希望主能带给你幸运.TO WHOMIIT MAY CONCERN Updated information of effects of earthqUake in Japan With regards to the effects of earthquake,we would like to in form_ you of our latestsituation in addition to our previous information as in our

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 20:09:37

希望主能带给你幸运.TO WHOMIIT MAY CONCERN Updated information of effects of earthqUake in Japan With regards to the effects of earthquake,we would like to in form_ you of our latestsituation in addition to our previous information as in our
Updated information of effects of earthqUake in Japan With regards to the effects of earthquake,we would like to in form_ you of our latest
situation in addition to our previous information as in our letter no_ JEK_-102 dated 18
Mar,2011,as follows;
Parts Deljivery:About 200 suppliers for our factory are in earthquake-damaged
area (Tohoku and Northern Kanto Region,and Niigata Prefecture).Among this,
dozens of suppliers require our careful observation for their recovery level_ Some
suppliers are now trying to resume operation by themsel es.However ,suppliers of
some important parts (piston,packing,etc) are still at a severe situation And some
other suppliers are not able to keep the delivery date of our ordered parts,because
they still face a problem such as disorder of infrastruct re (transportation,
electricity supply,etc),fuel shortage and damage of their manufacturiring facilities_
Electricity s-upply in our factory- Recently,the temporary planned black out around
our factory was can_celed because the electricity demand was not over the
electricity supply capability.However,we should take care of black out because
Kanto region is still at a potential electricity shortage.
- OVerall Factory condition-.Due to the above,altho-ugh o-ur plant is going to be in
operation ori 25 an_d 26-Mar using stocked parts and components,we are still
investigating the possibility of operation from 28-Mar by checkin_g the parts
delIVery and the temporary plan_ned black out_
Receipt of new orders Under the current circurm stances,for the time being,we are
unable to co firr you of our ex-factory schedule when.receiving new orders.
Agai we shall try our best and will inform you of our latest situation by the end of
next week_
We hope you can u_erstand our erriergency situation and challenge for the recovery.
Yours faithfully,

希望主能带给你幸运.TO WHOMIIT MAY CONCERN Updated information of effects of earthqUake in Japan With regards to the effects of earthquake,we would like to in form_ you of our latestsituation in addition to our previous information as in our
Updated information of effects of earthquake in Japan with regards to the effects of earthquake,we would like to in form you of our latest situation in addition to our previous information as in our letter no JEK-102 dated 18.在日本的地震的影响的最新资讯.有关地震的影响,在我们的信件编号JEK-102 日期18号之外,我们想要通知你我们最新情况
Mar,2011,as follows; 三月,2011年,如下:
Parts Delivery:About 200 suppliers for our factory are in earthquake-damaged area (Tohoku and Northern Kanto Region,and Niigata Prefecture).Among this,dozens of suppliers require our careful observation for their recovery level.Some suppliers are now trying to resume operation by themselves.However,suppliers of some important parts (piston,packing,etc) are still at a severe situation and some other suppliers are not able to keep the delivery date of our ordered parts,because they still face a problem such as disorder of infrastructure (transportation,electricity supply,etc),fuel shortage and damage of their malfunctioning facilities.
Electricity supply in our factory recently,the temporary planned black out around our factory was canceled because the electricity demand was not over the electricity supply capability.However,we should take care of black out because Kanto region is still at a potential electricity shortage.
- Overall Factory condition-.Due to the above,although our plant is going to be in operation on 25 and 26-Mar using stocked parts and components,we are still investigating the possibility of operation from 28-Mar by checking the parts delivery and the temporary planned black out.
- 整体工厂状况-由于以上提及到的,虽然我们的工厂在三月25及26日会使用库存的零部件开始运作,借着查出零件的递送和计划限电的情况,我们还正在研究从三月28日开始运作的可能性.
Receipt of new orders under the current circumstances,for the time being,we are unable to confirm you of our ex-factory schedule when receiving new orders.
Again,we shall try our best and will inform you of our latest situation by the end of next week.
We hope you can understand our emergency situation and challenge for the recovery.
Yours faithfully,





大意就是由于受到地震的影响, 以致目前该公司的最新状况.

希望主能带给你幸运.TO WHOMIIT MAY CONCERN Updated information of effects of earthqUake in Japan With regards to the effects of earthquake,we would like to in form_ you of our latestsituation in addition to our previous information as in our 英语翻译spreadoutbreakevidencesourcedefeatblameannounce 希望能带中文翻译谢谢 能带给你人生启示的句子(古文) 希望幸运能够降临 的英文翻译 希望明天是幸运的英语怎么说? 把 希望你幸运 译成英语 I hope you can take my blessing to your place我希望你能带着我的祝福到你想去的地方 有语病没 希望我是幸运的!用英文怎么说,谁知道, “希望我是你的幸运星”英语怎么说 我刚交了一个外国女孩朋友,我怎样通过和她的交流来提高我的英语水平?“认识你很荣幸,希望以后我们能够经常在一块玩,也希望我能带给你快乐,你能帮我辅导英语吗?”这句话用英文怎么说? 英语翻译这是我第一次给你写信,那个礼物喜欢吗?希望你能高兴收到它.还有,很幸运你还愿意当我的妹妹,我会是所有哥哥中最好的一个,应为我懂你.希望你过一个快乐的圣诞,别把我那天伤你 he sometimes shows his camera to me .的同义句是啥?还有he sometimes shows ---------------------------------------------希望嫩给你帮助 英语翻译!大师求解!翻译句子:1.你怎么了?我耳朵疼;2.听到这个消息我感到很遗憾;3.我希望你快点好起来,4.你现在感觉如何?我仍然感觉生病;.5.你吃药了吗?6.我能带些水果给你;7.你有任 英语翻译致C罗,我是一名你的来自中国的球迷.喜欢你已经很多年了.今天,我怀着万分激动的心情给你写这封信.希望它能带去我的祝福.我是从2004年欧洲杯上认识并喜欢上你的.算一算已经4年了 希望不会给你太大压力 英语怎么说 希望快答!给你3个赞 我的人生就像一支蜡烛,在寒冷的冬天里能带给你温暖,直到生命尽头.需要哪些的修改?我的人生就像一支蜡烛,在寒冷的冬天里能带给你温暖,直到生命尽头.需要哪些的修改? 我希望你是个幸运星 的英语怎么说.我希望我是个幸运星,是l wish i was a lucky star!