
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 14:45:44


Summary of the assessment report
Important reminder of the text content of this assessment report.In order to undersatnd the details of these assessed items and the reasonable understanding of the assessment conclusion,the text of the assessment report should be carefully read.
The XXX Asset Assessment Limited Company of Shenzhen has accepted the entrustment from
XXX Company Limited to assess the market value of part of its fixed assets on the base date of
the assessment according to the relevant laws and regulations,assets appraisal standards,
and in accordnace with the independent,objective and fair principles,as well as following all other necessary assessment process procedures.
Types of value:
Market value:market value refers to the amount of the estimated value of the
assessed object on the base date under the situation of a normal fair transaction between a willing buyer(s) and a
willing seller(s) in a rational manner and not by any force.
In terms of relative to the overall market,
this market value is a reasonable or fair value under the assumption of effective use of the assets and it meets all the
requirement of the open market.
This assessment report of
the economic activities described in
the report is only provided as a value reference,the valid period for the use of this assessment conclusion is one year from the base date of the assessment of 31st October 2012.
The users of this report should fully take into consideration of the hypothesis,limit conditions and special notes had clearly stated in the assessment report and their
impact on the report conclusion.
The entrusted assessment objects and assessment scope were in line with the involved economic activities of the assessed objects and assessment scope .
4.Base date of the assessment
The base date of this assets assessment was 31st October 2012,it was determined by the entrusting party in accordance with the need of economic activities.The reason for the determination was because of the base date of the assessment was closer to the implementation date of the assessment objective plan.
The valuing price of this assessment was based on the effective standard price on the base date of the assessment as the standard.
The base date of the assessment is an important condition for establishing of the assessmet conclusion,if the base date of the assessment is different then the assessment value will aslo be different.
5.Types of value and their definitions
The types of value in the assets assessment were including the market value and other types of value.According to the objective of this assessment,
the types of value determined were of the market value.
The market value refers to the amount of the estimated value of the assessed object on the
base date of a normal fair transaction between a willing buyer(s) and a willing seller(s) in a rational manner and not by any force.


Assessment report Abstract important the abstract elements are extracted from the evaluation report text, to understand the project details and reasonably understand the conclusion of evaluation, shou...


Assessment report Abstract important the abstract elements are extracted from the evaluation report text, to understand the project details and reasonably understand the conclusion of evaluation, should carefully read the assessment report text. Shenzhen assessment of the assets of the limited company to accept a limited company to entrust, according to the relevant laws, regulations and standards of assets evaluation, follow the independent, objective and fair principles, in accordance with the necessary assessment procedure, assessment of principal part of fixed assets in the evaluation base periodday market value are evaluated. The assessment report summary is as follows: value types: market value. Market value refers to a willing buyer and seller in the respective act rationally and without any coercion, evaluation object in the assessment of baseline normal even bargain value to estimate the amount of. The market value is to satisfy the public markets and asset effective use of hypothesis premise, relative to the overall market reasonable or fair value. The assessment report only the evaluation report of the description of the economic behavior to provide reference of value, evaluation results using valid self evaluate fiducial day October 31, 2012 is valid for one year. Evaluation reports shall take into full consideration the assessment report stated assumptions, constraints, special items and its influence on the evaluation conclusion. The assessment commissioned by the object and scope of evaluation and economic behavior involves the evaluation objects and to assess the extent of agreement. Four, assess baseline Japan project asset valuation reference date for October 31, 2012, according to the Department by the Commission of the economic behavior to determine. Determine the reason was assessed at baseline and evaluation plan to realize the close. The assessment to evaluate fiducial day effective price standards for the admission price standard. Evaluate fiducial day is one of the important conditions to evaluate the conclusion, if evaluate fiducial day change, the evaluation conclusion will change. Five, value types and definitions of types of value including the market value and market value than the value type. According to the purpose of the assessment, to determine the evaluation object value for the type of market value. Market value refers to a willing buyer and seller in the respective act rationally and without any coercion, evaluation object in the assessment of baseline normal even bargain value to estimate the amount of.


