Chersihon及他的儿子 Metagenes 设
计、以爱奥尼亚式(Ionian)建筑,是首座入全部 由大理石建成及当时最大的建筑物,面积达6050平方米,由 127 条约十九至
二十米高的大理石柱支撑,整座建筑物均由 Pheidias、Polycleitus、Kresilas 和 Phradmon 等当著名的艺术家以铜、银、
黄金及象牙浮雕装饰,在中央的「U」形祭坛摆放著阿提密斯女神的雕像.后来在公元前 356 年,神殿受大火及侵略所摧
毁,其后的重建,大理石柱长度增至 21.7 米,并且多了十三级梯级围绕在旁.最后,由於爱菲索斯人转信基督教,神殿在公
元 401 年被 St John Chrysostom 摧毁后,便没有被重建,从此消失於大地.
HE said she Arabs,the Egyptians said she ISIS (Isis).Roman said he and Diana (Diana),the ancient Greek goddess of Algeria close silk deeply admire.So one of the Seven Wonders of the construction of a secret wire Algeria shrines.Smith estimates mentioned in the ancient city ruins of the Temple of Ephesus (Ephesus).About Izmir,Turkey (Smyrna),50 km south.ARTEMIS shrines have experienced seven redevelopment ARTEMIS The First Temple in 550 BC by the architect Samos.Chersihon and his son Metagenes design,Ionic to (Ionian) architecture is first of all into marble and then built the biggest buildings a total area of 6,050 square meters,127 Treaty,the marble columns supporting 19 to 20 meters high.Its by Pheidias,Polycleitus.Kresilas and Phradmon famous artists such as copper,silver,decorative gold and ivory relief,with the "U" - shaped altar placed ARTEMIS goddess statue.Later,in 356 BC,the Temple destroyed by the fire and aggression,the subsequent reconstruction marble columns to the length of 21.7 meters,and 13 more steps around the next level.Finally,as the Ephesus people converting to Christianity.Pantheon in A.D.401,St.John Chrysostom were destroyed,they were not rebuilding,disappear from the earth.