英语翻译Grapes of wrath中的ma Jode体现了一位淳朴的劳动妇女善良,极力关心帮助他人的美德.她严守妇道,尊重夫权.在男人们讨论全家迁徙时,她站在后面当听众;在全家人自顾不暇的情况下她让J
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 22:32:52
英语翻译Grapes of wrath中的ma Jode体现了一位淳朴的劳动妇女善良,极力关心帮助他人的美德.她严守妇道,尊重夫权.在男人们讨论全家迁徙时,她站在后面当听众;在全家人自顾不暇的情况下她让J
Grapes of wrath中的ma Jode体现了一位淳朴的劳动妇女善良,极力关心帮助他人的美德.她严守妇道,尊重夫权.在男人们讨论全家迁徙时,她站在后面当听众;在全家人自顾不暇的情况下她让JIM,CASY挤上了那辆破卡车,与他们同行;在西去的路上,是她在WELSON一家遇到困难时伸出援助之手,给他们钱和肉;在加州,是她在自己一家人还吃不饱的情况下,依然把所剩无几的食物分给他人;最后在全家人失业,既无钱又无粮食的困境中,还是这位伟大的母亲让自己的女儿用奶水救活了一位生命垂危的陌生人.一个起初只关心自己的小家的家庭主妇逐渐变成了一位关心整个劳动阶级这个大家的伟大母亲.她对BIBLE笃信不移,还对TOM说:去翻翻诗篇,你总会从中受益的”.她说的诗篇指的是BIBLE中的圣歌.从诗篇里她借到了这句话:“他是我们的上帝,我们是他草场的羊,是他手下的民.”在她看来,他们是把从Ohio移植到California去的上帝选民.GRAPE OF WRATH 中的MA JODE被塑造成HOLY MOTHER 的伟大形象.
英语翻译Grapes of wrath中的ma Jode体现了一位淳朴的劳动妇女善良,极力关心帮助他人的美德.她严守妇道,尊重夫权.在男人们讨论全家迁徙时,她站在后面当听众;在全家人自顾不暇的情况下她让J
Grapes of wrath in the ma Jode reflects a simplicity of working women,a good,strong interest in the virtues of helping others.Women observe her,respect for the right husband.The men discussed in the family movement,she stood back when the audience; in vulnerable family situations so that she JIM,CASY got the car broken trucks,with their peers; in the West to go on the road,her WELSON have encountered difficulties in extending a helping hand,give them money and meat; in California,her family has enough to eat their own circumstances,is still the food left to the others; the last people out of work in the family neither money nor the plight of food,or the great mother with her daughter's life was in danger of a milk save strangers.At first only a little concerned about their home housewives becoming a concern to the entire working class of the all the great mother.BIBLE believe her belief,but also on the TOM said:poems to read,you will always benefit from."She said of the poem refers to the hymn of the BIBLE.She borrowed from the poetry of this sentence:" He It is our God,we are the sheep of his pasture,he and his people."In her view,they are transplanted from Ohio to California voters to God.GRAPE OF WRATH in MA JODE is portrayed as the great image of HOLY MOTHER