Executive Summary
Important note this summary is an excerpt from assessing the body of the report, For more details of the assessment project and a reasonable understanding of the conclusions of...


Executive Summary
Important note this summary is an excerpt from assessing the body of the report, For more details of the assessment project and a reasonable understanding of the conclusions of the assessment, the assessment should carefully read the body of the report.

The Shenzhen Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd. accept a Limited commissioned, according to the relevant laws, regulations, and asset valuation standards, follow independent, objective and impartial manner, in accordance with the necessary assessment procedures, commissioned to assess part of the fixed assets at the valuation date The market value assessment. Now the evaluation report are summarized as follows:

Type of value: the market value. The market value is the estimated amount of willing buyer and willing seller, each acting rationally and without compulsion, assessment objects normal arm's length transaction at the valuation date value. The market value is to meet the open market and the effective use of the assumption that, relative to the overall market in terms of reasonable or fair value of the asset.

The assessment report is only the economic behavior described in the evaluation report to provide the value of the reference for the conclusions of the assessment with a valid period of self-assessment of the base date of October 31, 2012, valid for one year.
Assessment report users should take full account of the assumptions set out in the assessment report, qualification, special items and its impact on the conclusions of the assessment.

Commissioned to assess the object and scope of the assessment and economic behavior assessment object and scope of the assessment is consistent.

Fourth, valuation date
The project assets valuation date of October 31, 2012, by the commission is determined according to the needs of the economic behavior. Determine the grounds that the valuation date and purpose of the evaluation plan and realize relatively close. The assessment of effective valuation date price standard price, standard.
The valuation date is one of the important conditions established by the conclusions of the assessment, the conclusions of the assessment will change, if the valuation date changed.

, Value types and their definitions
The assets of the assessed value of type other than the market value and the market value of the value type. According to the purpose of the assessment to determine the market value to assess the value of the object type.
The market value is the estimated amount of willing buyer and willing seller, each acting rationally and without compulsion, assessment objects normal arm's length transaction at the valuation date value.



Evaluation Report Summary

Important: This summary is an excerpt from the text of the evaluation report; in order to
understand the detailed situation of the evaluated items and have a r...


Evaluation Report Summary

Important: This summary is an excerpt from the text of the evaluation report; in order to
understand the detailed situation of the evaluated items and have a rational understanding of
the evaluation conclusion, the text of the full report should be carefully read.

Shenzhen XX Asset Evaluation Limited Company has accepted the entrustment from XXX
Company Limited to evaluate the market value of part of its fixed assets on the base date of
evaluation in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, asset appraisal standards,
and the independent, objective and fair principles, as well as the necessary evaluation
Types of value: Market value. Market value refers to the amount of the estimated value of the
evaluated object on the base date of a normal fair transaction between a willing buyer and a
willing seller in a rational manner and without any duress. With respect to the overall market,
this market value is reasonable and fair with the prerequisite of assuming it meets the
requirement of the open market and effective use of the asset.
This evaluation report only provides a value reference in the economic activities described in
the report, the valid period for the use of this evaluation conclusion is one year from the base
date of evaluation, 31st October 2012. The report users should fully take into consideration the hypothesis, specified conditions and special notes clearly stated in the evaluation report and
their impacts on the report conclusion.
The entrusted evaluation objects and scope correspond to the evaluated objects and scope
involved in the economic activities.
4. Base Date of Evaluation
The base date of this asset evaluation is 31st October 2012, it is determined by the entrusting
party in accordance with the requirement of the economic activities. The reason for deciding on this date is because it is closer to the implementation date of the evaluation objective plan.
The pricing criterion is based on the effective price standard on the base date. The base date ofevaluation is an important condition for establishing the evaluation conclusion; the conclusion
will change if the base date varies.

5. Types of Value and Definitions
The types of value in asset evaluation include market value and other types of value. Accordingto the objective of this evaluation, the type of value determined for the evaluated assets is the
market value.
The market value refers to the amount of the estimated value of the evaluated object on the
base date of a normal fair transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller in a rational
manner and without any duress.


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